All Chapters of Flames Of Hate and Retribution : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
192 Chapters
Book 2 Chapter 53
"WHAAAT!?" A voice boomed through a manor in the City of Darkness, shaking the halls and the nerves of the men in the room."I-I- I said y-your eldest son.. I-Is dead my lord... Killed by the human he was tracking." The soldier gave the man his response unwilling to meet his eyes. The lord in question was none other then Lord Ventriel Trost. Head of the Trost family, Tars and Berek's father. Lord Trost glared at the soldier, his ruby red eyes burning with rage.'It can't be! It can't be! No human could have killed my son! It's a lie!' His mind was a hurricane of thoughts trying to deny the truth that was being laid out right in front of him...!!!"There's no way my son died fighting a human.""I-I'm sorry my lord, but it's true t-they fought and t-the human attacked him with some fire magic when Lord Tars let his guard down! A-And-""RAAAAH!!" Ventriel ripped his sword from it's sheath."My lord please I- AAAAGH!! AAAAH!
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Book 2 Chapter 54
"Your highness he's a human, He should have been dead the moment he stepped into The Darkness! I understand he's some form of distant relative, but he's killed our kind when we went to escort him into the city! Is that really the sort of man we should be welcoming with open arms? For all we know he's here to stir problems, abuse his position. Perhaps even to assassinate you your majesty! Now I don't know about any of you, but the risk exceeds the worth!" "I agree with Lord Trost. If he would  have come down here peacefully I would open with with open arms. But this? He not only murdered Tars in cold blood, but he managed to take multiple other of our children by surprise! How many nobles and retainers were murdered just the other day?""They're right your highness. Who's to say he will stop there? Who's to say he's not coming for your very life! We don't know what schemes that human bastard may have up his sleeve after we opened our doors, and our arms welco
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Book 2 Chapter 55
A silhouette began taking shape as all of the magic particles began forming together. When the particles began to dim standing in front of them was a woman with pale/tan skin with black spots mixed in, her eyes darker than a moonless night, her pupils a lightning blue and black. Upon seeing her form everyone present lowered themselves even more, making their bodies almost hug the ground as though trying to take cover from gunfire shooting over their heads. Their foreheads not just touching the ground, but smashed into it."Great Marte-""No.. It's Alesia now. Did I not say that the last time I appeared before you? Has your memories faded so or are you trying your best to offend me?" She demanded her eyes sweeping over the room as cold as ice."We would never! We still revere the great maker! Others may not recognize or remember your true beauty, but we will never forget!" Almost each vampire present was an elder and had bore witness to Alesia before though it ha
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Book 2 Chapter 56
Elsewhere in the Darkness."Seriously?""It must be a mistake." Gabreldi and Mikayla found themselves standing in front of two individuals they never would have dreamed of meeting. If Christopher and his group hadn't decimated their group in such a one sided manner, and told the pair where to take their people he wouldn't have believed his eyes for a moment. Prior to meeting the man, he never would've believed the truth that lay before their very own eyes."He did say he had allies down here, but I never would've imagined." Gabreldi muttered finding himself flabbergasted."Am I the only one feeling this plan may be less crazy then we first anticipated?" Mikayla mumbled."You must be some of the new friends Elise told us about." One of the people standing before them greeted the pair with a smile."I wouldn't quite say friends but we're at least on the same side it would seem." Gabreldi groaned. "I'll never befriend such a pervert.""F
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Book 2 Chapter 57
Alesia bid farewell to Markous's court... Well saying she bid them farewell is an extremely polite way of saying she told each and every person there to get fucked while holding up both her middle fingers swinging them around the room for everyone to see nodding her head as she began fading away.'Isn't she supposed to be a goddess? Who does that?' Nerissa sighed shaking her head at the rather immature yet appropriate reaction. It's like having an angry employee who got fired under bullshit circumstances stumbling across the stores microphone, or a bullhorn departing with a great big kiss my ass speech.Everyone present had been completely unable to hide their shock at Alesia's declaration of Christopher being Havoc. Even Brock half recoiled hearing this, but was among the first to recover from the revelation."Father knowing who he truly is, do you still intend to carry this out? He's your family and one of the greatest warriors the world has known for thousand
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Book 2 Chappter 58
