All Chapters of Flames Of Hate and Retribution : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
192 Chapters
Book 2 Chapter 33
Three days passed from the time of Anthony and Christopher's Confrontation. For the most part Christopher slept through a majority of the time. He would wake up to eat, take care of any self care and then go back to his bed. Each passing day he was beginning to look worse and worse. He was having to maintain a constant flow of magic to keep the poison from spreading further, and he was beginning to lose. He could use magic to make a barrier for a very long time, use spell after spell most couldn't shit, even open the gates of the different Hells. But this poison that would kill lesser beings in less then a minute was something else entirely. Beth had done everything she could to heal his physical wounds, and she did give him medicines that would generally help slow down most modern day poisons, but it seem to be having next to no effect on the one in Christopher's system. So What was she to do? She felt as if she was being driven half mad waiting and being unable to do
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Book 2 Chapter 34
"This will definitely do." ...Both the twins stood rooted their mouths agape. "I've never seen so many herbs in one place." Laura whispered."Indeed... Over enthusiastic friend may be an understatement." Lala readily had to agree. The group had tracked down Angela who was conducting trade business in a temporary office she had set up while waiting for word of Christopher's recovery. She quickly led the sisters to the place everything had been stored."Competition?""Most likely... Another girl's trying to make the moves on our master before we can." Hissed Lala."She rented an entire warehouse just for medicinal herbs." Briana whispered in awe. "Well I suppose she is the heir to the Vicard trading company." Cassandra looked around in aw. Renting a space like this wouldn't be cheap in the least. Most successful merchants wouldn't even be able to afford such a place. Really the only time a space like this was rented out was
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Book 2 Chapter 35
"But the only proxy stone anywhere near here belongs to Lady Cassandra.""Yes the messenger also said he's secured permission for you to use the stone.""You won't mind if I double check with Lady Cassandra will you? I personally don't feel like angering my host.""By all means please do Ma'am." Only a few days ago Andrea would have thoughtlessly just asked to be directed to the proxy stone and would contact the Emperor right away, but now? Not only was she used, but she witnessed a betrayal in the making from the very highest pinnacle of the Empire. One of the men closest to the Emperor himself! At this point she was questioning the motives of every Imperial soldier she came across. As it was she was beginning to question whether she should trust the soldiers who stayed loyal to her. 'No. Even I know I have to trust some people.' Oddly enough the people she trusted the most currently were the ones who were on the side of her enemies. How's that for some Irony.
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Book 2 Chapter 36
"WHAT!?" Andrea's mouth dropped open."Huh.." Aldous only grunted in response to Havoc's request. 'Of all things he could ask for all he wants is a subordinate? Hell I would have given him a daughter or a son if he was into that sort of thing.' This was a clear cut answer in his mind."Y-You can't - No! I refuse!" "Andrea you've served me faithfully for years. I Aldous EverHeart release you from all duties and obligations to the Empire as of this moment. If Havoc wishes to release you, you may return and resume your duties with a promotion.""WHA-!?" Andrea couldn't believe how Aldous was simply dismissing her. She had spent years working up the command. All of her accomplishments, sacrifices she's made for the Empire and he was throwing her away just like that."You will maintain your rank and as a noble. You may retain the men under your command as guards, I just request you send me a formal letter of their decision so not to consider them
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Book 2 Chapter 37
In the shadows of a dimly lit room two figures were conversing with each other as equals. Concealing their actions, connections, and plans even from their closest of friends and allies."MMM!""Guess I shouldn't be surprised. That woman has always loathed my family.""Is this something we should be worried about?""I don't believe it will be an issue. Even if she does ally herself to The Black Guard it's still a single city and largely uninhabited territory.""Hmm even if it's known to be uninhabited that's still a gap of the unknown. Each unexplored acre is another possibility of things impeding our plan.""I do have some contacts in that area. I've already sent a messenger to them.""MM!""Good.. If you think everything is still within our margin of error then we shall proceed as planned."One silhouette faded away in the blink of an eye."HAHA. This is going to be perfect! I wonder how Aldous will react to this
