Semua Bab The Vampire King Reclaiming His Lost Princess : Bab 41 - Bab 50
76 Bab
A Mother's Instinct
Esmeray~ The name had caused turmoil in Amber’s mind. Queen Amber recalled that when her eyes had fallen on the girl who looked like her son's xerox copy it felt like time stopped for a moment. But that was not what bothered Amber, the fact that made her anxious was that the more she had stared into those violet eyes the more she got this dejavu feeling as if she knew that girl. She seemed a familiar~ The girl who had looked at Amber as if waiting for something to happen, there was so much uncertainty and vulnerability in her gaze. After years Amber's wild heart had felt oddly calm as if it had found its lost piece. She hadn't felt that calm since Isak was born. But the peace and stillness the girl's presence bought were short. Walking nightmares were lined behind that strange girl. Nightmares who had dared to enter Amber’s Territory. . . Whatever pull Amber felt towards that girl was overpowered by her motherly instinct to protect her unborn baby, her clueless son and subject
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Poisoned Cupcakes And Imaginary Friends
What time was it? Was it already night? Or was it just dark in her room? Esmeray's mind was a fuzzy mess. She blinked rapidly to get rid of her blurred gaze. It felt like she was dying, everything in her body hurt especially her hands. And on top of that, she had the weirdest freakish dream. Esmeray dreamed of the Vampire King. Him in her domain, tending to her wounds, proposing to her, crying for her. What a crazy dream it was. . . How long was she going to pain for a meanie like him? Esmeray groaned. Even if she had left the bastard's Kingdom, the recollections of the time they had spent together won't leave her alone. "Fuck!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. When she turned around with a moan which almost made her sound like a dying whale Esmeray gasped, trying to rise above the tide of churning emotions in her head. The King of Vampires in all his royal glory was sitting on a wooden chair beside her worn-out bed, looking spooked by her sudden outburst. Her heart stu
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You Are My Moon
Vladimir's fingers drummed rhythmically on the wooden table while his knee bobbed up and down. Sitting beside his bride for the past fifteen minutes he was anxiously waiting for her to say something, anything to initiate a conversation since she had come down after getting dressed. After another five minutes, giving up on the wait Vladimir decided to break the ice. "Why were you crying last night?" He asked in a gentle whisper, trying not to spook her. "You mean to ask why I was having an episode?" Esmeray lips twitched. This was a first. The blunt Vampire was filtering his words to gentle the blow. "I'm a busy person and it is hard to find time to vent my frustration out so I do that sometimes. I let the sadness consume me. It's a healthy way to manage my emotions." Feeling his eyes on her she looked down at her bandaged hands, shrugging as if it wasn't a big deal. "Are you single?" The Vampire King blurted out of nowhere making Esmeray's eyes snap towards him. "What if I'm not?
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Honey-Eyed Mischievous Wizard
"What are you two doing here?" Esmeray inquired with a grin, standing from her chair. "We finished sooner than expected and came to surprise you. But you seem rather busy making bizarre plans as we witnessed a minute ago." Amell muttered broodingly while taking off his shades. He was dressed in a casual grey suit paired with a white undershirt and sneakers as usual twining with his elder brother Raziel. Ignoring Amell's remark Esmeray turned towards Vladimir who was still sitting at the table assessing them. "Vlad meet Amell and Raziel. They are my companions." "Companion? What happened to me being the love of your life? Your future husband?" Amell's eyes flickered towards the Vampire King momentarily. One corner of his mouth twitched upward in satisfaction as Amell saw that he was pulling the right strings. "Why are you so quick-witted when it comes to stuff like this?" Esmeray murmured softly with a sad shake of her head. "Why do you have to be so dim-witted? Why can't you just
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Keeper Of Secrets
The engine of the bikes roared as they cut through the roads of the small town, catching everyone's attention. Esmeray's laughter couldn't be heard over the defeating engine, she clutched at Raziel's shoulders from behind for her dear life as they raced with Amell towards their destination. Everything around them passed in a blur. The speed made her ears ring. The feeling was similar to countless butterflies fluttering inside her stomach. This was what they lived for. This dopamine rush, the thrill of being alive. The fleeting joy of the moment made them forget the worries of the future and the sorrows of the past. Esmeray didn't know for how long they had been riding until with a drift, their bike came to a stop in front of their regular place. Amell was already standing there with his helmet in his hand and a smug look on his face. "Suck it losers!" He fist-pumped the air as they walked inside the restaurant. 'They are back in the town.' 'Look at those toxic hunks.' 'They pr
