All Chapters of The Vampire King Reclaiming His Lost Princess : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
76 Chapters
Cursed Forest
Esmeray gazed at the crystal ring in her hand that had started to turn green which meant that she was close to the center of the Forest of Wonders and even closer to Maeve. Esmeray sighed tiredly as she gazed back at the Vampire who was throwing daggers at her with his forest green orbs. The man looked a second away from throttling her. Her lips curved in a sarcastic smile, many had tried before him yet they had failed. The Vampire was more than welcome to try. The thought had barely crossed her mind and the other thing she knew a portal opened beneath her feet and she got swallowed into it. Pain pierced through her spine as her back hit the ground with a thud, robbing her breath. Fuck! Breathing through her nose Esmeray tried to blink back the tears formed in her eyes. How much damage her mortal body can handle more before it started to break? This was officially the worst mission of her life. What had she done! Getting attracted to your prey was one thing but accidentally relea
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A Deceiving Illusion
Coming out of the portal and stepping back into the Forest of Wonders Esmeray fell on her knees as she panted for breath. From not using any spell from the past months to using her powers to this extent was starting to affect her. She could feel a dull ache in her head that was a promise of a soon upcoming migraine. She was not an immortal yet and her body was not as strong as it should be. Currently, she was using a cloak spell to conceal her scent. A Glamour spell to alter her looks. . . She had created two portals in the last couple of hours and traveled four times through portals which were as exhausting for a young witch as creating a portal. Saving Vladimir from the Lycan King's blow by using a protection spell was just the cherry on the top. Long story short she was exhausted and her body hurt everywhere. But the good thing was that her captive wasn't aware of her fragile state. Esmeray just had to act strong so the Vampire King won't get suspicious. She will have to fake
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Nightmare Queen
It was time for them to part. Holding the end of the mystical rope Esmeray stood up and tugged, implying Vladimir to follow her. And to her surprise, Vladimir stood up without a protest. With a heavy heart, Esmeray headed towards the clearing past the trees. The clearing was shaped in a perfect circle with trees surrounding it. The clearing was the center of the Forest of Wonders where the portal to the Sacred Land of Witches was located and this was the last place Esmeray wanted to be in. Memories of her past threatened to rise. . . This was the same ground she had laid on, cried her heart out on. This was the same place the twelve years old Esmeray had sobbed for help. This was the same place she had yelled to the Elders of the Sacred Land of Witches to tell her what her fault was. This was the same place the Elders had discarded the twelve years old girl after using her for their benefit. When Esmeray was thrown out of the Sacred Land of Witches she had spent three nights withou
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Choose Wisely
"Tell me Vampire how did you do it? How did you lure her into going with you?" Maeve gritted, barely keeping herself from losing her temper and lashing out at the cold bastard standing in front of her. If looks could kill Vladimir was sure he would have been six feet under the ground this very moment. But sadly it will take a lot more than hateful looks to take him down. "Tell you what. . .?" Vladimir arched a questioning brow, acting clueless. "The little girl you had abducted this time is my niece Vampire. This isn't a joke. I will skin you alive if I had to, to protect my niece." Maeve hissed. "Sounds like a perfect romantic date to me." Vladimir shrugged, completely unbothered by Maeve's threat. Maeve's fists clenched, she looked livid at Vladimir's remark. For a man who was currently at her mercy, the Vampire was oddly relaxed and the fact irked Maeve. Even with his hands bound he made her feel like he was in complete control of the situation. "Why are you doing this Vampire
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Beautifully Broken Predator
~I haven't forgotten nor have I forgiven.~ With heavy steps, Esmeray walked away from the Vampire King. Warmth left her heart with each step that took her away from Vladimir. She hadn’t even known him for a full day but the limited time she had spent with him, had made her feel alive and now while parting ways with him, Esmeray felt like she was fading away in the darkness again. Vladimir's presence had consumed her, she hadn't drifted away for even once in his presence. She didn't feel lost when she was with him. Esmeray hugged herself as she rubbed her hands over her arms while walking aimlessly in the forest, it was just now she noticed how cold this night was. Why hadn't she felt the cold when she had been with that silly Vampire? Why had she felt safe with him? Her job was done then why was she still here? What was stopping her from creating a portal and returning to her rusty mansion? "Have I done the right thing by leaving him at Maeve's mercy?" Esmeray whispered looking u
