All Chapters of Revenge of the Hideous Lady: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
2513 Chapters
Chapter 181
“Emily, I’ve got an idea,” May Conner said as a sly look appeared in her eyes. She looked around at the living room to check if anyone was near.“What is it?” Emily Quest moved her head a little closer to May.***Still full of anger, Jeremy Quest walked all the way to Xyla Quest’s house and stopped in front of the door.Since it felt suffocating to stay in his own house, Jeremy did not want to go back for now. Therefore, he thought of spending the night in his elder daughter’s home.Now, Xyla’s home was the only safe and warm place for him.Jeremy pressed the doorbell.“Ding-dong… Ding-dong…”Xyla and Stanley Batton were still eating in the dining room. When they heard the doorbell, Stanley was the first to stand up.“I’ll get the door,” he said.“Let me do it. You can continue eating,” Xyla stood up directly before walking over to the entrance area. She looked at the monitor to see who it was.When Xyla saw her father’s face, she was a little taken aback. She had not expec
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Chapter 182
“Of course not, Dad. You can stay with us for as long as you like,” Xyla replied with a smile. The two began walking inside as they spoke.When the warm air hit her, Xyla felt warmer.“Okay. I’ll stay here for the night,” Jeremy Quest said.When Stanley Batton heard their voices, he smiled thoughtfully.After putting down his chopsticks, Stanley immediately walked over to the entrance and stood politely in front of Jeremy.“Dad, you’re here,” he said.Stanley then retrieved a pair of slippers from the shoe rack before placing it in front of Jeremy’s feet.When Jeremy saw this, he felt a warm sensation spread in his heart. The thoughts that clouded his mind a moment ago instantly faded away.Although his son-in-law did not come from a wealthy family like Tom Sullivan’s, he was much better than Tom in many other aspects.Tom was nowhere near as thoughtful as Stanley was in how he treated Jeremy.When had Tom ever shown such gestures to Jeremy?When Xyla saw how Stanley behaved, she felt
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Chapter 183
With Xyla Quest and Stanley Batton working together, they were able to get the bed set up very quickly.Right then, Jeremy Quest entered the room.“You two are rather efficient. Not bad,” he said.“You are very efficient, too,” Xyla said and chuckled.“Alright. I won’t get in the way of what you two are doing together. Hurry up and go back to your room. I’m going to practice Tai Chi for a while on my own,” Jeremy said after he laughed.“Okay… We are going back to our room then. Goodnight, Dad,” Xyla said.When Stanley heard this, he naturally reached for Xyla’s hand and left the room with her.“Goodnight,” Jeremy said as he walked them out and watched as they left.Xyla led Stanley into her room.Her room was grandly decorated. The wallpapers were of different shades of pink. It was a luxurious design meant for teenage girls.As soon as they entered the room, Xyla felt embarrassed.Her bras were scattered all over her bed. She must have left them there when she cleaned her room up befo
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Chapter 184
Xyla Quest kept her body still and tried not to move. Any slight movement might result in her body touching Stanley Batton.The light scent of cigarettes mixed with mint smelled unbelievably good.“Take it,” Xyla said before quickly shoving the phone into Stanley’s hand. She did not dare to look him in the eye at all.The crystal lights that glowed brightly above Xyla’s head made her demure expression seem even more striking.Without realizing it, Xyla had accidentally moved in such a way that a strand of hair on her forehead lightly scraped against Stanley’s distinctive lips. It felt as if the tingling sensation was traveling to his heart.Slowly, Xyla pressed her body tightly against the wall as she slid downward and eventually escaped from an open gap below his arm.With a single hand, Stanley unlocked his phone. When he saw that the money had been accepted, he raised his brows slightly to look at Xyla’s slightly pinkish face.“You really won’t stop until you get what you want,” he
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Chapter 185
The people responsible for the assessment were upper management staff with Georgie Clementine taking the lead.In the video, Georgie sat in the first seat while several other upper management staff sat around her in a long desk. One by one, the trainees walked up to them and began performing without any equipment.Every trainee was physically attractive in the video. Apart from that, they were also competent in what they specialized in. Some of them gave outstanding performances.Halfway through the video, a handsome young man caught her attention.He was wearing a loose black sweater, black pants, a cap over his head, and ear-microphones as he slowly walked up to the upper management staff.Xyla remembered this guy. His name was Jay Corben. Xyla and Georgie had discovered him at a bar.Perhaps due to the training he had received from the company, the guy seemed a lot more in shape. He also seemed to stand out from the others.There was a unique aura about him that none of the other tr
