All Chapters of Magnus: Dragon Prince: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
153 Chapters
Chapter 71
“Of course my lord” Deacon replied, a calm and casual look on his face, seemingly unphased by the gaze Rector shot towards him. Reaching into his robe, Deacon produced a small green handled dagger, very similar to the one Rector was currently holding, once he produced the blade, he walked up to Rector and bowed his head and held the dagger out to him. “Care to tell me why Justin is carrying a blade with your family insignia on it?” Rector said in a low growl, looking between the daggers and Deacon, who tilted his head to one side in confusion. “I’m sorry my lord, but THAT dagger I gave you is emblazoned with my family crest, but this one is not” Deacon replied, squinting his eyes while looking at the two daggers. “Do not think me a fool Deacon, I can see the insignia on the blade you gave me, but I can also see that on this blade, it was almost removed, quite terribly I might add, I can guarantee a royal weapons smith can verify my claim” Rector replied, showing Deacon a rough patc
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Chapter 72
Once Rector had greeted the procession into the city, Rex breathed a sigh of relief, he was petrified he would have had to do it, turning to Rector, who was currently watching the procession open and the governors of each region coming toward the pedestal, “Where did you go?” Rex asked quietly. “I shall tell you later my son, I apologize, I had something important to look into” Rector replied, turning to Rex with a soft expression on his face. Nodding to Rector, he turned back and watched as five cloaked people came forward in a line parallel to the pedestal, stopping just a few feet away from Rector and Rex, bowed and removed their cloaks one at a time. “I am Augur Strix! Governor of Bhutan, this is my region’s representative, my daughter Lizzetta!” Augur roared, turning and pointing to Lizz, who strode forward and stood next to her father, the crowd cheering loudly, Rex’s mouth dropped open at the announcement, once Rector dipped his head, both Augur and Lizz bowed, stepping back
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Chapter 73
“Well, it is definitely a surprise to see you competing, I’m surprised your father would allow such a thing” Rex replied, turning to see Lizz behind him, wearing a massive smile on her face. “Because I’m a girl?” Lizz replied, raising one eyebrow. “Because you are the governors only daughter, and I have a feeling this whole battle week thing is going to be a rough ride” Rex answered, taken a little aback at Lizz’s comment, relaxing a little when he saw her face soften. “Having seen quite a few of them, I know what I’m in for, don’t know what events will be on this year though, I have heard they are going to be quite exciting, I feel bad for you, you have never been in the battle games or have even seen what this is and you’re competing” Lizz said. “Yeah, was kind of thrust upon me” Rex replied, using his thumb to point to Rector behind him. “You’re a Magnus…” Lizz started to say. “Yeah yeah, I’ll be fine, I’ll do great, Magnus this, born from greatness” Rex interjected, using his
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Chapter 74
The sudden voice entering his head woke Rex with a jolt, he remembered dreaming about spending his night swimming with Lacey, and before he knew it, a voice starting whispering silently into his ear, asking him to kill, he had no idea where the voice came from or why it came to him, but it was alarming enough to wake him. Opening his eyes and sitting up, he could tell it was close to dawn, seeing the faintest glow of red light behind the horizon, so he decided at the minute that he would just get himself ready for the day and practice trying to open his magical space while waiting for Ley’s summons. Once he readied himself in a nice fitting training outfit, Rex moved into the middle of his room, sat down cross legged, closed his eyes and after steadying his breathing, he started trying to clear his mind. It took a while for Rex to successfully empty everything from his mind, he kept feeling the faintest pull in his mind to hold the sword, like his mind needed him to do it, shaking th
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Chapter 75
“My prince, your hand was broken, but already seems to be well on the mend, not surprised knowing who you are” the physician said when she inspected Rex’s hand using magical evaluation. He already knew what the physician was going to say, ‘Because I’m a Magnus…blah blah blah’ said in his head. “Now you my Bohl friend, I am flabbergasted how any of your bones became broken, this is a rare occurrence, like once in a lifetime type of thing” the physician said to Ley, who just smiled and winked at Rex, “How did you say it happened again?” “I was sparring, you know, usual manly stuff” Ley replied, the physician eyeing him suspiciously. “Well, whoever hit you and did this is ridiculously powerful, I may not live long enough to see this again, please wait around while I document it” the physician said excitedly, scurrying for a pad and charcoal pencil to make notes and sketches. “You go ahead, I'll catch up later” Ley said, rolling his eyes. Rex decided to go for a walk to clear his hea