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Denying Instinct
~You have to have a good heart and good things will come your way.~ Everything happened so fast. . . One minute Vladimir saw Esmeray coming running towards him and the next minute they got swallowed by a portal, journeying through a black abyss for Moon knew how long. When they finally got out of the portal it was more like the portal spit them out as if they tasted bitter. Vladimir grunted as his back hit the rocky ground taking the impact of the fall. He was sprawled there on the ground with the crazy witch laying on top of him as her body shook violently while he tried to catch his breath. "What had just happened?" Vladimir whispered as he stared up at the Moon that was peeking out of the dark clouds that had gathered in the sky. His heart was racing at an alarming speed as he tried to wrap his mind around the situation. Vladimir didn't know how this night that had started with him attending a simple ball had led him to get knocked out by a witch before he got kidnapped, wakin
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Save My Woman
Soaked in the rain, when Vladimir traced inside his castle carrying Esmeray in his arms he heard several appalled gasps around him that he choose to ignore. To save time Vladimir had traced into the conference room because he knew his good for nothing subjects would be accumulated there to figure out how to save him or how to use this situation to throw him off his throne. These ignorant fools didn't know that there will be no Kingdom or throne without Vladimir. The throne had value because Vladimir sat on it. Not the other way around. "Isn't she the witch who abducted the King?" Someone said in a hushed whisper. Vladimir glanced at Esmeray as the excruciating pain made her tremble in his arms even in her unconscious state which oddly made Vladimir's heart panic. "My King, why are you carrying the witch and why is she reeking of blood? Is she dead?" The council leader stood up from his seat and inquired in an authoritative tone, trying to display the power he thought he had over
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Naive Preys
Sitting on the chair beside the sleeping witch Vladimir couldn’t help but think why he was keeping the witch in his chamber, his intimate space. Vladimir was a type of mean calculating backstabbing bastard who didn't keep people around if they didn't benefit him. Yet he couldn't find the heart to throw this witch out. From the conversation between Maeve and Esmeray, he had figured that the witch was banished from the Sacred Land of Witches which had made Vladimir think that the witch had no use to him. Until it had occurred to him that the witch had opened a door of new possibilities for him. Before Esmeray, Vladimir had reached a dead end. He had no lead on the Oracle or his bride. Vladimir had been standing in the middle of nowhere with a loaded gun in his hand but without a target to aim at. But now the witch had given him a target. He could feel it in his gut that he was so close to his bride. Closer than he had even been~ Esmeray was a witch who was banished from the Sacred
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Dragon Gold
"Leave and close my chamber doors on your way out.” Vladimir commanded dismissing Mercy as he saw Esmeray’s eyes twitching as she started to squirm in distress with a pained groan. 'Was she finally going to wake up?' The amount of relief he felt at the thought was appalling. Vladimir held his breath as his heart thudded in his chest while he waited for the witch to open her eyes. The intensity of his own emotions spooked him. Vladimir was too old for such feelings but he can’t do anything about the way this strange woman made him feel.Vladimir stared at her until her hazel eyes snapped open making his heart stop for a moment. Vladimir resisted the urge to rub his hand on his chest to ease the sudden ache in his heart. The Vampire King tried to compose himself while Esmeray was busy peering at her surroundings. Legs tangled with the sheets she seemed so disheveled. She looked so innocent, like a newborn who had woken up from a nap and had no idea where he was or what was he supp
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Resisting Charms
Esmeray woke from her peaceful dreamless slumber with a content smile on her face. For the first time in months, she did not feel any pain in her body or was not woken by any Lost Soul or a nightmare from the past. Esmeray felt fresh and healthy. But above that all she felt happy. The moment that thought crossed her mind her smile fell as all the events of yesterday started coming back to her, from her kidnapping to saving the Vampire King. From her interaction with the Lycan King to her lashing out at Maeve, all of it was hitting her like havoc. Shit! What had she done!! All she wanted at the second was to move to another dimension, change her name and start a new life. Esmeray moaned in distress. What had she done!! She had ended up saving the Vampire? Why had she done that. . .? With a groan when she tried to shift she felt a beefy arm wrapped around her waist. And a rough hand holding her wrist in its tight grip. Her heart sank for a moment before she recalled where she was a
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