All Chapters of Revenge of the Hideous Lady: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
2513 Chapters
Chapter 191
The lights were all switched on in the house, making it seem almost as bright as day.Meanwhile, the house was warm enough due to the working heater. It felt almost like summer inside.After dusting the snow off her body, Xyla Quest quickly took off her large coat and hung it near the entrance. She then changed into her slippers and entered the living room.At that moment, Stanley Batton was sitting on the couch watching the news on the television. Coincidentally, the news being broadcast was related to how Dragon Group had successfully withdrawn its investments from the Sullivan Group.Dressed in a black, silk set of house clothes, he seemed very noble.Meanwhile, his fair skin seemingly glimmered under the bright lights.Xyla quickly walked over and sat next to him before opening a pack of chips.“Are you interested in this too?” She asked as she ate the chips.“Just browsing through,” he said.“I heard that Dragon Group withdrew their investments from the Sullivan family because the
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Chapter 192
By the time Xyla Quest and Stanley Batton made it to the hospital, Jeremy was sitting outside the emergency room with wounds all over his body.His hair was all messed up. Meanwhile, his face and his body were covered in blood. His left arm was also covered in a large white bandage.When Xyla and Stanley saw Jeremy, they quickly walked up to him.Since they had rushed to the hospital, and both were wearing thin-soled cotton slippers, their feet were freezing against the hospital’s marble ground.However, Xyla could not be bothered by that. Instead, she sat next to Jeremy and looked at him worriedly.“Dad, what happened to your arm? Is it broken? What about the rest of your body? Why is there so much blood all over you? Did you get hurt anywhere else?” Xyla asked.“The blood all over me doesn’t belong to me. It belongs to your aunt. When the assassin charged at me, your aunt selflessly stood in front of me. The knife went straight through your aunt’s chest,” Jeremy said as tears began s
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Chapter 193
Jeremy Quest immediately felt calmer.When Xyla Quest heard what the doctor said, she felt more certain about her suspicions.Although her hypothesis might seem ridiculous, she trusted her instincts.“Alright, thank you, doctor…” Jeremy let out a long sigh of relief.“Don’t worry about it. Miss Conner will have to remain in the emergency room for an hour to be observed. After that, she can return to the sickbay. During this period, you must make sure her wound stays dry. Also, pay attention to her diet. Make sure she doesn’t eat anything spicy or food that may upset her stomach,” the doctor said seriously.Jeremy nodded furiously. It felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders.Very soon, May was pushed out of the emergency room. Due to the anesthetics, she was still unconscious. Her face seemed terribly pale.Jeremy quickly walked over and helped the nurse push May Conner to the sickbay with a single hand.There was a pained look in his eyes.Xyla and Stanley Batton tu
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Chapter 194
When Stanley Batton asked the question, Xyla Quest immediately knew what he was trying to say.“What do you think?” She asked softly as she smiled.Indeed, Stanley was a smart person. It explained why he could work for his big brother as an important member of the gang.“I think the same as you do,” Stanley said calmly. He was twirling his fingers around through the smoke.“How do you know what I’m thinking?” Xyla asked.After that, Xyla turned the car around with a seemingly trained motion as she spun the steering wheel and placed one hand against the car’s window frame.The way she was driving made her seem both beautiful and cool.“That’s because you are very smart,” he said.“You are also very smart. After all, you work for your big brother in a gang,” Xyla said.“What are you going to do next?” Stanley asked after taking another puff from the cigarette. With the smoke wafting in front of his face, it was getting difficult to see clearly his facial expression.“Investigate,” Xyla a
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Chapter 195
“Alright, I’ll be there. What time will it start on that day?” Xyla Quest agreed heartily.Xyla did not want to make things difficult for her father during such times.“Twelve o’clock, the day after tomorrow. You must remember to come with Stanley, got it?” Jeremy Quest sounded a lot happier.“Alright,” Xyla answered cheerfully.***The welcoming party for Emily Quest and Tom Sullivan was unusually grand.Many of the Quest family’s friends and relatives showed up. By eleven o’clock, the parking spaces inside and outside the courtyard were already filled with cars.Meanwhile, people kept pouring into the courtyard.In total, the Quest family had prepared sixty tables for their guests. Dressed in a festive outfit, May Conner wrapped her hands around Jeremy’s arm affectionately. While the two of them walked from table to table, May kept a broad smile on her face.Prior to this, many people were waiting for her to make a fool of herself. How many of them were anticipating her divorce with
