All Chapters of Revenge of the Hideous Lady: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
2513 Chapters
Chapter 131
“What apology?” May Conner acted as if she were oblivious to what happened.“You hit her,” Stanley Batton said coldly.“Don’t make things up. I didn’t even touch her!” May immediately retorted as she subconsciously took a few steps back.Emily Quest hurriedly ran through the crowd and tugged at May’s hand.“Mom… Let’s go,” Emily said.“Do you think you can leave just like that after hitting someone?” Stanley asked coldly. Everyone around felt chills down their spines just from hearing his voice.“My mother has already said that she did not hit anyone. If you insist on saying that she did, I will claim that Xyla hit herself and blamed it on my mother. You are her husband. Whatever you say can’t be used as proof,” Emily said unhappily.“Well, in that case, can the surveillance footage be proof?” Stanley turned to look coldly at the surveillance camera above his head.May, Emily, and everyone else around them shifted their gaze upward.May and Emily’s faces instantly turned pale.Meanwhil
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Chapter 132
At that moment, Xyla Quest felt that Stanley Batton was like her hero.Every word he said would make her feel better.In fact, she even felt as if he were an umbrella that protected her from the wind and rain.Xyla had met many people over the years during her travels. However, none of the men she had met made her feel safe in such a way.When May Conner and Emily Quest heard the word ‘prison’, they immediately felt goosebumps all over their bodies.Since they had just come out from that hellish place, they knew all too well how much suffering they would have to go through there.Even if they did not have to suffer as much, it would not be a good idea to go back to prison.If things got worse, Jeremy Quest would only hate them even more.Right then, Emily and May were in a difficult position. It seemed as though whatever they did would turn out badly for them.Meanwhile, they were beginning to feel the burning gaze from everyone around them.The anger they felt immediately subsided and
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Chapter 133
However, Stanley Batton did not reply to Xyla Quest. Instead, he walked over to a female waitress who was drooling over him.Meanwhile, Xyla did not ask any further as she sat down on the couch.Outside, the northern wind blew as snow filled the air and made the world appear somewhat colder than it was.Although it was only a door away, it seemed like a completely different world altogether.After glancing at the view of the snowy scenery outside, Xyla rested her chin on one hand and looked over at Stanley.She wondered what he was saying to the waitress. After a while, someone retrieved a bottle of mineral water from a nearby fridge. The person then handed it over to Stanley, along with a white towel.Stanley soon returned to Xyla with those items.Carefully, he wrapped the bottle of mineral water with the towel before pressing it gently against Xyla’s swollen face.In that instant, Xyla could feel the coolness against her face. The sting from the slap earlier began to fade away.Alth
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Chapter 134
The six men surrounded Xyla Quest and Stanley Batton. Each of them looked mean.“Let’s do this together! Kill this b*stard!” A large bald man shouted as he stared at Stanley angrily.Reflexively, Xyla took off her coat and tossed it at Stanley before she pushed him behind her protectively with one arm.“Stand still and don’t move. I can handle these people,” she said.Xyla moved quickly while maintaining vigilance. Compared to her gentle mannerism earlier, she seemed so much cooler now.Stanley felt as if something had touched him gently somewhere deep in his heart.In his life, this was the first time a woman protected him during a time of crisis.Silently, he placed the coat over her body.“Stand still and don’t move. I’ll protect you,” he said.As soon as he spoke, a large man swung his metal bat at Stanley’s head.Remaining perfectly calm, Stanley kicked the man multiple times and sent him flying. It all happened within a single breath.In that instant, Xyla felt as if she was watc
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Chapter 135
Although the other men were equally frightened by Stanley Batton and tried to escape by crawling away, none of them had the energy to do it.They were all trembling in fear.The sounds of the metal rattling against the ground and Stanley’s footsteps were like the sounds of hell calling out to them.In fact, these men were afraid that they might die right there and then when Stanley struck them with the metal bat.Once Stanley arrived before the bald man, he frowned and pressed the edge of the metal bat against the man’s forehead.“Speak. Who sent you here?” Stanley asked.“We… We…” The bald man continuously shook his head with a frightful expression on his face.“Speak,” Stanley commanded coldly. He sounded like a king determining whether his subject lived or died.As soon as Stanley said the word, he began to exert force on the metal bat.“If you don’t wish to die,” Stanley added.“My big brother sent me here. He told me that his friend doesn’t like you and wanted to teach you a lesso
