All Chapters of Hunters: The Prequel: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
918 Chapters
Brave And Interesting Part II
Dracula spoke in a hoarse voice, "If His Excellency would dispel his pressure, please allow me to show His Excellency something."Vlad gritted his teeth painfully as he listened to the person he worshipped lowering himself to beseech another. It didn't matter that it was an Asgardian. All that was important was that his master had lowered himself in such a manner towards another.'This is my fault', he thought silently. If he hadn't made the wrong decision several millennia ago, his master would not have to endure such shame. He didn't dare look to his side. For right beside him was Lilith, and her angry gaze was fixed onto him. She clearly thought the same. And she was right. Their master was only doing this to ensure the survival of their race, a necessity since he had foolishly served them up to the gods years ago."You still dare to make requests of me" Thor's baritone voice thundered as loudly as the clashing clouds themselves. The huge gale that swept thro
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One Of The 7 Grand Mysteries Part I
Dracula sighed in resignation upon realising the situation they were in. “Why would you-“ Vlad had barely started his statement when Alucard motioned for The Impaler to be silent. “Our lives are in their hands already, with or without the strings of fate binding us.” Alucard’s tone was cold, his voice stern. Vlad remained silent as the words of his young master found their way into his hard head, and etched themselves unto his brain. He may not like their current circumstance, but it didn’t change much. The only difference in their current state was that this time it was Forseti that held the ‘hammer’, not Thor.“Let them go, Lilith” Dracula waved his hand as he commanded the seductive vampire next to him. Forseti wrinkled his brows in thought, and his uncle was no diffe
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One Of The 7 Grand Mysteries Part II
Dracula nodded at his words. He wasn’t bothered that they showed no reaction to his words stating that he had some information on what they were hunting for. He was certain that by now they would have met many claiming to possess valuable information; many who were wrong.He picked a relatively comfortable rock, and sat. Lilith and Vlad picked rocks that were placed around his, irrespective of how uneven or uncomfortable they were. They were clearly displaying their allegiance to their king, showing that they would follow him no matter what. As for Alucard, he didn’t follow in their steps. The blood prince walked over to a comfortable looking rock and lifted it over his shoulders like it was a piece of dry wood, light and easy to carry. He carried it effortlessly to his father and placed it at his right side. He sat c
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Ananse, The Wise Spider God Part I
Thor smiled genially at the eager Dracula. Even the blood prince who was usually nonchalant and cared little for anything couldn’t hide the curious look on his pale face. The allure of truly understanding one of the seven great mysteries was enticing even for this prince.“It is. You can carry on” Thor didn’t elaborate much. He only did what they wanted. He confirmed that their information was indeed true. In fact, he was a bit surprised by how much they knew. Many high gods and ascenders knew about the object known as ‘devilstone’. Many knew that it was indeed the toughest and most impressive mineral in the universe. Many also deduced that the weapons of the most powerful of gods contained a bit of this precious mineral. Yet almost all of them didn’t truly understand its origins. It was
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Ananse, The Wise Spider God Part II
But now Thor and Forseti were eagerly searching for the source of the eternal flame- the Chaotic Flames. They wanted to know where the origin artefact of chaos slept. Unlike the gods, the one they wanted to gift the devilstone artefact to was young, and he wouldn’t be able to wait patiently for a hundred years. The young lord needed the weapon now. The only way to do that was to throw devilstone into the chaotic flames. Unfortunately, they had found neither the stone nor the flames. And Thor was hoping that the seemingly knowledgeable Dracula would have truly valuable information. As for the specifics of the story, he didn’t think it was necessary to disclose them. And he also didn’t bother to tell Dracula that Ananse was a she- not a he.Dracula realised that there was more to the story than he knew, but he did
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The Spider God's Goal Part I
It had been several years since any of the god’s heard anything about the spider god. Even the Allfather, Odin, had failed in this regard. The attempts of the one who saw all to find out the whereabouts of the spider god were unfruitful. Even after they had visited the 5th heaven, they didn’t find any information about the god of wisdom. Ananse seemed to have disappeared into thin air. But now they had found something that belonged the spider god. Even more ridiculous was that they weren’t the ones who found her- or rather a trace of her- she found them. The fact that she left something here for them was incredible. It showed her incredible foresight and ability. She was truly a sensor god, and her ‘sight beyond sight’ must have advanced to an unknown realm to let her guess so accurately what was going to happen in the future. She wasn’t a seer, neither was she a div
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The Spider God's Goal Part II
But even after gathering all these, one couldn’t just dump them on the amber rock and expect to get devilstone. There was a process behind it. It was a mystery as to how Ananse had found all these things out. She really was the smartest person in the entire universe. Anyway, she had stated that they first needed to grind the core into dust, and then pour it into the amber rock. To do this, they had to create seven shallow fissures on the surface of the amber rock, and slowly introduce the powdered core into it. It was an act of great patience. The next step was simpler. They just had to pour a litre of the blood of an origin god upon the rock. It must be poured in such a way that the entire rock will be covered with the blood. During these processes, the amber rock must lay where it is. It mustn’t be unearthed. If it was pried from the ground, one wouldn’t get the devilstone- only a blood covere
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Hela, The Goddess Of Death Part I
Looking at the bent figure of the Vampire Lord, Thor had a serene expression on his face. The initial excitement from gaining the help of Ananse was gone. All that remained in its place was a calm that was as silent as it was tranquil. Just like he thought, they truly requested for the return of their people. He expected this request the moment he read Ananse’s letter in its entirety. The spider god had stated in her letter that the gods of Asgard should do anything in their power to grant the request of the vampires. This was part of her buyout clause. Only by fulfilling all her requests would she continue to help them. And all her requests were centred on the vampires. Thor had begun to speculate about the difficulty of their request when he saw that Ananse had stated that they should do ‘everything in their power’. This didn’t only mean that the wise god was aware of the desire of the g
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Hela, The Goddess Of Death Part II
“Remember this though, if you promise to pledge yourself to the young master, Hela will help you.” Forseti assured them when he noticed their anxious looks. You would know how important this was to them once you observed Alucard. Even the carefree blood prince had the same look of anxiety on his face. It showed just how much this meant to them.The eyes of the four lit up at the same time. If previously they looked like men forced to wander a desert for many days without any water, they now looked like they had come across an oasis and were eager for a drink of the lifesaving resource.“We pledge our loyalty to the one who remains hidden” Dracula promised, his voice filled with the unwavering spirit of one determined to do
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Training Part I
“Ha ha ha”Mane panted laboriously as he struggled to catch his breath. His small frame was coated heavily with sweat, with his clothes sticking adamantly to his fair skin. Before him was a dummy that was dented in many areas. Along with the dents were small traces of dried up blood. He was currently training. It had been a month since he recovered. That would make it a month since he began his training- body wielding training. His ragged breaths showed how intense his training was. And his tired eyes spoke volumes of the stress it took on his body. Yet when one looked into those tired eyes there was no look of concession, only the burning will to train harder.“It is not enough.” He muttered. Due to his ragged breathing his sentence was produced in fragments, and it wasn’t as fluid as it normally would be.“Again.” From his mind space the booming voice of the 5th filled his head. He could feel his ears ringing, almost a
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