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A Witch's Downfall
'Their Hearts Were Their Downfall' The bell hanging above the entrance of the restaurant chimed indicating the arrival of a new customer. There was a sudden shift in the air, pin drop silence fell over the restaurant as if an unknown threat had entered the room. Even Raziel and Amell's postures stiffened. "Now who that might be!" Amell muttered under his breath making a disgusted face. Except for Raziel both Esmeray and Amell looked back to see who had propelled the nosy humans into silence only to find the Vampire King standing at the entrance in all his royal glory dressed in a classic well-tailored black three-piece suit that might have cost a fortune. As the King strode across the carpeted floor every inch of him was humming with power, like a feral beast ready to pounce on his prey. The human around him had shrunk back in their chairs. Even if they don't know what he was their instinct still recognised him as a threat. Even Amell couldn't deny the fact that the man carried
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Trapped In The Past 1: The Night That Changed Everything
Vladimir was trapped in emptiness no matter how much he tried he couldn't break through the blackness. Utter panic filled his very being as a luminous ring of energy zapped around him and he found himself standing in a foreign room. ‘Knock’ Vladimir's gaze darted around the room at the sound. ‘Knock’ ‘KNOCK! KNOCK!!’ As the sound got aggressive Vladimir's gaze fell on the tiny trembling body on the bed hidden under blankets. 'Where am I?' He couldn't help but think as he took in the odd pink room that had pictures of food painted all over the walls, the room that might belong to the child under that blanket. 'KNOCK! KNOCK!! KNOCK!!!' The little girl tucked in her bed squeezed her eyes shut at the sound. Her heart was pounding like a drum in her chest as her little body shook violently with each shaky breath. “Knock, Knock! KNOCK!!!” The banging started getting more aggressive than before in her quiet room. Taking a deep breath, summoning up all the courage in her body the
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Trapped In The Past: 2 Esmeray’s Trial
At the age of twelve Esmeray was standing in front of a Panel of Elders of the Sacred Land of Witches waiting for them to decide her fate. She looked at her mother who seemed to be in a daze, turning her face she gazed at her sisters Maeve and Nimue who seemed to look at her as if she was a stranger. Fat tears rolled down her chubby cheeks. Her bottom lip quivered. She didn't know what was going on. The people who were supposed to be at her side were standing against her. “Why do you have called for our assistant Maeve?” Lady Ascian, one of the Elders came out of the shadows and demanded in a gentle tone. Esmeray’s eyes flickered towards the five others who were still sitting in the shadows, hidden from everyone's sights yet the aura of sovereignty and power emitting in waves from them was enough to make everyone fall on their knees. Only Esmeray was standing on her little feet. She could feel the Elder's dominance yet it was tolerable for her, suffocating yet bearable. “The gir
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Trapped In The Past: 3 Banished
Holding Esmeray's face between her hands, caressing her chubby cheeks her mother whimpered. “Don’t ever doubt my girl, I have loved you like my own and I always will." “We don’t abandon the people we love mother.” Esmeray whispered back, pain flared in her eyes. “And we don’t bring chaos on our families Esmeray. We don’t put our families in danger.” The moment the words left her lips Esmeray knew that she regretted them, Esmeray could see it in her mother's eyes but the damage was done. The echo. The emphasis. The ache. Her mother's words left in the air were heavy. Esmeray's breaths were shaky as she stepped away from her mother’s touch. Eyes tearing up, her mother shook her head frantically, trying to reach out to Esmeray but Esmeray stumbled back... The damage was already done. Mustering up her most determined expression a twelve years old could, swallowing constantly to keep the lump in her throat at bay Esmeray gazed at the oval portal that had a white fire burning around
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Torn Intuition
Standing at the doors of the Vampire Castle Esmeray could feel that her heart was home yet her mind was a different story. There was something about the situation that wasn't adding up. And deep down there was a voice inside her that was keeping her on edge. Esmeray could feel it in her bones that something big was about to happen that could crumble the life she was trying to build with Vladimir. As if her inner tumour wasn't even, Raziel's parting words were bothering her more than they should. ~Flashback~ Holding Esmeray's hand with his gloved hand Raziel stopped her from entering the portal that was going to lead her back to the Vampire Kingdom. His body was shimmering with uneasiness which was rare because Raziel never lost his front. It was like he desperately wanted to voice his thoughts but he was holding himself back. "Are you doing to say something or you are going to stare at me for another minute?" Esmeray asked while giving his hand a gentle tug."I hope you won't destr
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