All Chapters of Revenge of the Hideous Lady: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
2513 Chapters
Chapter 161
Xyla was utterly speechless. Mother? Was she worthy of that title? “You’re not worthy,” Jeremy snapped coldly. That one sentence was enough to put Xyla at ease. “Alright then. Stan, we met yesterday. I’m May Conner, Xyla’s stepmother. Welcome to our home,” said May, grinning.She was completely unfazed by Jeremy, unleashing her shamelessness to its full potential. It was impossible to tell that she had been at odds with them just yesterday. Stanley nodded out of courtesy. “Hello.” “If you don’t have any business here, hurry upstairs. Don’t stay here and be an eyesore,” said Jeremy. He sounded aggravated. “That won’t do! It’s Stan’s first time at our house, so I have to personally cook him a feast,” replied May, rolling up the sleeves of her white home clothes. Jeremy remained ice-cold. “Don’t. I’m scared of you spitting into the dishes.” “Honey, what are you saying? I couldn’t possibly do that. If you’re so worried, I’ll let the maids work with me. It’s fine if someone
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Chapter 162
“I bought that mansion a long time ago, together with this one. It’s been empty this whole time. The renovations and interior layout are very much like this one. What do you guys think?” asked Jeremy. For a moment, Xyla didn’t know how to answer. Because of one minor oversight, many things now had to change. Since Five Batton had said that he would reside in the country permanently, her father would definitely arrange for a house for them to live together. If she kept living at her maternal home like an unmarried young lady, it would be most inappropriate. “It’s okay, Dad. Don’t I have a duplex building under my name in the city center? My husband and I can stay there instead…” she said. She couldn’t possibly agree to stay next door. If she did, that would mean having to spend every single day with Five Batton. If they didn’t stay together, her father would definitely find out. Hence, it was better to say that they would live in the city center. That place was far from home, far
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Chapter 163
“Xyla, take Stan next door to take a look,” said Jeremy. “Okay…”This was perfect, as she had just wanted to pull Five Batton away on some pretext to talk to him anyway. Stanley leisurely stood up and tipped his head down politely. “Dad, I’ll be back soon.” Jeremy waved them off. “Go on, go on.” Xyla latched onto his arm affectionately as the two left the house. Out the door, Xyla led him to her Maserati. Once the car door was closed, Xyla pinched the bridge of her nose helplessly, her expression a little sullen. “Why did you tell my dad that you’ll be residing in the country permanently? See how everything has spiraled out of control once you said that.” Stanley looked indifferent. “I didn’t think too much.” Xyla put her hands up in defeat. “Forget it… It’s my fault too for not briefing you properly.” Unable to suppress her suspicions, she looked at him and asked, “Did you do it on purpose?” “On purpose? Would that benefit me in any way?” he asked in return, looking n
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Chapter 164
“On purpose?” Stanley took a draw of the cigarette, slowly puffed out smoke, then looked calmly at her. It really was troublesome when a woman was too smart. “Were you hoping for a chance to get a raise, so you didn’t reject my father on purpose?” asked Xyla. Stanley frowned slightly. “No.” What was that assumption? “Then, that means you just want to be with me, don’t you?” Xyla wasn’t giving up on pressing the earlier question. Stanley kept quiet. Stubbing out the cigarette with one hand, he tossed it into a nearby trash can. His movements were swift, precise, and utterly captivating. His gaze gently traveled across her face. “What do you think?” Staring at his calm expression, Xyla gradually removed the suspicions inside her heart. She must have been thinking too much. Judging from all their time spent together, right up until this very moment, Xyla felt that Five Batton was not a person who hungered for money. It was like he thought money was crap. They had not bee
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Chapter 165
Xyla hurried inside, with Stanley following close behind her. Upon entering, she changed into a pair of slippers before looking at him and asking, “Do you have a large luggage bag?” “Yeah, it’s in the bedroom,” he replied, pointing to the bedroom. “Can I go in?” “Yeah.” Xyla immediately entered his bedroom. Entering after her, Stanley opened the closet and pulled out a huge black luggage bag from the bottom, laying it open on the floor. There were hardly any clothes in his closet. They consisted of basic colours—black, white, grey, and dark blue. “Will you be taking all these with you?” asked Xyla. “You decide.” Hearing this, Xyla took out all the clothes from his closet and placed them on his bed. She started concentrating on folding them one by one, putting them into the luggage bag. When she was done, the bag was now almost filled to the brim. Xyla let out a long sigh of relief, pulling the luggage bag to the wall. “You can pack up your personal items on your own.”
