All Chapters of Hunters: The Prequel: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
917 Chapters
Worry Part I
Back at the residence of the Brute King, Butler Fin was busy sweeping up the pieces of glass that used to belong to a window pane. He had already cleared the bigger glass pieces. But since he wasn't a mortal, he could ignore the risk of getting injured by a neglected sharp object. At his level of strength it would be a joke to get hurt because of a piece of glass. Any ascender who heard this would scoff at the absurdity of such a thought. None of them would consider it ignorance, for ignorance and stupidity may go hand in hand, but they weren't the same.Anyway, after taking the large glass fragments out of the way, not because of the fear of an injury as we have already established but due to the simple reason that they will get in his way, Butler Fin proceeded to fix a new window where the old one previously stood. In the few minutes it took him to complete this task, several flies had already found their way into the building. Since fixing the window took precedence to cle
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Worry Part II
"Yes. I felt it. That malicious aura that consumes everything it touches. The Shadow God has reached his dirty hands towards this world." Ray replied as he fixed the window upon its frame. He took even less time than Butler Fin had. He was clearly more skilled with repair works than his butler. "Ah, I see." The very same butler who sat comfortably in his (Ray's) chair didn't seem so surprised by the news. And Ray was just as unsurprised at his reaction, as the butler was about the news. "Just as I thought, you already knew. Why didn't you tell me?" Ray didn't take his eyes off his task. He was focused on clearing every glass piece on the ground, now that he had finished the harder task of refitting the window. He would be a fool to believe that Butler Fin didn't know what he had just discovered today. As mentioned earlier, there was nothing that would happen on a planet that this butler was on that would escape his attention. That was why once the butler had inf
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Suspicions Part I
"What do you know truly know about Seth?" Instead of immediately saying what he wanted to say, Butler Fin asked Ray his very own question. "I know what everyone else does", Ray wrinkled his brows and replied. He wasn't sure what Butler Fin was doing, but they had been close long enough for him to understand what Fin was implying. It was very likely the one who had watched him grow into a man knew much more than most people did. Every ascender worth his salt knew about the Dark God Seth. Call it 'Common Knowledge 101' if you will. Everyone knew the parents of Seth- Geb and Nut. And all were aware that his brother was Osiris. Though it was this very same brother that Seth had gruesomely murdered several millions of years ago. Although he didn't truly murder him, choosing to rather destroy his body and seal him, it was still a cruel act, one that accurately described the soul of the Dark God Seth."If that is all you know, then you know nothing." Fin shook his head at Ray's repl
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Suspicions Part II
"Just so you know, your earlier theory is correct. The Shadow God has indeed reached the ne plus ultra of godhood." Ray looked Butler Fin in the eye as he spoke. His countenance was stern, his words without an iota of doubt."I see", Butler Fin replied. "What gave him away?" he continued. He was aware that his 'employer' wouldn't be so certain if he didn't have proof. He curious about the how though. Since Seth had blocked his senses, and since he had kept out of Ray's way, he wasn't clear concerning what had happened to give the Shadow God away. He wanted to know how Ray had caught on to the elusive one."The head of the Assassins Organisation was his giveaway." Ray answered. Fin looked at him without a word, waiting for him to continue. "There is something I never told you, mostly because I was certain that you wouldn't approve. Apart from me, only my uncle and wife know." Ray sighed in resignation as he confessed. Butler Fin knew everything, well almost everything.