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Chapter 76
“What sort of training do you typically do?” Rex asked, trying to alleviate the silence that had seemed to happen while following commander Shurr. “Most think we are brainless oafs, so all we must do is lift this up heavy shit up, put it over there, drop it, lift it up again, but in here we actually train our bodies, minds and souls, today is your lucky day, it is shield ball day” Shurr replied in a slightly irritated tone. “Shield ball?” Rex inquired, they had finally reached the end of the tunnel they were traveling and the area suddenly opened into a huge mini-city, with rows of tiny huts to his left and right, paths that led into each row, joined by stairs that ran vertically along the rows of every 20th hut, “You have your own town in here?” “We look after some incredible treasures for the emperor around the clock, so we live, eat and train down here” Shurr replied. “Like what sort of treasures?” Rex asked, he was interested in what would require its own mini-city and army for
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Chapter 77
“Ok, so how is this game played?” Rex asked once Thal brought him down towards the two teams. “The games’ objective is simple, pass the ball through their opponents hoop to score a point, most points after the timer has run out, wins the game” Thal said, pointing at the objects he was speaking about while explaining them. “Sounds simple enough, what’s with the shields?” Rex asked, seeing the round wooden shields the Bohl who were currently preparing for the upcoming game were inspecting. “That is up to you, want to block the ball from going through the hoop? Use the shield. Want to block an opponent’s rush? Use the shield. Getting the picture my lord?” Thal said with a smile. “I think so, what protective gear do you use?” Rex asked, seeing some of the shields the other players chose had jagged edges or pieces protruding. “What type of gear is that?” Thal asked in confusion. “You know, equipment you use to prevent being hurt” Rex said, getting slightly worried, he had already star
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Chapter 78
Not wanting to look incompetent in front of his commander, the Bohl captain disregarded all of his training and charged Rex head on, he planned on using brute strength to over power him and teach Rex what happens to those who mess with the Bohl. Sensing the change in the Bohl man immediately, Rex knew what he was planning to do, he could see from the look on his face and feel in his aura that he now intended to hurt him, with this in mind, Rex decided to end the game, beginning to channel half of his remaining energy into the ball, after a few moments it was complete, he could see the weird hairy ball start to move and wriggle around in his hand, the whole time it glowed a faint yellow colour, ‘The f**k is this thing?’ Rex asked himself. “Throw ball Prince!” his team’s captain roared. Looking towards the goal, Rex’s sight was overshadowed by the Bohl warrior who was now mere feet from him, his shield in front of him with the intention to charge over the top of Rex, spinning quickly
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Chapter 79
Rex could now see the outside of the library by now, also spying Ley standing next to the entrance, waiting for Rex to arrive. “You took your time” Ley said once Rex was within earshot, checking his timepiece at the same time. “I was held up” Rex retorted with a small scowl, making Ley chuckle a little. “A little ball game held up the mighty young prince!?” Ley teased and seeing Rex scowl even harder made him laugh out loud. “A little ball game my ass! I can’t believe how serious they take it, they were trying to seriously hurt me” Rex replied, shaking his head, raising his voice a little. “It has been a great game since its creation, helps the troops blow off steam, having that many battle-ready soldiers in one spot not doing much can become havoc quite quickly if left unchecked” Ley replied quite seriously, clapping Rex on the shoulder. “Mhm I bet, they seemed pent up that’s for sure, anyway, why are we at the library? I don’t do so well with book lessons” Rex asked, looking to
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Chapter 80
Once the hours had passed, Rex had forgotten how much reading he had done, learning the basics of the battle games, a chosen few from the surrounding nations would take on the role of competing in a set of games that would test their strength, cunning, strength and resolve, these activities would be proposed to the nation leaders, by another leader, and if agreed upon, would become the events the participants would compete in, the winner would then become the champion of the battle games for that year, bringing them fame and most times fortune. “Fame and fortune, a bit redundant for me, isn’t it? More people know me here than I could ever imagine, and being a prince, what need would I have in riches?” Rex thought to himself out loud, confused by his participation in the games, he could think of quite a few other talented warriors that could have easily taken his place. The other book he had finished reading was titled, “Guide to magic requiring emotional input.” He thought it was an
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