All Chapters of SWEET MISTAKES: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
201 Chapters
Is Sheila Jealous?
Never Let You Go - Justin Bieber🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯After school, we immediately went shopping. Making friends with Sheilla, we will not feel bored  because there is just a discussion. I forgot my problem a little."Do you know what our purpose in our life is?" Sheilla and I are in the car. So, Sheilla had an intention. She borrowed Ryan's car and let him go home alone, I don't know what to do, and we both left."Die?" I answered carelessly."Smart. So, in my opinion, this life should not be taken seriously and stressed. There are problems to face and be grateful for because this is our experience and our ticket to the hereafter. There is the happiness we are grateful for, and we must be vigilant. Do not be happy, luxurious, and the world makes us happy. We are Lulled into the sparkle of the world. And forget our real purpose in life. Everything in this world is only temporary, a long journey, and this world is only a resting place from a l
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Mistakes After Mistakes
In My Bloods - Shawn Mendes🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯My body can be in the crowd, and my soul feels lonely. I miss Gerald. This distance and longing were excruciating. Gerald, is it really up to here the relationship that we have had in the past year?So many want to be in your position. Many want us to separate. If we don't keep this relationship, who can we save? Everyone hopes we part.Don't you realize Gerald? Once we have a problem, everyone dances over our suffering.Come back, baby, suppress that ego. I am willing to obey whatever you say, and I am eager to be in any part of the world as long as it is with you. I can't live without you.Don't you know, I regret thousands and even thousands of times for being stubborn, selfish, and not obeying your orders. I'm sorry I didn't come with you if I did not follow this storyline. I miss Gerald, miss all the moments with him. I was missing when he teases me with all those perverted words, longi
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Baby Daddy
Boyfriend - Justin Bieber🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯I've been acting happy when I was at home. I don't want to see my mother angry again. I sing a little as if I'm so glad. Even if the song means that it hurts my heart. I understand, lyrics by lyrics that come out of my mouth and describe my life now.I have lost it. I can't have it. Gerald doesn't want me anymore.My heart is dried. My heart is wounded. Unfortunately, it doesn't bleed. If it could bleed, I guess it could flood the blood around me because the wound was so painful and wide open. I'm sick, and I'm hurt.So the memories that have been passed all this time are in vain. And can only worsen my situation and make it difficult for me to move on.I'm still checking my cellphone screen. I admire the wallpaper I put on, especially the man in this photo. I kissed the screen many times. I just dreamed of kissing the
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Devil Circle
Driver License - Olivia Rodrigo🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯During my pregnancy, last night was the soundest and most comfortable sleep I had. I could feel Gerald's soul sleeping with me last night. Ah, my husband is getting more and more handsome. I am so in love with him.Imagine when he put on an annoying face and didn't feel guilty when he hurt my feelings or said it was offensive. And all things he considered normal. You perverted human isn't romantic!At times, I wanted him to be romantic to me, but he looked at me with his sharp eyes. Those eyes always succeeded in making me drown. After that, Gerald would rub his sensitive nose with mine and smile sweetly at me, a cute smile that I haven't had time to look at with satisfaction he has kissed me savagely. Gerald ... Rara missed. Hopefully, we will meet soon.When Gerald shook his head and said 'short,' I missed the call. As he supports my small body underneath and nibbles my nose lightly, it's as i
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Gerald's Toxicity
Ruin My Life - Zara Larrson🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯Gerald Handsome: After I think about it, I want to end it all. Because I look at you, you are not a loyal woman. The proof, you are willing to have an affair with your first fiancé. This means that you are not a good woman. And now, to me too. Surely the circle will be the same again. You will still betray me. Child problem, I will take full responsibility.I read the cursed message with disappointment. My heart is devastated, but I'm no longer a weak woman. I will always smile at every problem I will face. And the great thing is that there is not a single drop of my tears. New records were broken.I had dreamed what kind of household I would live in, and everything didn't go according to plan. Dreaming of being a loyal and perfect wife to your partner, but that partner no longer wants me. Oh my God, my Gerald, I will nev
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Nobody Wants Me
Don't Blame Me - Taylor Swift🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯My relationship with everyone is tenuous. Sheila, my friend the only one I wish, so I could share, a place of complaining angrily at me. I don't know what to do. Being ignorant is wrong; being bandy is also wrong.But to cry, please, I'm not strong enough to cry. All my life spent only crying. I do not want. I'm at the most potent point in my life, but I don't want to keep crying. There were too many things to do but cry.I must be strong. I was determined to apologize to Sheila. Because she's my only friend and understands me the most. I plan to tell Sheila about my household problems, not want to open disgrace, ask Sheila's point of view. Sheila thinks more mature and can provide the right solution, how I live my life in the futureβ€”being a single mom and without a husband.I purposely came early in the morning. To apologize to Sheila.I'm still sitting at my desk, waiting for Sheila while
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My Life Is Shit!