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Chapter 136
Xyla Quest seemed very focused as she continued to examine Stanley Batton’s elbow professionally.Meanwhile, Stanley sat cooperatively, silently allowing her to examine him.The light shining against her face from the outside made her appear even gentler.Despite the large coat that hung over her shoulders, she did not look any less attractive.After repeatedly examining his elbow, Xyla looked up at Stanley.“I don’t think there’s any displacement or crack in your bones. However, just as a precautionary measure, we should get an X-ray for it at the hospital. Sometimes, it’s impossible to tell if there’s a crack in the bones from the outside,” Xyla said.“Okay,” Stanley said.“The cops will be here soon. We’ll go to the hospital after we explain to them what went on here,” Xyla said.“Alright,” Stanley answered.“Thank you for taking the hit for me,” Xyla said softly.When Xyla recalled how Stanley took the bat’s hit without hesitation, she felt a warm sensation spread in her heart.“Do
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Chapter 137
When the door was opened, a welcoming little home with a simple design came into view.There was not a speck of dust visible in Stanley Batton’s home. Everything was arranged according to size and height in an orderly manner.Xyla Quest could tell that he was a very organized person in life.Coupled with Stanley’s behavior during their meals, Xyla was sure that he had hints of an obsessive-compulsive disorder.In fact, he may even be a neat freak.Xyla put on a pair of slippers before lifting the edge of her dress slightly and looking around the living room.“Where’s your kitchen?” She asked.“Over there…” Stanley pointed at the kitchen as he spoke.Xyla immediately took out the Chinese medicinal herbs and brought them into the kitchen.“What do you need? Let me help you…” Stanley followed her into the kitchen.“Nothing at all. All I need is this pot,” Xyla said as she pointed at a white pot on the kitchen top.After that, she opened the packs of Chinese medicinal herbs before placing
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Chapter 138
“Shocking! The children’s cookies made by the Sullivan Food Group contains expired ingredients.”Xyla Quest smiled before she quickly turned the doorknob and walked downstairs as she opened the news article.“Today, Megan Courtney, a factory worker in one of the Sullivan Food Group’s bread and biscuit factories, filed a report against the Sullivan family. She claimed that the Sullivan family used expired ingredients to produce its ‘Finger Biscuit’, ‘Fruit Dodo’, and ‘Vege Dodo’ biscuits to cut down on the cost of production. The worker also provided many pictures she secretly took of the original ingredients in the Sullivan Food Group’s storage warehouse. In the pictures, a lot of the flour already had molds on them. On top of that, the vegetables and fruits were also visibly rotten. According to a detailed report, all three products are managed by Tom Sullivan, the heir of the Sullivan Group. They are also produced in the same factory. Not only did the whistleblower, Megan Courtney, l
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Chapter 139
“If I were Xyla Quest, I would have slapped May Conner in return. Xyla is too kind.”“I suggest Tom Sullivan, Emily Quest, and May Conner a group called the ‘F3 of Atlantis’ so that they can all go to hell together.”Xyla’s mood was getting better as she read through these comments.Meanwhile, it began snowing outside. The world seemed to be encapsulated in a romantic scene of white snow.At that moment, Xyla felt that the snowy view was spectacular. Everything was so beautiful about the evening scene that she almost found it hard to believe.Even the cold northern wind felt gentle against her skin.‘Be it the Sullivan family, or the Quest family, everyone’s life had been affected.’ Xyla thought.She could imagine how frantic everyone was feeling right then.However, it was far from enough.After tossing her phone aside, Xyla began driving hastily away from the neighborhood and in the direction of home.While Stanley stood in front of the brightly lit window, he observed Xyla leaving b
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Chapter 140
“I only managed to do a part of what you asked me to. The young madam got to some of them before I could,” Zack Cassidy said.“Oh?” Stanley Batton raised his brows a little before taking another puff of his cigarette.“About exposing May Conner for hitting Xyla Quest, the young madam did it before I could do as you instructed. Originally, Mr. Quest already had plans to get a divorce. Now that things had gone south, I am quite certain he would go ahead with the decision to get a divorce. Also, you asked me to get the police to punish Tom Sullivan for what happened. However, the young madam did it before I could,” Zack explained respectfully.Whenever Xyla was mentioned, Zack felt nothing but respect for that woman.Hearing this, Stanley smiled approvingly. He did not expect Xyla to avenge him secretly.“Apart from that, I have already informed the Sullivan family that we are going to withdraw all our investments from their business just as you instructed,” Zack added.“Alright…” Stanley
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