All Chapters of Magnus: Dragon Prince: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
153 Chapters
Chapter 61
Once Rex put the chain around his neck, he instinctively closed his eyes, like something bad was about to happen that instant, and after the chain was hung around his neck and the pendant touched his chest, it went deathly quiet for a few seconds, even Rector seemed to expect something to happen the moment it was around Rex’s neck, and when nothing happened, they both let out a deep sigh in relief. Rector lowered his hands and asked, “How do you feel Rex?” “I feel fine like nothing is different, are you sure this thing will work?” Rex replied, a little disappointed in not seeing or feeling any results. “It was created following the designs set by Fafnir, it may take a while” Rector answered, starting to stroke his chin in thought, he was about to turn away when he became suddenly on edge and alert. “What’s wrong?” Rex asked, slightly panicked by his father’s sudden change. “Look! The talisman is lightening up…” Rector started to say, when a huge shockwave burst out from Rex. Rect
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Chapter 62
“The games are not scheduled for another few months Deacon,” Rector said, frowning slightly. “I know my lord, just seems like the people need a little morale booster is all” Deacon answered, still keeping his smug expression on his face, “After word got out about the intrusion into the palace, it seemed like a good idea to help give people something to set their minds at ease.” “Now how on earth did this information leave this palace?” Rector said, his voice changing to become very low and menacing, when his voice changed, everyone lowered their heads, Rex even felt the need to do so, even though he had nothing to do with it. “I do not know my emperor, but I will find out who is responsible, I swear, do I have your permission to go ahead?” Deacon said, bowing slightly, Rex could still see him smiling. “Yes, if you think it will help, I approve moving the date for our annual battle games forward, arrange for invitations to be sent to the clan leaders of the other regions,” Rector sa
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Chapter 63
“I’m not sure, what are your suggestions?” Rex asked, since finding out Deacon had what he needed to unlock information about Madame Al’ik he was stumped, he knew Deacon always sought one thing, more power, but he was not willing to give him anymore, “You said the other piece is impossible, like how impossible are we talking?” “The other branch I was talking about was held by a necromancer called Telagus, he lived almost 1000 years ago, and all stories point to him possessing a weapon that made his creations unbelievably powerful, that points to two explanations, Killcross branch or demonic assistance, the impossible part to the story is, he was buried with his weapon by his followers, no one knows where he was buried though” Rowina explained. “Or both explanations to his power” Rector said, which made Rowina shrug and nod. “So how did Deacon’s family get this other branch then?” Rex asked, seeing as the buried branch was no longer an option. “His great grandfather sacrificed his l
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Chapter 64
They turned off down a path Rex was not familiar with, to put his discomfort with being here aside, he said to Duncan. “I thought that cottage was your home.” “Oh no, I set that up temporarily for the purpose of facilitating your conversation with Fafnir, and then creating your talisman” Duncan replied. “So where is your real home?” Rex inquired, he was incredibly curious now after hearing Duncan’s statement. “I live in a place between places” Duncan replied with a broad smile, seeing Rex’s face contort with confusion. “A place between places? What sort of place is that?” Rex asked, his brain just was not able to comprehend what place could be between places. “I live in a realm I created that is between this realm and the spirit realm, I will take you there to show you in good time” Duncan replied casually. “You created your own realm?” Rex asked, he could not hide the excitement and awe in his voice when he spoke, Duncan was powerful enough to create a plane of existence. “Wel
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Chapter 65
“I see, so it sounds like, I can make it as big as I want” Rex replied, looking out into the distance, deep in thought. “As large as you NEED my son, there is a difference” Rector corrected in a stern tone, standing up next to Duncan. “Alright, as big as I need, well I am going to need a very large one, I have big plans” Rex announced with a nod and a smile, also standing, brushing the dirt from his half damp clothes, this statement causing Duncan and Rector and look at each other and grin widely. “Now who does that sound like?” Duncan asked, a slight chuckle when he spoke. “Me” Rector replied, patting Rex on the shoulder, “Now that you are on your way to opening your own magical space, the rest is practice, I fear there is somewhere I must be,” Rector said in a serious tone, looking towards the palace. “I have fulfilled my part as well my lords, I must also depart, I need plenty of rest, I have not consumed this much energy with spells in many years” Duncan also added, sighing he
