All Chapters of The Vampire King Reclaiming His Lost Princess : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
76 Chapters
Claiming bite
Relief flushed through her the moment Esmeray reached her room. The first thing she did was close the doors before sitting on her bed and going through the Royal Decree that had created such a fuss. The sender's name didn't go unnoticed by her. The summon was issued by her parent's Queendom. Esmeray had a feeling that the reasons for the summon were purposely kept unknown. Seven freaking Monarchs were going to assemble with their armies and successors to a place marked as Neutral Grounds. But Why? Gatherings like these were usually held under a war-like situation. But if there was an upcoming war in the supernatural world then it won't have gone unnoticed by Raziel and Amell. Instinctively the first name in the Decree that caught her attention was the Demon King. Demon King the twisted fucker who was better left in the dark. Even the mention of his name was creepy enough to make Esmeray shudder. But she will deal with him later first she had to find out why the King of Dragons A
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Assaulting Nipples
"You did this to him?" Amell frowned as he poked his finger into the side of Vladimir's face as if the Vampire was a weird specimen. "Is he dead?" "Can't you say something nice!" Esmeray grumbled swatting his hand away from her poor future husband's face. "I am already freaking out. He proposed to me last night. He can't just randomly decide to die after announcing that we are getting married in two days." "You messed him up pretty bad. Look at all the dried blood around his ears, not to mention his blue lips and the ugly dark circles under his eyes. I won't blame him if he threw your jinx arse out of his castle after waking up." "Amell!" Esmeray growled at the brat determine to drive her crazy. She was positive if Amell did not stop testing her patience she will be so close to committing some kind of bodily violence. "It's alright I know you are stressed." Amell sighed sadly before giving her shoulder a gentle sympathetic squeeze. "But for what it is worth remember if the King di
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A Witch's Trade
"Living in a castle has its perks." Amell whistled low before going through the variety of delicacies and tea placed on the table between them. The three of them were sitting in the chamber used by the Vampire King for holding meetings or receiving visitors. It seemed like the servants were instructed to provide a standard service whenever there was a gathering in the room. Esmeray did not know about other castles but living in the Vampire castle certainly has its perks. "Did you come all the way here to check the Vampire Castle's hospitality?" Esmeray arched a questioning brow before taking the offered teacup from Amell's hand. "We came to take you with us. There is a royal gathering on the Oak King's territory that's going to take place in less than four hours which we need to be present at." Amell disclosed before placing a cold water bottle against his abused nipples with a pained grimace. "Oak King? Isn't he one of the Elders of the Sacred Land? I thought the Elders were kee
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The Six Monarch
The Neutral Grounds. A place no one thought they will have to gather until everyone receive the infamous White Scrolls they dread. The only scroll that had the power to summon a King or Queen to the Neutral Grounds. White Scroll also referred to as a Royal Decree was laid on for instant actions. This decree was used in case of an apocalypse, a calamity that risked the existence of the supernatural world or when the beings from myths threatened to resurface. Covered in fur from head to toe the Oak King sat on the head of the black round wooden table set in the middle of the snow-covered clearing vast enough to hold several nations. The clearing was surrounded by mountains covered by the exceptionally expanded treeline. The temperature of the Neutral Grounds was below freezing point, a mortal would hardly survive an hour in the climate. "The Rightful King of Beasts, the Ruler of the Kingdom of Lycans Aric King has arrived on Neutral Grounds the territory of Ackley the Oak King." One
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Power Play
"Do we have a daughter we did not know about?" Darach King muttered in astonishment. His orbs turned a mesmerizing molten gold in curiosity as the Beast residing in his soul peeked at Esmeray, His Daughter~ Fallen under a trance when Darach tried to rise from his seat Amber held his hand holding him back. 'She is the same witch Isak foolishly claimed to be his friend. The one who broke the protective barriers around our Queendom.' She informed him along with her father Aric King through their mind-link. 'My beast feels a pull towards the girl. It recognizes her as his own.' Even through the mind-link Darach's voice sounded vulnerable. 'My Beast can feel the pull too.' Aric King chimed in. 'She must be using compulsion on both of you. My father is a prime example of how good witches are at tricking the inner Beasts of Lycans.' Amber reasoned still not letting go of Darach’s hand. Aric King cringed at Amber's statement. The mere mention of the past he wasn't very proud of was enoug