I Don't Wanna Live Forever - Zayn & Taylor Swift🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯The dead's chair.I sat in front of Mrs Nunung nervous, scared, weak, my head hurt, my ears ringing. My life stopped completely and stopped spinning. My head is dizzy with all this, and it feels throbbing.My tears fell again without permission. I just looked down and cried at my foolishness.I can't bear to see all those stares. I felt that all the inanimate objects in the room were mocking me. I'm getting looked down on. My God, is this my way of life? Am I always humiliated?I just shook my head and took a deep breath. And must be strong in facing this all.But I want to scream, and this is not fair! It's not appropriate for God's sake, and I don't deserve to be in the prison seat and face a judge who I don't think can do justice. Oh my God ... life shit, continues to haunt my life. I'm tired of all this.Still with melting tears. I looked at the judge
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Are You Sure?
You Need To Calm Down - Taylor Swift🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯"How could it be with that reason, immediately expelled? You are no longer a schoolgirl, and you are an adult!" Yes, I fell into a trap I made myself. My mother is very observant and sensitive to problems like this. No, my mother knows very well about all my misdeeds.I feel so nervous. "Y-yes because no one knows Rara is married." I dare to raise my face, stare at my mother. Mother's face appeared, really angry."Why didn't you tell them? Shame on you marriage? Aren't you the one who desperately wanted to get married! Now you're ashamed to admit?" Shit! I was scolded. I turned my face again, did not dare to look at my mother. I know my mother is so tired of seeing my behavior, which is endless."Rara is not ashamed mom. But Rara is not ready to be known by the public. Because Rara is not like a wedding in general." Forced, I have to admit this. Yes, no one should know about this marr
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Not Anymore!
Mirrors - Justin Timberlake🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯The life that I should be grateful for now got free food.After school, Sheila delivers various variants of free drinks: hand-made green tea, plus chocolate, and there is also aloe vera juice. She said it's good for the baby's skin later. I accepted all of that happily. The essential pleasures are indeed provided for free every day like this.Because it's only at home, my appetite increases, and now my job is just eating and sleeping. This time I spoiled my baby.Amazingly, I don't have any weird cravings, and I don't have desires. Maybe because there were too many problems, making my focus no longer on wishes or something else. But I do regularly drink milk, vitamins, and nutritious food for my baby.Whatever the food, the drink is still important healthy, and good for my baby's growth. I will eat. Happily, I no longer think only of my ego.Even though I was horrified by the si
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One Last Time - Ariana Grande🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯Sheila's wedding! It's a long-awaited day. Since, lately, my friendship with Sheila has become more intimate, I've been preparing a dress all day long. I'm so excited to sip Sheila's Wedding. Finally, my friend is official too. I'm so happy because my friend is happy. Because she's the one who's always supported me and understands my condition. Sheila still took the time to deliver all the drinks for me, and I became addicted to all those drinks. Moreover, plus for free, I don't even remember who Gerald was. Today I want to look as beautiful as possible. Who knows how to beat the bride. Not to win, but I want to shine the most among all the guests. Who knows, a prince is asking me out on a date.  Ignore the latter. For lack of caress, I've been acting disgusting lately. From afar, I've prepared a unique dress to come to my friend's wedding. Because I don'
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