All Chapters of Hunters: The Prequel: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
919 Chapters
Indra Visits Part II
 Ray and Fin could guess what had happened next. Indra had left his home once more on a quest to see if the information was right. It could have been a trap, or it could have been just wrong information. But the Battle God Indra had still gone after it. He wanted to know if the information was right. When he arrived at the said location, his senses picked up nothing. After all, Zandor had been sealed off from the rest of the universe. Anyone who arrived at the world’s coordinates would see nothing. But for some reason Indra was able to discern what many hadn’t. If Ray and Butler Fin had to venture a guess, they would say it had something to do with the mysterious Sensor God. This god had somehow given Indra the ability to see what many wouldn’t. Especially since this god’s interference may actually be the explanation as to why Indra could call on the world will of Zandor for help. 
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A Strange Meeting Part I
“Who is dad with?” Mane asked his mother. His dad didn’t have any friends on Zandor. If his father had any friends, they would all be outside this world. This could only mean that the visitor was from another world. So Mane was truly curious about who it was that would come here to see his dad. Not only was this person allowed inside, his father also met with him personally. There was no way this person would be average.“Why don’t you ask him yourself?” Alexis smiled faintly and replied. After Mane had exited the bath, they had left the basement and were currently in the hall. The seats Mane and his friends chose weren’t facing the door. So Mane and his friends had their back to the doorway. They didn’t see Ray approach until Alexis spoke.They turned to look at the Brute King, but he wasn’t alone. Butler Fin was with Ray, but his presence was no surprise. The m
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A Strange Meeting Part II
However, it wasn’t the recipient of the question who replied, it was Ray. “Mane, allow me to introduce you to my new friend- Indra.” Ray smiled slightly and introduced Indra to his son. Indra nodded at the young boy with a smile and said, “How do you do?” He extended his hand for a handshake.“How do you do, Sir Indra.” Mane replied courteously and reached for the huge hand of the god who stood before him. Once he did, he experienced something he had never experienced before.Mane found himself in a strange place. It wasn’t accurate to call it a place. It was more of a space. The entire place was white- as white as the clouds in the sky, with no blemish- and the ground couldn’t be seen. Yet even though it seemed like there was no ground to step on, Mane was able to move fine. It was strange, almost like he was walking on cotton. Yet that didn’t impede him i
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He Wants Your Head Part I
“I do not know you, Sir Indra. I have no information to even understand who you are. I doubt that we have any mutual friends.” Mane’s words were laced with doubt. He had only met Indra today. He didn’t know who this god was, or what he stood for. He didn’t even know whether he was truly a god, or only an ascender. He just assumed Indra was a god because of the fact that his aura was similar to his father’s. Gods and Ascenders weren’t the same. Gods were ascenders, but ascenders weren’t gods. Godhood was the peak of ascension. It was a realm within the ascension realm that separated the truly talented from the moderately talented ones. It wasn’t an easy level to get to. It didn’t only require the highest degree of talent, but it was highly dependent on if fate was on your side. And from what Mane knew, godhood wasn’t the limit. Within the realm of godhood there were levels- a hierarchy. But that was o
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He Wants Your Head Part II
Many sought to destroy him. It had only been ten years, so the search was still as intense as it was when it first began. Yet no one really had any liable information on the Supreme. Not this goddess. She knew who the Supreme was, and she didn’t seem to care about his death. From his interaction with her, she would rather that the boy was kept alive. That was why she had sought him out. She wanted the help of a god who felt the same- a god who didn’t want the boy dead. She had told him, “Keep him safe- no matter the cost. His destiny is greater than what you think.”So Indra had come to this world. He had found everything as she said it. Nothing was out of place. Her foresight was incredible, for all what she had told him was true. He did what she asked, he observed the boy from the shadows. And with every year that passed, Indra’s fondness for the boy grew. It wasn’t his amazing progress that stunned the
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The Person Behind The Bounty Part I
“Shiva The Destroyer? Well, doesn’t he sound swell.” Indra ignored Mane’s mockery and went on to explain. “It is a moniker he earned after destroying many worlds. He cares about nothing and doesn’t work with logic. He is a dangerous entity. The current you is nothing but an ant before him. You will do well to remember to stay away from him.”Mane furrowed his brows in worry. It wasn’t pleasant news that he was being targeted by a god, and a rogue god at that. There was no way he would want to cross paths with this mad entity. Someone who took pleasure in destroying planets wasn’t an enemy to make when you were only an earth realmer.“But why does he want to kill me?” Mane wondered. If this god cared about nothing, then it should be safe to say that he wasn’t supposed to care about his status as a Supreme. So why was he being targeted?
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The Person Behind The Bounty Part II
Mane’s heart grew cold at Indra’s rebuke. The god wasn’t rebuking him per se, but Mane didn’t feel that way. Indeed, he wasn’t much different from the gods. He ignored others and had grown indifferent towards the life and death of the ‘common people’. Here he was, condemning the gods for their callous hearts when he was just as detached from his world as they were. Indra was right. To the people of this world, Hidden Cloak was a god. It was an organization that he had built. So technically, he was their god. Yet he had failed them, and he didn’t even realise that he had let them down.Over the years he had grown indifferent to the death of others. As long as they weren’t related to him in any way, he didn’t care whether they lived or they died. Even in the simulation chamber, he killed and took lives as frequently as leaves fell off a tree during the Fall. And this was done in the
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The Spy Part I
“It’s like I am some sort of magnet for gods.” Mane remarked bitterly. He was a mere mortal, yet there were two gods interested in him. One of them wanted to use him as a strengthening elixir, and the other just wanted his life.“It is because of who you are, Hidden Cloak” Indra remarked. His words enlightened the Supreme. He finally understood why Seth was after him. Indra mentioned that this god wanted him dead because of the organization he represents. Mane knew the organization in question now that he had heard Indra’s subsequent words. His identity as Hidden Cloak was threatening to only those of the Dark Kingdom. This identity was useless anywhere else in the world.“I thought Dark Kingdom was a small organization. How is it that they have a god behind them?” Mane pondered aloud.“Not a god- gods” Indra dropped a bombshell on
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The Spy Part II
“The Dark Sword has the power to corrode the mind of all it touches. It leaves an avatar in every world it has encroached upon. Over the years it has brainwashed many people. That was how it got most of the talented people in the universe to serves its wishes. But it hasn’t explicitly targeted the gods so they can do nothing about it.” All these years Mane had wondered how it was possible for the Dark Kingdom to brainwash all those they captured. Initially he speculated that it was a member of the Northern Empire’s royal family. But he threw that idea out of his mind after doing some investigations and finding out that every member of the royal family was accounted for. Besides, the Dark Kingdom had be
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Meeting Ananse Part I
“You’re right” Indra assented. “I didn’t find these out” he continued. “She did” Indra stepped to the side.With his body out of the way, Mane was able to see the lithe figure that stood behind the strange god. It was a woman. She was dark in complexion and had long wavy hair that cascaded down her back like a beautiful waterfall and stopped slightly below her slim and slender waist. Her hair fell onto her buttocks, yet even these beautiful strands couldn’t conceal the glorious arc of her buttocks. Although she wore a long robe, it did little to conceal her wonderful shape, only serving to exaggerate how amazing her curves were. The bulge of her chest was evidence of how well-endowed she was. Her lips were red, a stark contrast to her dark skin yet it complimented them more. Her wicked curves aside, her face was a work of art itself. It was almost as if all the artisans of the world had
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