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Chapter 166
“So, the dishes I made the other day were sweet?” exclaimed Xyla in disbelief. If that was true, that would mean that everything she cooked had been inedible. “Yeah,” replied Stanley softly. That sweet dinner had left a deep impression on him. “It wasn’t edible at all, was it? I’m sorry.” “It was delicious,” Stanley answered casually. “How could it be delicious? I used sugar instead of salt!”Although Xyla had never eaten dishes that only tasted sweet, she could imagine just how disgusting it tasted. “I like sweet things,” he said. Xyla felt warm inside. While Five Batton looked apathetic on the outside, he was quite a warm person on the inside. He knew how to comfort and care for others. “Alright, stop saying things you don’t mean. Be honest, you tossed away all the dishes that day, didn’t you?” “I didn’t,” he answered. Xyla was stunned. “Did… did you finish them?” she probed. “Yeah.” Xyla immediately gave him a big thumbs up. “Amazing.”Pointing his chiseled
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Chapter 167
The harsh comments were never-ending. United by a common enemy, netizens had now set the Sullivan Group, Tom Sullivan, and Emily Quest as their main targets. Shifting her eyes to an economics news official channel that she was following, Xyla read the news that the channel had just announced. ‘Due to an unnamed factory under the Sullivan Group using expired ingredients, and with Tom Sullivan and Emily Quest’s scandals added into the mix, Dragon Group plans to withdraw their investment in the Sullivan Group. The Sullivan Group’s share price is currently plummeting, and in the short span of three days, the Sullivan Group’s market worth has been reduced by three hundred billion dollars. According to our sources, the Sullivan family’s eldest young master, Julian Sullivan, will be returning to the scene to help the Sullivan Group avert this disaster. For now, the Sullivan Group is actively cooperating with relevant departments on related investigations.” This news revealed two imp
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Chapter 168
“Zack must have told you what needs to be said, right?” asked Wilson, sounding grave. “Yeah,” Stanley answered calmly, showing no emotional disturbance in his tone. “There’s something important that I forgot to ask Zack to pass on to you, so I’ll say it now. If there’s something you don’t understand while spending time with my daughter-in-law, remember to ask me. No one’s better at love than I am.”His tone was filled with confidence, like a certain dopey Mr. President. Stanley slowly huffed out a mouthful of smoke. “… Got it.” “You stupid brat. I always thought you were gay, and was even mentally prepared for you to bring Zack home and announce your relationship with him,” said Wilson. He was not shy to speak his mind. Stanley held his forehead in defeat. In his heart, he wondered how could such a straight man like him be gay?When Zack, who was standing beside Stanley, heard what Wilson said, his lips started twitching as he reconsidered his life choices. Exactly what was
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Chapter 169
“Yeah.” “Where to?” “My wife’s place,” said Stanley. “The young madam’s house? The Quest family’s old mansion?”Zack’s eyes were filled with doubt, hardly believing his ears. Why were they suddenly cohabiting? “We’re moving into the mansion beside the Quest Manor,” Stanley answered calmly as he stubbed out the cigarette in his hand. “Oh…” Zack nodded. “Right, Julian Sullivan came to the company today asking to see you, but I rejected him.” Toot, toot, toot. As he spoke, Zack’s phone rang again. Seeing that it was an unknown number, he answered it immediately. “Is this Assistant Cassidy? Hi, I’m Julian Sullivan from the Sullivan Food Group,” said the voice on the other end. “This is he. Only, why do you have my number?” asked Zack. His eyes were filled with curiosity as he put the call on loudspeaker. “I got it from someone. Assistant Cassidy, would it be convenient for us to meet up and talk?” “Uhh… it’s inconvenient.” “I’d really like to have a good chat with
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Chapter 170
Upon entering, Xyla led Stanley upstairs and pushed open the door of the first bedroom. It was just as extravagant as the first floor. French windows occupied an entire wall of the room. And there were many other glorious features, such as a large open balcony, a comfortable king-size bed, a large closet that occupied another wall, a high-end desktop, and more. The bedsheet and pillow covers were a dark blue color—this color coordination made the room feel grander and classier. “How is it? Do you like it? I picked out the bed covers for you last night. They’re all new. If you don’t like the colors, you can switch it out. There are many other sets in the closet. I moved the computer over from next door. It has the best specs configuration. If you like to play games, it’ll definitely give you a whole new gaming experience,” said Xyla. “Yeah, I like it,” said Stanley faintly. He could tell that she had put a lot of effort into decorating the room. “That’s good then. That’s the t
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