All Chapters of Revenge of the Hideous Lady: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
2513 Chapters
Chapter 171
“Or maybe, he’s just trying to use this method to tell me that he isn’t interested in me, and just wants me to wait obediently for the divorce.” Xyla shrugged and turned to look at the pine tree in the snow-covered yard. “Forget him, this is nice too. I just have to wait quietly for three years and then get a divorce.” “Actually, weren’t you already healed by then? Even if you choose to break the contract in advance, your master can’t do anything to you. So, why didn’t you?” asked Stanley, staring intently into her eyes, curiosity filling his gaze. “Humans are supposed to keep their promises, aren’t they? Master is my benefactor, I can’t be so heartless. To me, my master is like a second parent.”At the mention of her master, Xyla’s gaze became much softer and her voice more mellow. She voiced out her innermost thoughts without reserve, “In fact, when I first agreed to my master’s condition, I thought that maybe I could try living a proper life with him. After all, I’m indebted to
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Chapter 172
“Alright, I’m making lunch. Is there anything you’d like to eat?” Xyla asked. “I’m good with anything,” replied Stanley. “What about the food you hate?”They would be living together for one year, so she felt the need to be aware. “None.” With a nod, Xyla turned to enter the kitchen. Her father had instructed the maid to fill up their fridge yesterday, so it was well stocked. She took out the ingredients she would be using and washed them. Soon, a household norm of four dishes and one soup were prepared. The spread consisted of braised pork, green pepper scrambled eggs, hot pepper potato shreds, braised prawns, and squid tofu soup. She placed them carefully on the square dining table and filled up two bowls of rice. Against the green and white checkered tablecloth, the wonderfully prepared dishes looked extraordinarily enticing. The expensive tableware further enhanced this visual effect. The rising heat brought about warmth to this huge mansion. After placing down the b
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Chapter 173
After lunch, Xyla Quest drove Stanley Batton to Goldfield Plaza in her sports car. Soon, the couple managed to purchase the cleaning robots they needed. After their purchase, they moved the goods into the car. It was bright, sunny, and cloudless outside. Such a day without snowfall was one of the rare good days in winter. After closing the fully stuffed car boot, Xyla turned to him and said, “I’ll go to the supermarket to get some dish soap. You can wait for me in the car.” “I’ll go with you.” Moving his long slender legs, he simply strode to the supermarket’s entrance on the first floor and got into the elevator. Xyla said nothing but quickly followed after him. A good looking couple was exceptionally eye-catching. “If I had a boyfriend like that, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep because I’ll be staring at his face until I die.” “This guy looks like my idol, Josh Batton, but I think he’s even more handsome than Josh. My goodness, this girl is too fortunate!” “Th
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Chapter 174
After picking the oranges, Xyla led him to the commodities area to see if there was anything else they needed at home. “I seem to have forgotten to bring something over,” Stanley was looking calmly at the underwear area as he spoke. “Just buy whatever you’re missing here,” said Xyla. Stanley leaned down, folding his arms on the cart’s handle and stared straight at her, asking faintly, “Do you think these here will fit me?” Xyla looked confused. She had no idea what he was talking about. “Huh?” He kept quiet, pointing to the men’s underwear section. Following his finger’s direction, Xyla immediately noticed an entire section filled with men’s underwear not too far away. Her face and neck instantly flushed red. Why did that sentence sound so ambiguous? So shameless? Oddly, this was obviously a mischievous question, but she did not feel disgusted when he asked with a straight face. Memories she had buried with so much difficulty came surging back like a great flood. As
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Chapter 175
She handed him the items while he scanned them. Such tacit cooperation was very efficient. Whatever Xyla asked of him, he would cooperate compliantly. When Sebastian and a female internet celebrity pushed their cart to the payment area, they just happened to run into this scene. His eyes subconsciously widened. Sebastian deliberately closed his eyes, rubbing them for a bit before opening them wide again. His eyes were not playing tricks on him. That man was his best buddy, Old Fifth! And that woman was his sister-in-law, Xyla Quest! What was this? This person who despised entering supermarkets was actually here shopping! And from the looks of things, he seemed to be cooperating very well. He got more curious as to what magic Xyla had used on Stanley. Were they already this close? So close that Xyla would actually go shopping with him? “This is too f*cking surreal…” Sebastian could not help mumbling to himself. The internet celebrity asked, “Young Master Brenand, w