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Provoking The Dragon
Standing there Esmeray stared at the King of Dragons. His long hair was tied at the base of his neck in a messy bun, a telltale that he had tied them in a hurry. His eyes were flickering between their orange shade and pitch-black shade. Esmeray knew the Dragon residing in his soul had sensed a potential threat in her. And he was fighting to come out and meet her. Yet Aidan Draco was holding his Dragon back. Her gaze momentarily lingered on the swollen purplish veins that spread from the base of his neck to his left cheek. His body appeared to be recovering from a lethal poison that might have slowed his healing ability which explained why he was holding a hiking stick in his hand right hand. But even in his beaten-up form, the Dragon King looked majestic. Like a barbaric warrior who had just stepped out of a bloodied battlefield. Everything about Aidan Dragon screamed war and violence. A destructive creature. Taking her eyes off the Dragon King Esmeray looked into her invisible po
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Everyone was staring at Esmeray and Amell munching on snacks and sipping on tea served by the Lost Souls while they read some human magazines. On the other hand, Raziel was knitting tiny clothes that could only possibly fit a voodoo doll. The three of them appeared so calm for someone who had just bullied their way into an alliance with the Dragon Realm. "How are your wounds?" The Demon King inquired breaking the silence the moment Aidan Draco left the Neutral Grounds. And here Esmeray was thinking that by some miracle the creep had not recognized her. Looking at the Demon King over the top of her magazine Esmeray asked with a sweet smile. "How's your son's hand?" The Demon King's eyes flickered to hers, first with surprise then they darkened to a shade more sinister. "You are the one who cut his fingers?" His question was more like a statement. "He only told you about the fingers?" Plastering the magazine to her chest Esmeray gasped in mock surprise. "How do you know my bride an
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Vincent's Bride 1
"If anyone has a problem with my appearance then they are welcome not to look my way. We are not here to fit in or seek any validation from anyone. So kindly refrain from telling me where I belong or not. The three of us are here just to keep an eye on my groom for protection purposes." Esmeray spoke unfazed by her mother's taunt. "Why do you think the Vampire King needs your protection?" Aric King asked with genuine confusion. It was hardly believable that a man of Vladimir's reputation would need someone's protection. The Vampire was a walking unhinged hazard. "What can I say? It's heartbreaking to admit it out loud that the Vampire won't sleep with me before our marriage so I am forced to protect his dee dee till our wedding night." Esmeray let out with a rueful shake of her head making Aric bit back a smile. "You are making it sound like you are marrying me for my body." Even though his tone was bored Vladimir's cheeks turned flaming red at his little brat's words who was dete
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Vincent's Bride 2
The Fey King was the only Monarch Esmeray hadn't managed to piss off or taunted probably because he was not hostile towards her. By blood, the Fey King was Amber’s grandfather but the man had long ago banished his daughter who was the Rightful Hier to his throne when she had abandoned the Fey Throne by marrying the King of Beasts. But Esmeray didn't know how much of that information was true. "If you know her origin why don't you share it with all of us?" Aric reasoned. The beast residing in his soul wanted to know if the pull it felt towards Esmeray was by blood or because of compulsion. Esmeray exhaled a tiny breath, her chest twisted as she waited for the Fey King to disclose her secret but his next words surprised her. "Knowledge and secret hold power and a wise King never reveals information of his allies." The Fey King offered Esmeray a mischievous smile. "And you are allied with her, darling grandfather." Amber couldn't help but mock the Fey King. She couldn't believe that
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Slimy Poison
Esmeray stirred at the feel of the faint touch of cold fingers against her skin. Despite her mind being covered in the thick fog of sleep she moaned at the sparks going off on her skin at a familiar touch. The pointed tips of her ears twitched at the sound of muffled sobs coming from her left, bringing her out of her sleep-hazed state. Esmeray opened her eyes, blinking them rapidly to adjust to the room's low light. The moment her sight focused her eyes fell on Vladimir's face. She frowned at the tears rolling down his face as he stared at her legs. Despair settled at the pit of her stomach as she realized Vladimir was examining her scars. It almost felt like a dream seeing the Vampire King in a trance as his fingers gently traced over the thick scared tissues hidden beneath the ink on her legs. "Do they still hurt?" Esmeray’s heart twisted in knots at hearing the tremble in his voice. Somehow Esmeray knew he was not talking about physical pain. Her wounds had healed a long time
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