All Chapters of Althea: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
194 Chapters
Closed off
Lucifer made his way towards the dining room to find Lucian already present there. He seems to be in deep thoughts. Lucian did not notice Lucifer who stood beside him."You are lost" Lucifer commented which startled Lucian.Lucian snapped his head towards where Lucifer is standing and smiled at him."Good morning" Lucian greeted."Indeed it's a very good morning," Darius said, making his way towards them with an amused Thea beside him."Here we go again" Lucifer muttered.That got Lucian's attention. "What happened" he asked excitedly."Lucifer got himself locked inside his room," Darius said, intentionally not taking Ambers's name.Lucifer breathed a sigh of relief at this. "What" Lucian laugh out loud."Indeed you had an exciting morning" Lucian commented."How about you? Did you find your room comfortable?" Darius directed the conversation towards Lucian.Instantly Lucian's face became close
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Working As a team
After breakfast, everyone got themselves busy with the preparation for the ritual that was planned for that evening.Lucian called his Vampires and so did Lucifer. They are yet to arrive any minute now.Lord Agamanan offered his help as well. He called a few of the witches, who are well versed to counter-attack dark spells.They were called to assist Lord Lucifer, who is the one doing the ritual. If it gets worst, then the witches are there to close the portal and completely close the area where there are dark creatures.Ophelia watched Master vampire Lucian from afar. Today morning when he crossed paths with her, he greeted her politely.He looked at her as if looking at a stranger. Somehow it sting more than it should have.After that, he was busy with his work. The amusement from earlier is gone completely.He is neither angry nor amused. He is just reserved and cold, like the first time she met him.Commander Jonathan instructed he
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Demons will keep themselves air born and help their other two team members on the ground. Vampire should confuse the dark creature and the shadow creature with his speed. Once they detect the real dark creature, then they should be contained by the shifter.If the dark creature tries to eat or kill your teammate, then the creatures should be killed.Those were the instructions given to all the teams. They were to choose their weapon of choice if they need any and be prepared by dawn.Everyone gathered in the arena after dawn.Lucifer stood in the middle surrounded by all his companions and witches are standing a few feet away.He remembered how he bumped into Amber while on his way to the arena."Lord Lucifer" she greeted politely."Where are you going" Lucifer asked knowing full well where she was going."To the arena" Amber answered truthfully."I don't want you to go there. I want you to stay in the mansi
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The dark creatures and their shadows first ran towards the witches, who were still chanting spells.As soon as the creatures came close enough to harm the witches, the demons descended from the sky and took the witch's one demon each, and flew away to a safer place.Once they are sure that the witches are safe and still be able to reach the portal with their spells, the demons came back to the arena.The witches are now chanting the closing spell, with which the portal will be closed. The dark creatures know this, that is why they immediately went after the witches.The dark creatures tried to follow the demons and reach the place where the witches are present, but were stopped by the teams.The dark creatures were succeeding in confusing the teams. They are playing with them, and when the team members are sure that they got the real creature, it turned out to be their shadow.The teams were losing and the invisible wall will not hold the da
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"You alright?" Lucian asked Ophelia, who is standing beside him. He can see that she is really tired."I am fine" Ophelia replied firmly, hiding her tiredness.Ophelia is a sentinel of the Royal pack. Now the pack and her King needs her. She cannot show weakness in a critical situation like this.She knows that her fellow sentinel and friend Melanie is injured. She saw Max rushing towards the hospital closely followed by King Darius and Queen Thea.She wish, Melanie is not critically injured and should recover soon. Ophelia has an inkling of doubt about how she must have been injured. But she prayed to God, that it should not be the case.There is no cure for the poison of a dark creature. It's one of the reasons why the dark creatures were exiled to another plane.All the sentinels were educated on the dark creatures when all the Lords and their King realized, that they might have to deal with them one day soon.Lucian looked at the