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Chapter 176
“Five Batton, don’t force me to take out cash from the ATM.” Xyla was adamant about returning the money. Giving no response, he continued to push the cart forward as if there was a barrier around him, shutting everyone out. Once at home, the two unpacked everything they bought, putting them in their rightful places. After that, they sat on the snow-white carpet, taking the cleaning robots out of their boxes and putting one on each floor. When everything was done, both returned to the living room and sat down on the sofa. Stanley took out his phone, opened up the Gentleman’s Club chat room, and read the chat records with an impassive look on his face. Once inside, he saw himself tagged in dozens of messages. More than ten of them were only tags without content. Frowning slightly, he kept his composure as he continued to scroll up. Only then did he finally realize what they were talking about and why they were so excited. Slender fingers swiftly typed in words. “… any
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Chapter 177
Carefully cleaning her wound with the cotton ball, Stanley kept blowing cold air at it. He was as tender as an antique duster. A surge of warmth spread inside her heart when she looked up to see his focused gaze. “How is it? Does it hurt?” he asked. “It doesn’t.” Xyla shook her head. “Don’t use your hands to pick those up next time.” “Okay.” After that, he tossed the cotton ball away and meticulously wrapped her wound with a band-aid. His actions were swift and gentle. “Done. Don’t get your wound wet for a period of time, okay?” He looked serious as ever. Xyla nodded, standing up. “I’ll go and clean up the glass shards.” “I’ll go.” He got up and walked into the washroom. Xyla sat back down on the sofa and surfed Weibo. Weibo’s hottest search ranking was just as interesting as before. Upon entering, the searches were all about scandals involving Emily Quest, Tom Sullivan, and the Sullivan Group. The news was just as intense as before. She couldn’t help wonder
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Chapter 178
“What?” Stanley Batton asked as he slowly shifted his gaze to Xyla Quest’s face.“Are you really planning on not accepting the money in WeChat?” Xyla was determined to return the money to Five Batton.“I don’t want it,” Stanley answered without hesitation.As soon as he finished speaking, Xyla reached out to his phone so that she could accept the money on his behalf.However, before she could even touch the phone, Stanley reflexively raised his phone high into the air.“Can you not behave like this?” Xyla asked in softly as she frowned helplessly.“No,” Stanley said before letting go of the phone.Immediately, the phone began falling. Stanley was able to catch it with his other hand. He then unlocked the phone with a single hand before he continued to read the news.It happened so quickly, almost as if Stanley did not even need to think about it.Xyla was amazed by how Stanley was able to move so agilely. It was the first time she had seen something like this.This man in fron
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Chapter 179
“…” Xyla Quest was at a loss for words suddenly.“I’ll pay attention next time. What are we having for dinner?” Stanley Batton changed the subject smoothly.“What do you want to eat? I’ll make it,” Xyla said. She seemed completely unaware of the wound on her hand.Stanley had never met a girl like her from a wealthy family who was nowhere close to being effeminate.“What do you want to eat?” Stanley asked.“I’m fine with anything. Just tell me what you want. I’ll make it,” Xyla repeated.“Stay here,” Stanley said before turning around and walking toward the kitchen with a smile.“What about your elbow?” Xyla asked.“It’s fine,” he said.“I’ll help you out,” Xyla said before getting up and running after him.However, as soon as she arrived by the door, the kitchen door was shut in her face.After that, Stanley locked the door from the other side.“Be careful with your elbow,” Xyla said softly once she heard the clicking sound of the lock.However, Stanley did not reply to her.By now, X
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Chapter 180
“You don’t have to apologize to me. I will never forgive you,” Jeremy Quest said mercilessly as he glared coldly at Emily Quest, who was kneeling in front of him.How long had it been since she came out of prison? Wasn’t it too late for her to think of apologizing to him now?Did she even remotely seem apologetic?“Dad, I’m already kneeling in front of you. Please forgive me,” Emily tried to force tears out of her eyes.After that, she made herself appear pitiful.“I was young and dumb. That’s why I did those things to my elder sister. I promise I will never do it again. Dad, please. I’m begging you. Forgive Mom and me. Mom really was innocent. I wanted to come home and apologize to you a long time ago. However, you know that a lot has happened to the Sullivan family. I really couldn’t find the time. Now, I’m already in a horrible state. If you don’t forgive me, I’ll feel even worse. Are you really willing to put me through that?” Emily stammered.Who could possibly be in a worse state
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