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Book 2 Chapter 38
"Two armies?" Christopher asked surprised. 'Fuck.' To many scenarios were running through his mind at the moment. He originally believed one army could possibly be on the move, but both their intelligence and scouts had nothing to report of any other armies mobilizing, the obvious choices were The Empire and Albrael, but something about the desperation in the man's voice reporting, made that thought sound like a sweet promise whispered in the ear..  "One of them is Albrael's army correct?" "Yes sir. The other is-"       A rather fat man sat on a giant ornamental chair laden with Gold, silver, and many different jewels built atop of a platform being hoisted by different species. Hundreds of men were gathered around the make shift platform kneeling with their heads bowed reverently. "HAHA I can't wait! I've never had an Emperor bend a knee to the rose yet!" The man cackled like a power hungry tyrant. Behind him were t
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Book 2 Chapter 39
Silence. Everyone was well aware eventually the Army of Albrael would begin moving north towards Helenfel, but everybody was hopeful nobody would be willing to join with Albrael after their corruption and history of deceit was revealed."Guess it's not to surprising. What's more corrupt than religion. So long as it's not led by a god, there simply is no way to stop corruption from spreading. Chances are the pair will be looking to betray the other, but odds are they will likely wait until the war is over. If one has the advantage over the other I would be willing to bet Betrayal would be coming. If they end up even chances are they will uphold whatever their agreement is for the time being biding their time to strike at the other." Cassandra mumbled  thinking the situation over.The corrupt siding with corrupt until their foe is vanquished, then turning on each other. Same story since the beginning of time."So this is the part that's going to
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Book 2 Chapter 40
"Huh? I just got back!""And?""And?! Well if you really want an And, how about the last time I tried dragging you there you tortured me half to death!""There is a key word in that sentence I would like you to pick out. DRAGING! And I only tortured you after you tried killing me and refused to give up the name of who ordered it! Besides you acted like a sex starved fiend afterwards. I would have thought I was doing you a favor not punishing you.""It was hot.." Alayna mumbled under her breath her face turning bright red. Sadist, Masochist. Both words could easily be used to described the half mad vampire Depending on the day. "But I was not some sex starved animal!"..."You asked if I was going to violate you! And when I said no you began begging me to fuck you! I remember you dragging by my ankle for an entire city block Pleading for me to and I quote. Pound my city gates like it was a siege!"..."I got caught up in th
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Book 2 Chapter 41
Christopher and Alayna stood before the crowd of friends who gathered in front of Cassandra's manor to wish the pair farewell. Christopher sighed a small glimmer of sadness creeping over him. 'This will be the first time in years I will be away from Elise for more than a few days. Though he would miss Elise, he at least had been allowed to spend time with her constantly over the past few years. Where as Brianna, and Cassandra he had not seen in years, Alesia had already taken off someplace with Marielle, and now the moment he is back, once again he is being pulled away. A part of him was happy vengeance was not far off, but at the same time he loved them.. No matter how small the amount of time was away from them, it was painful. He missed them every time. "Make sure you come back soon. We are going to need you." Taelin called out.  'By the gods how the situation flipped on it's head. Never thought I would hope for his return. Not that I hold any grudg
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Book 2 Chapter 42
"So Taylor what brings all of you here?" Christopher by no means was ungrateful for the assistance the werewolves and others provided, but it was rather surprising. Last he knew they were back in Bael Karinne again, so the last thing he was expecting was to see any familiar faces during their Journey to The City Of Darkness."Hehe. Well I was just minding my own business and having lunch when suddenly my cup of water began having an argument with me! Telling me where you were, and there were people following you that may be trouble and that I needed to get my ass in gear grab a few others and track you down." Taylor announced with a light chuckle glancing towards the water dragon."Thought that dragon looked a little too familiar." Christopher smiled looking over his shoulder. The water dragon moved back towards the river and began losing it's form. "Hello beautiful." Christopher waved as the water completely collapsed back into the river. Behind it a beauty with tanne
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