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Intruder Part I
"You think he was summoned? Why do you say so?" Butler Fin had his eyebrows raised in surprise. For an entity like himself, there were a few things that could surprise him. It had been millions of years ago since he was last stunned. He had been amused a few times but that was it. However, this time there was nothing amusing about what he was hearing. If what the Brute King Ray saying wasn't mere speculation, then…"There is someone in this world that dares to summon the unpredictable god of darkness." Ray spoke his thoughts out exactly, making the older god almost question whether the young battle god had stayed with him so long that he could…"Finish your sentences? Yeah I can." Ray smirked triumphantly upon having correctly guessed what his mentor was thinking. Butler Fin smiled in amusement. For a moment both of them cast aside their temporary worries as they cast their minds back to the simpler times. Those times when it was just the two of them. Tha
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Intruder Part II
"But this person is different. He isn't rejected by the world, since he can use his powers freely. It's seems to be the opposite." Butler Fin pondered out loud. "You mean our perp has the world's will on his side?" Ray questioned. "He does" Butler Fin nodded in reply."I ask you Ray, when you left on your rampage, did you find anything strange?" Butler Fin asked. Ray creased his brows, his brain worked double time, eager to notice something that he had missed. Looking at his ward deep in thought, Butler Fin smiled wryly. He sure wished that Ray was as quick-minded as his wife at certain times. It wasn't that Ray was dimwitted or slow. It was far from that. But the Brute King was close to two of the brightest minds in the universe. In their presence and company, his sharp mind was nothing but a blunt dagger. One that was easily overpowered by their sharp and resilient blades."Just let me see the entire process of your rampage." Butler Fin sighed in defeat after waiting
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Difference Of Opinion Part I
"It is impressive that someone was able to spy on us." Ray smirked carelessly. Butler Fin ignored the 'boy's' mockery and replied, "It is remarkable. Just like a mortal was able to endure your glow." Ray shut up at the rebuttal. The glow he used on the assassin was one of his most prized possessions. It was called Brimstone. This glow allowed Ray to burn things down even to a molecular level. Even the soul wasn't spared this agony. Being burnt by these flames ensured that one's soul would be lost for all eternity, completely destroyed, leaving nothing for the eager arms of the grim reaper. It was certain that the grim reaper hated this technique. No one would appreciate a skill that starved them of their food.The reason why Butler Fin dared to mock Ray concerning this was because although Ray had used his glow, the small part of the soul which held the imprint had survived, and conveyed all that happened to the castor- everything that happened in its last moments. Lucid Drea
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Difference Of Opinion Part II
"You would have to tell him eventually. If you don't, he definitely will find out. Many Supremes learned about their responsibilities before they were even ten. Your boy is almost eleven years old. And he is a bright kid. He would eventually find out what you are keeping from him." As usual, Butler Fin went on to tell him what he thought."I know. I just want him to have a bit of freedom right now. To play with his friends, to grow stronger without truly feeling any pressure. Is that too much to ask for?" Ray sighed tiredly."No, it isn't. You want him to be a child for a little more time. You want him to actually grow, and not to be forced into his growth. But Mane was never truly a child. His level of maturity has always been very high. Even Jake said so himself. The boy already knows that there are people after him. And he knows that these people are pretty darn strong. All I'm saying is that it is better for him to learn about his destiny from you, than to have to
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Weapon Masters Part I
"Wait a minute. If that is the case, how come I don't have such an ability?" Ray's question poked a hole in the old butler's explanation. If all that was said was true, how come he had no such abilities?"Do you remember how you mastered the sword?" Butler Fin asked."Not really" Ray replied."That is because you didn't. You just picked it up and started using sword arts you had previously seen. I found it strange but assumed it was extreme luck. It makes much more sense now." Butler Fin orated."Besides, you aren't a true weapons master. If you were, your affinity wouldn't only be with the sword." Butler Fin continued. Ray kept mute, opting to say nothing and waiting patiently for his master to continue."You didn't have a baptism by chaos. This baptism was usually done on their home world. Their sacred treasure, 'Kerith', was an origin divine artefact capable of bestowing this blessing. Strangely enough, only Weapon Masters could undergo the bapt
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Effects Of The Separation
"So many interesting things happened while we were away. Mommy is sorry she wasn't there for you." Alexis gently stroked Mane's hair as she apologised for her absence in their child's life. Although Ray wasn't mentioned, it was implied that he was included in the apology."It doesn't matter" Mane replied with a bright smile on his face. "At least you are here now", the blonde haired boy continued. Mane leaned into his mother's embrace as he spoke. Since his awakening, Alexis had abandoned her chair and joined him on his bed. Using his headrest as her back support, she lent her frame to her son to use instead. And Mane's large smile showed just how pleased he was with the current situation."You are very mature" Alexis stated the obvious as a bitter smile adorned her lips. She wasn't sad because her son was now mature in his dealings. Rather, she was quite pleased with the development. Her only regret was that she wasn't there to see it happen. She wasn't in the process
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