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Chapter 186
Xyla Quest let out a long, helpless sigh. However, she did not suspect anything. Although she tried to resist falling asleep, she closed her eyes after some time without realizing it.After falling asleep, she subconsciously turned to one side. Coincidentally, it was the side that faced Stanley Batton.Stanley put his phone down and slowly looked over at her.The way she slept made her appear almost like a little pussy cat, soft and furry. Just looking at her made him feel happy on the inside.***The next morning, when Xyla opened her eyes, she saw Stanley sleeping on the couch next to her.She immediately felt her heart tighten.Xyla could not believe that she had actually fallen asleep with another man in her room.Meanwhile, this man had slept in her room and spent the entire night next to her.When Xyla thought of this, she immediately lifted the duvet to check her body.After making sure she still had her clothes on, she let out a long sigh of relief.Right then, Stanley slowly o
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Chapter 187
“…Yes,” Stanley Batton answered.“Are you moving in together? Is it because your relationship has developed to this state, or is it all an act for her family?” Henry Armstrong asked.“The latter,” Stanley said.“Tsk… My excitement was all a waste,” Sebastian Brenand said straightforwardly.“Did you develop feelings for our sister-in-law on that night? Have you really fallen for her? Henry asked.“You like to gossip,” Stanley looked blankly at Sebastian before standing up and walking away.“No… Why is this person walking away before answering the question properly?” Henry looked helpless.“Isn’t this normal?” Gary Lakes chuckled.“Do you guys think he has fallen in love?” Henry asked before nonchalantly spinning a beer bottle on the table.After a second, the beer bottle began spinning quickly on the spot.“I don’t know if he loves her or not, but I’m sure he has some positive feelings for her. If that were not the case, why would a man like him, who has never allowed himself anywhere n
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Chapter 188
Among the girls, the one dressed in a body-hugging black dress right across Sebastian Brenand immediately caught his eye.With a sexy body and beautiful face, the girl seemed like a combination of an angel and a succubus.Most importantly, she did not have the typical looks of an online celebrity. After seeing faces of online celebrities nearly every day, Sebastian was getting a little tired of them.“I’ll have this one… What’s your name?” Sebastian asked as he looked at the girl dressed in black.“I… I am Rachel Wood,” the girl answered softly. She seemed polite yet wary. Having had a lot of experience with girls, Sebastian could immediately tell that she was being genuinely wary.“You’re the one. Come with me,” Sebastian said before directly getting up and walking away with his arms around her.Rachel stayed obediently by his side and did not say a word.The manager had told her that she could not afford making any of the male guests in this room angry. Therefore, she had to be very
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Chapter 189
Soon after, Georgie Clementine walked in. She was wearing a set of slim women’s suit with a white shirt on the inside. It was the standard outfit of professional beauty.With her new ‘Xin Zhilei hairstyle’, Georgie seemed even more capable and professional.“When did you change your hairstyle?” Xyla Quest asked.“Last night,” Georgie said with a chuckle.After that, Georgie placed a red folder in front of Xyla.“This is the results for the trainee assessments. I just tabulated them. Some of them have been becoming worse for four consecutive months. I am planning to eliminate them. Have a look…” Georgie said.“Got it. Speaking of which, Georgie, tell your subordinates to pay extra attention to Jay Corben. Hmm, not only can this kid sing and dance well, he even knows how to write songs. He also had good looks and a uniquely straightforward personality. I believe he will become someone capable in the future. During the winter break, speak to our partner, Goose Factory, and arrange f
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Chapter 190
“I heard that Dragon Group withdrew their investments from the Sullivan family’s business because Tom Sullivan made the wife of Dragon Group’s heir upset,” Georgie Clementine said.“Huh? Dragon Group’s heir?” Xyla Quest had a look of disbelief on her face.What kind of woman could influence Dragon Group’s heir to make such a huge decision?How much did the heir love her to treat her in this way?“Yeah… He is the current CEO of Dragon Group based in the Atlantis headquarters,” Georgie explained.“The CEO of Dragon Group based in the Atlantis headquarters is the family’s heir?” Xyla asked in surprise. This was the first time she had heard about it.Dragon Group’s new CEO had been an excellent leader ever since he took over. Until now, Dragon Group’s stock price was still increasing steadily.According to what Xyla knew, he was a very capable person.There was a saying that, since time immemorial, heroes fell only at the feet of pretty women. Even Dragon Group’s CEO had such weakn
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