All Chapters of Revenge of the Hideous Lady: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
2513 Chapters
Chapter 151
Since Xyla Quest was fairly confident about her cooking skills, she did not taste the dishes after she cooked them.However, Five Batton did not say anything at the time. That must have meant the white powder was salt, right?Ding—Right then, the toaster rang. The toasts were done.Xyla immediately stopped thinking about what happened the night before while she proceeded to focus on making sandwiches for her father.Once the sandwiches were done, Xyla personally grounded some coffee beans and prepared some caramel for her father’s favorite caramel coffee. Finally, she brought all the food with her to the study.Knock, knock, knock.After knocking gently on the door several times, Xyla pushed the door open and walked in.At that moment, Jeremy was standing in front of a high-class rosewood desk while he paid full attention in writing two large calligraphic words on a long piece of white paper.“Serene heart.”A huge bookshelf, which did not have a hint of dust on it, extended across th
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Chapter 152
“Even if he were to be released from prison, I would never entrust him with any responsibilities again. What else is he capable of apart from causing a mess?!” Tony Sullivan shouted while he slammed his chopsticks on the dining table. His body was shivering with anger.Meanwhile, nobody else in the family had the courage to speak. They all had a gloomy expression on their faces.“Dad, please don’t be upset. I believe Brother Sullivan will change his ways after this incident,” Emily Quest said with trembling hands.At first, Emily thought she could keep this a secret from the rest of the family. However, it ended up being broadcasted in the media.Xyla Quest must have done this too. It must have been her!Right then, Emily was truly afraid. It really did seem like Tom Sullivan would lose his position as the family heir.If that were to happen, what would Emily do? It was a series of misfortunate events!Now, Emily’s parents were on the brink of getting divorced. If that happened, couple
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Chapter 153
“I saw from the hottest searches that you were attacked by Tom Sullivan’s hired goons. Looks like you made it out in one piece,” said Sharon. “So, you’ve finally shown some concern about that.” “Oh, my attention has been on my daughter-in-law, so I accidentally forgot. Sorry, Son.” “... Oh.” “Right, dear. I want to know if you managed to stun the crowd when you went to the wedding with Xyla last night. Did you show her enough respect? I figure that everyone must have been shocked when they saw what a gorgeous and compatible couple you two are,” exclaimed Sharon with great interest. She latched onto Stanley’s arm affectionately as she spoke, dying of curiosity. Stanley calmly raised an eyebrow in response. “Yeah.” “I knew it. After all, that outfit you were wearing when you left the house last night looked too good on you.” Stanley smiled. “Yeah. My wife has good taste.” “Did Xyla pick out that outfit for you?” “She bought it for me,” Stanley answered calmly. Sharo
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Chapter 154
Finally, she changed into a light blue chiffon floral dress and a pair of lotus pink boots. She threw on a lotus pink woolen coat to complete the look. With her already gentle temperament, the delicate and nude colors made her seem all the more soft and tender. After checking herself in the full-length mirror, Xyla grabbed her phone and drove to Unconscious Bar. At the crowded late-night bar, no matter what happened on the outside, music would always be playing as everyone indulged themselves. Lively rhythms resonated in the large hall. Every beat was impartial to its listeners. In this bizarre world, men and women dressed in the latest fashions to relax to their hearts’ content. They either gathered around to have drinks or went down onto the dance floor, swinging to the music. As Xyla had told Georgie to meet her there, she kept searching for her as she walked towards the counter. Her pure and angelic coordination attracted countless attention, and many lascivious men started c
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Chapter 155
Stanley shot them a glare before looking at Xyla and saying, “What a coincidence.” “Yeah,” she replied.“Old Fifth, aren’t you supposed to officially introduce Sister-in-law to us?” asked Sebastian. Xyla immediately blushed and explained out of reflex, “Don’t you guys misunderstand. I’m not his girlfriend. We’re just friends.”What had Five Batton told them about her? Why was he calling her Sister-in-law? Sebastian was still smiling. “Yeah, it’s true that you’re not his girlfriend, but you’re…” He turned to Stanley and gave him a mischievous smile. Stanley simply shot him an ice-cold glare. “Do you have a death wish?” Feeling a chill down his spine, Sebastian shut up at once, not daring to say another word. Henry gave Stanley a meaningful look before smiling at Xyla and greeting her, “Hi, I’m a good friend of Old Fifth’s, Henry Armstrong. No matter what relationship you have with Old Fifth, I’m still pleased to meet you.” Xyla took the initiative to shake hands with him