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want rushed towards the hospital and saw that Melanie is already moving restlessly on the bed.Max and Thea held her tightly to stop her.Darius immediately trapped Melanie to the bed with the thick tree roots."Darius" Thea hissed at him.Max looked at him a little puzzled."You found the cure" Max started hopefully."I did" Darius assured him."Why did you tie her up like that" Thea is emotional, looking at her friend in such a state.She is not thinking clearly. She thought Darius is making Melanie more uncomfortable like that."It's a part of her treatment," Darius told Thea patiently.Thea realized that she should have known Darius will not do anything drastic. "So she can be treated?" Max looked ecstatic.Max previously gave up hope of her survival. But hearing this from King Darius made him breathe a little easier."Yes, she can be treated. But it will take 2days for her to recove
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Lost control
"He is still under the effects of the poison?" Darius asked the dark creature.The dark creature looked at Darius before answering."Our Lord was bitten by a master vampire, and that too he released more poison than necessary. In the early hours of being bitten, our lord was completely out of his control and was giving in to the poison. As the poison was so active, everyone whom he bit got infected as well. After we were exiled to another plane, we no longer had healthy people to eat. So we were forced to stop, as we were too repulsed to eat each other. Slowly, the effects of the poison reduced after a few years. By then, even our Lord was showing signs of being normal again. Initially, he used to show signs of infections now and then, but that too stopped after a decade. We became normal, but our bodies changed" the dark creature revealed.He pushed the sleeve of his cloak up to reveal his forearm. It is bent at a weird angle."Our arms are legs are bent lik
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"We will get back to you," Darius told Odhan and they all walked a little farther away from him.When they are far away from Odhan, but still have him under their gaze, they started talking."Do any one of you trust him" Lucian asked the others?"I don't believe him. He might be cooking stories again to gain our sympathy. It is not believable at all" Lucifer agreed."But his offer to help us, it seems to be a little desperate" Darius observed."Yes, it was made after a long consideration from him. He seems to have thought long and hard to make that offer" Lucian agreed."But it might also be a trick to fool us like he did earlier. The way he effortlessly lied to us without the fear of being caught is suspicious" Lucifer said."You mean, someone else made him do it?" Lucian asked."Yes, someone whom he is scared of. Enough to lie effortlessly. I feel like, he thinks us as the lesser evils of both" Lucifer concluded."Hmm.." Darius
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After the Dark creature left, they stood there looking at the place from where the dark creature's portal disappears."We will make a move then. We will meet after two days" Lucian told Darius."Why don't you stay here instead?" Darius suggested."Another two days?" Lucifer exclaimed."Yes, why not. It's not like someone is missing you back home" Darius snorted."Hey, we still have work to do" Lucian protested."Can't it wait another two days? Is it more important than this?" Darius argued."Ok" Lucian and Lucifer both agreed without further protest.In reality, Lucifer wants to spend some more time with Amber. He wouldn't mind sharing his room with her again. But he does not want to scare her again.Lucian too wants to spend time with Ophelia. He doesn't like the factor that, she dislike him so much. He wants to change her opinion of him.He never bothered about anyone's opinion before. But he wants her to think
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Lucifer saw Amber pacing the foyer of the Mansion. He was amused by her restless pacing.'Why is she pacing like that?' he mused inside his head.When she noticed him, she rushed forward. "Lord Lucifer" Amber greeted him politely.When Amber heard about Melanie, she felt bad. She visited her in the hospital a while ago. Her condition doesn't seem to be much better.Upon enquiring, Thea informed her that she will be fine. She felt a little better after that. But looking at Melanie, who is screaming to let us out of that room, made her heart hurt for her.Amber started to like that girl recently. She is a decent person. But a thought was plaguing her since she saw Melanie.Even though she is grateful to God that Melanie will be alright, she also heard that it was Lord Lucifer who caught the first dark creature when that creature tried to kill him.She started to panic, what if Lord Lucifer was hurt? It's well past midnight
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