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Chapter 66
“I find a little hard to believe!” Marcia called out, taking a step forward, causing Deacon to take a step back. “My lord, I would never lie to you, I have been present for their confessions, and have brought the offenders with me to confess their sins to you in person” Priest Deacon replied, bowing to Rector, who shifted uncomfortably in his seat, if Deacon had proven true in finding who had infiltrated the palace, it implied that his three best generals would seem incompetent. “A most curious timing I might add Deacon” Markus said, eyeing him suspiciously, it was a little too perfectly timed, even pooling their resources, they did not find any way of proving the intruder’s identity or intentions, but Deacon announced he had, depending on what these people declared, it had the possibility of putting the three generals in a precarious position. “I know you all have doubts, but I would like for you all to see for yourself what I say is true” Deacon declared. “Very well, send for the
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Chapter 67
“This bloody water is freezing” Rex said once the water was waist-high. “Don’t be such a girl” Lacey replied, splashing water at Rex, covering him in water. “Hey!” Rex exclaimed as the water engulfed him, then he got an idea, adding a trickle of magic into his hand, he slapped water towards Lacey, which caused a large wave of water to fly towards her, dumping water on her. “What the!? Using magic is cheating!” Lacey retorted once the wave had passed over her, “Do I smell bad or something?” she asked. “Huh? That’s a strange question” Rex answered, slightly confused. “Well, you’re all the way over there, so obviously I must smell or something” Lacey replied with a cheeky smile. With a shrug, Rex started to wade over to where Lacey was, noticing as he approached her, she was in a patch of water where he could feel rocks under his feet, allowing him to stand in the water and it only reached the top of his shoulders, once Rex was within arm’s reach, Lacey reached out and grabbed onto
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Chapter 68
“Well, by the look of it, you look dressed appropriately for this” Rex replied, a smile on his mouth while he looked Lacey up and down. “Well, that’s great then, Lizz, good to see you again” Lacey replied, patting the front of her dress down, she found wearing dresses stupid and hard, she always felt like there would be a big gust of wind and it would blow up, plus she preferred the freedom and mobility that came from wearing shorts and a top. “Lacey, you look good!” Lizz replied with a slightly shocked expression in seeing Lacey wearing a dress, to Lizz she looked amazing. “Thanks, you too, father made Kealy and I wear these stupid things because there were visitors to the palace, Kealy likes wearing this rubbish, not so much for me, can’t wait to get out of it” Lacey answered, rolling her eyes. “Since father is here, I’ll be able to stay in the castle, so we can hang out later if you two want before the games” Lizz exclaimed excitedly. “Yeah, sounds like a good idea” Rex replied
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Chapter 69
“I would like to apologise for my earlier behaviour, it was most improper of me, and before you drink, I would like to propose a toast instead.” Spinning on the spot, Rex scowled instantly at who had interrupted him, Minet was standing next to Lizz, a tray of drinking glasses in her hand, with drinks already poured ready to go. “I have also asked Lacey to join us, but it seems she has not cooled down from earlier, but I did try my lord” Minet said, speaking in her soft silky voice again. “What is it?” Rex asked, eyeing the glasses of drinks suspiciously. “Almond and peach wine, from our finest vineyards” Minet replied with a smile. “Isn’t peach and almond smell the premise for poison?” Lizz enquired, looking at the poured drinks with the same expression as Rex. “Poising the prince would cause the annihilation of my family from the emperor in response, which helps none of us, so that is a silly presumption to make” Minet answered, showing a slight hint of annoyance at Lizz. “One
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Chapter 70
The sheer shock of being interrupted suddenly, left both girls unable to move for a few seconds, it was Lacey who then came to her senses and quickly darted behind the changing wall. “Rex! How the f**k did you wake up? I thought you were out for the night?” Lacey squealed, her face as red as a beetroot, Rex was currently standing on his bed, his talisman lit so bright it was able to light the entire room. “Most curious indeed my lord” Minet casually replied with a wink, slowly picking up the blanket she had dropped near Rex’s bed, and as she started to walk out of the room, she turned back and said, “Until next time,” she threw Lacey one last death stare, before striding out of Rex’s room confidently shaking her bum as she did so. “Ok Lacey, what the f**k is going on? Usually, a guy would love to have two naked girls in his room fighting over him, but this is weird” Rex replied, stepping down from his bed, the talisman starting to dim in brightness, Rex proceeded to illuminate the r
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