Ventriel hadn't even allotted his people to time to assemble an escort for him, nor had he even declared his destination. The soldier who had carried the satchel stood bewildered for a moment completely at a loss as to what his lord could've been speaking of. 'Well it's far above my paygrade to be questioning Lord Trost.' The man thought to himself. While clueless to Ventriel's actions he had received orders, and he would follow them. 'I don't know what's going through his head, but I do know what would happen if I were to disobey my lord.' He hefted the satchel containing Berek and began lugging it from the room heading back to the Trost mansion where they would have an abundance of blood stored away in the basement, enough for Berek to completely regenerate. Ventriel was stomping through the streets, to any man present with a lick of common sense could see he was a hurricane taken humanoid form,  you could almost see the storm clouds br
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Book 2 Chapter 59
PresentThroughout the years of his long life Ventriel has been allowed to witness many things, different kinds of creatures, different kinds of people, cities and the various ways they lived, different cultures. all kinds of magic both magnificent and horrifying. So let this paint a picture for saying what lay before him was on a completely different level that shook him to the core. "W-What kind of monster could do such a thing." Ventriel mumbled, his lip trembling at the horrors unfolding in front of him. Lining the walls, even the ceiling of the dungeon were the actual guards of the dungeon. Christopher said they were dead, which was to say not entirely accurate, the correct phrasing would be to say they're dying. Slowly.... Horribly slowly. A massive magic circle was etched throughout the dungeon, sprawling from the ground, to the walls, to the ceiling, both the hall he was standing in and several cells. The circle was glowing red in the center and it pulsed
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Book 2 Chapter 60
Overlooking The City Of Darkness was a rock jutting out over the ledge of a large drop. On top you had the beautiful Alesia sitting leaned back with one arm supporting herself and the other resting atop her knee with a smile. But on the underside of the rock ledge a young woman walked like a bored teenager kicking her leg out with each step completely unbothered by gravity. Even as she began stepping over the lip of the rock and was sticking out in a straight horizontal line she stepped over with a smile. Though many would be terrified, there was warmth to be found in her smile, Alesia herself happily returned the kind gesture. The woman's skin was a dark black, imagine someone who's body had been sprayed with a jet black paint, her wrists to her finger tips an ashen gray, even her eyes were all black."Well of course. I began watching him some time ago, but his latest movements have garnered my undivided attention!""You've been watching him for some time?" Alesi
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Book 2 Chapter 61
The city no longer seem to be one of order and laws, nor the down trodden in was pure chaos... A good kind of Chaos though. Despite the deaths of Tars and many other vampire nobles and what was considered the still missing dark elves, the nobles of The City of Darkness were doing a magnificent job of turning Christopher's execution into a full blown festival. Children were running rampant cheering waving streamers, acting out the different executions they've witnessed in the past or ones they dream of seeing play out. The streets were lined with food stalls, miniature makeshift pubs were set up with men standing behind tables awaiting customers to step forward and place their orders kegs lined up behind him, small fold out tables and chairs placed in front of his shop. You were forced to wonder if the city had executions so frequently or if there were crafty merchants as there were even people who were selling toy swords, axes and even a miniature play wooden stocks to lock their fr
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Book 2 Chapter 62
There was one rule that seem to have applied throughout history when it came to proud , arrogant nobles who believed themselves untouchable. Your servants are there only to serve, so long as they perform their duties you wouldn't interfere, they were below you so you wouldn't meet their eyes unless addressing them. The servants revered you, to meet the eyes of their master was generally met with scorn, as such actions were considered borderline impertinent.More so in this situation the largest flaw is complacency. Rael like most of the known world considered his home a safe haven. Hell he was within the palace walls, the only place that should've been more secure would be the king and queen's chambers. Safety and security was left to the guards.And that truly fucked him in this moment... Telling you... Complacency truly is a bitch.."Who do you think you're addressing in such a m-" The servant's words immediately struck a cord of anger within Rael who had been
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