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Chapter 196
Emily Quest glared coldly at Xyla Quest and Stanley Batton before tugging at Tom Sullivan’s arm. She wanted to join Jeremy Quest and May Conner in greeting the other guests with a toast.However, Tom did not intend to leave. Silently, he stood and looked in Xyla and Stanley’s direction with mixed feelings.The couple with near-perfect looks were holding hands. Tom was pained by the sight of them standing together and attracting everyone’s attention around them.After not seeing Xyla for a long time, Tom found that she had become a lot prettier. Although Xyla barely had any make-up on, she seemed a lot more strikingly beautiful than Emily.Whenever Tom thought about how the woman he cared about might have hurt him, his eyes would turn cold. Now, he clenched his fists tightly.If Xyla threw tantrums, Tom might have been able to bear with her. However, if she hurt him at a deeper level, he would not bear with it.If Xyla really was the one who did those things to him, he swore he would ne
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Chapter 197
“Thank you, Aunty. Thank you, Sister,” Xyla Quest replied equally politely with a natural smile on her face.In social situations like this, it was necessary to appear cheerful even if Xyla was annoyed on the inside.“Sister and Brother-in-law, your seats are over there. Why don’t I lead you there?” Emily Quest asked as she pointed at a table in the center of the living room.Currently, there were two empty seats at the table. The guests seated at the table were mostly from May Conner’s side of the family. There were also relatives to Xyla’s mother.“That won’t be necessary,” Xyla answered calmly before pulling her hand away from May. After that, Xyla held Stanley’s hand as they both walked to the empty seats.After Xyla Quest and Stanley Batton sat down, relatives to Xyla’s mother began asking her and Stanley questions about their life together.Xyla and Stanley politely answered their questions throughout.Once Emily and Tom Sullivan had greeted their guests at each table, Tom quickl
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Chapter 198
“Do you want to pick another fight?” Xyla Quest snorted coldly.The longer Xyla looked at Emily Quest’s face, the more annoyed she felt.“Yes, I’m picking a fight. Hit me if you dare,” Emily said obnoxiously as she stared at Xyla with a mean expression.After that, Emily took a step closer to Xyla and poked her finger into Xyla’s shoulder.“Although I don’t have proof that you are behind everything bad that happened to Brother Sullivan and my mother, I know very well that it was you, Xyla Quest. There isn’t another heartless b*tch like you in this world. Clearly, you are a shameless creature. However, you pretend to be polite every day. Do you not get tired? Do you know what people like you are? You are a b*tch who appears innocent and charming but is actually calculating and manipulative. You are incapable of doing anything to my mother or me. As long as you are alive, Mom and I won’t be defeated, and we won’t let you have your way. Xyla Quest, all I did was steal your boyfriend away
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Chapter 199
“Wham—”Emily Quest’s face immediately turned red, where Xyla Quest had slapped her.“Xyla Quest… You… How dare you hit me…? Do you have a death wish?” Emily asked with her eyes wide open as she struggled to set herself free.Despite her efforts, Emily was not doing herself any favor at all. Left without a choice, Emily knocked her head against Xyla’s head forcefully.The instant their heads collided, Xyla felt a sharp pain in her head. Her vision turned dark suddenly as she subconsciously loosened her grip on Emily.Emily immediately used the opportunity to push Xyla away and ran a few steps down the stairs before lying down directly.“You are dead,” Emily said as she glared at Xyla.As soon as Emily finished speaking, she began screaming down the stairs.“Ahh! Ahh! Help me!!!” Emily screamed.After that, she began rolling down the stairs.Emily looked like a ball that had gone out of control as her body rolled down unusually quickly down the stairs.Her pitiful cry attracted everyone
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Chapter 200
When everyone heard what was said, they were horrified. Even Jeremy Quest’s face had turned dark.“Oh, god. Hasn’t Xyla Quest gone too far? How could she do that to Emily Quest’s child even if she has a problem with Emily?” Someone said.“That’s right. Adults should deal with problems on their own. Children are innocent,” another person added.“I can’t believe a gentle person like Xyla is actually so evil,” someone said.The surrounding audience began to discuss among themselves. To them, Xyla was an evil woman right then.Emily was in a poor state.Meanwhile, Emily continued to moan as she paid close attention to the voices around her. When she noticed that everyone’s facial expressions had changed, she felt incredibly satisfied.Emily knew that today was the day Xyla’s reputation would be ruined. It was all over for Xyla.Likewise, May thought the same thing. She could not wait to watch Xyla be kicked out of the house. In fact, she could not wait to see how Xyla would go down with a
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