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Chapter 156
“Here with a friend?” asked Stanley. Xyla nodded. “Yeah.” “Is it the one who fought with you the last time? Or…?” “Yeah.” “Then, don’t stay out too late. Call me if anything happens,” he urged, showing no emotional disturbance in his eyes. Xyla nodded, wondering if this fake husband of hers was being too concerned for her. Why did she get a feeling that he was like her real husband? “Alright. Five Batton, you do know that we’re just pretending, right?” said Xyla as she searched his eyes. “Yeah,” he responded calmly. “That’s good then,” she replied.Saying nothing else, he moved his long legs to head outside. His back profile was more striking and dazzling compared to models. Suddenly remembering something, Xyla quickly jogged after him. The chilly north wind was blowing outside. Having abruptly come out from a warm place, the stark difference in temperature made her shudder before her body got used to the cold. Just then, a black Honda stopped at the entrance of th
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Chapter 157
“Then, why did you sigh?” he pressed. “I’m just a little worried. You do know what it’ll mean for me if word of our deal gets out, right?”Having said that, Xyla sighed again. Since it wasn’t him who had told on her, but Sebastian who had caught a glimpse of their WeChat messages, she couldn’t blame Five Batton. It was just a case of bad luck. “I’m sorry, it’s my fault.” Stanley looked earnest. “It’s okay. Just be careful next time,” said Xyla pleasantly. Stanley continued to reassure her, “Don’t worry, none of them would dare say a word.” “Okay,” replied Xyla, choosing to believe him. The two were only focused on talking to each other, completely unaware of the expression the three others had inside the Honda. Sebastian, Henry, and Gary all looked like they were questioning their life choices. Henry swallowed hard, turning to Sebastian like he had seen a ghost, then looking at Gary who was seated in the back. He spoke quietly, “Is that person outside really the Old Fift
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Chapter 158
Henry started singing helplessly, “Fault, fault, fault, it’s all my fault~~~” Sebastian started the car, disdain clear on his face as he drove while complaining, “I say, Old Fifth, I wonder what’s worrying you that you had to buy such a cheap car. The feel of these wheels can’t even compare to those million-dollar cars of yours, okay?” Stanley continued to ignore him. Vrrt, vrrt, vrrt…Just then, Henry’s phone vibrated. Someone named ‘Cute Bunny’ had sent him a voice message on WeChat. Henry simply played it. “Wuu… Hubby, hubby, hug me… Hubby, why aren’t you in-game? Carry me!” Forgetting that his phone was on loudspeaker, Henry was dumbstruck the moment the message played. A typical sweet and babyish voice was lethal when being coquettish. He immediately let out an awkward cough. Everyone else looked nonchalant, like this was something normal. “Henry, are you dating online again?” asked Gary. “One of my friends has invested in a large-scale Three Kingdoms online game ca
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Chapter 159
From cordyceps and sea cucumbers, to bird’s nest and quality tea leaves, and even expensive red wine, everything was there. Dressed in a crisp white shirt, paired with a black, double-breasted long woolen coat with vertical lines, his coordination made his features look divine. With his lush black hair combed into a natural 3:7 hairstyle, he looked clean-cut. The maids immediately became fans of his face when they saw him. Having completely been entranced by Stanley’s looks, they couldn’t take their eyes off him. Each one started gabbling in hushed voices, praising Stanley’s good looks. “Ahhh! Our young master is really handsome. I can’t breathe.” “Miss has really good taste.” Xyla and Jeremy were drinking tea in the living room when they heard the commotion at the door. Both of them looked over at the same time. Stanley gave Xyla a faint glance before nodding respectfully at Jeremy. Then, he brought the gifts over to the older man. Putting the gifts gently down on the tabl
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Chapter 160
“I won’t be leaving anymore and I’ll open the hospital soon,” replied Stanley. Xyla’s heart squeezed when she heard that. She had informed Five Batton of every detail, all except this one. Now that he had told her father that he wouldn’t be leaving, and that he would soon start up a traditional hospital, that would mean that they would have to live together. To ingratiate themselves with her father, they would have to be in frequent contact. That wouldn’t be a problem, but the most important issue was the traditional hospital… She had said that her husband returned to the country to open his own traditional hospital. If they didn’t do it after being in the country for so long, her father would definitely suspect them! Five Batton was such a smart person, so why did he have to slip up at a time like this? Even if she forgot to tell him, he should have said that he would soon return to Country Y, so the hospital wouldn’t be happening anytime soon. That would have saved them a l
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