All Chapters of Dangerous Man: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
295 Chapters
"Thank you, Stev. You're coming to the mansion again," said Mr. Will, putting his arm around his only son's shoulder.   Stev made a half smile.   "A man will never take his word," Stev replied to his father. His eyes glowed to see what was around him. Not much has changed here, it's still the same as what he saw first.   "You guys prepared all this very well."   Stev's praise made the head of the family look surprised. It was unusual for Stev to say that for no reason.   I wonder what Stev was planning. William Arley didn't care at all, even if the boy made this Christmas event a mess. His eyes were blind because they were covered with happiness even though it was only artificial.   Stev's presence here proves that his son still cares for him and follows his word. And this will be a good start for their relationship.   Yes. At least this
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"Why are you in a hurry? Don't you want to stay there?" asked Ellen.   While the man who was now driving at an above average speed gave a faint grunt.   "We have to go to the hospital," he replied. Every now and then he made a murmur that Ellen couldn't hear.   The car she was riding in seemed to have no brakes. Stev repeatedly overtook the other riders until they became annoyed and honked the horn several times as a warning.   But Stev didn't care. The man even increased the speed of his car.   Ellen is not afraid of this. For if in the end they both would crash and die, at least she could die together with Stev.   In Ellen's car was silent. She just opened hers mouth and made a sound when the speed of the car he was in began to slowly slow down. Not as crazy as before.   "Did Lucy fall down the stairs and go back into the hospital?" ask
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"Stev?" Bella said weakly. Hers voice was hoarse. Meanwhile, the man who was just named now feels relieved. Finally this woman has awakened from her long sleep. "Oh my God! Are you aware? Are you all right? How are you feeling?" he asked impatiently. Bella didn't answer right away. The woman was silent as she glanced at Stev without blinking. "Am I ... still alive?" Silly question. "Don't say stupid things. You're still alive!" replied Stev in a tone that didn't sound very good to the ear. The man did not understand why Bella thought she was dead. The accident that happened to the woman apparently made Bella lose a little of her sanity. Bella exhaled softly from her mouth. Do not think if she is still alive until this moment. She thought when she would open hers eyes, she was already in heaven and met hers mother ther
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"So, have you been going to your father's mansion?" asked Bella. This time, both of them have returned to their respective places. Stev sat beside the woman muttering softly. "Hn." Bella tugged at the corners of her lips as she saw the old man's face. He shrugged his shoulders while playing with her fingers because he was bored. Bella also asked again. "You went alone?" she said. Though she could already guess what the man would say afterward. "No. I went with Ellen," said Stev. He glanced at Bella, who was now shrinking hers gaze. "You can handle my absence well." Bella doesn't understand why her mouth spontaneously said like that. She is neither sad nor angry here. She has no right to do that. "Yes. You didn't come right away," Stev replied. This time Bella lowered her gaze, she took a small bre
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This morning looks very bright Sunlight scrambling to break into the room through the air vent. Meanwhile, Bella, who was still lying with her eyes still tightly closed, slowly began to open her eyes. Her curled lashes twitched. The first sight she saw when hers eyes opened was the figure of a handsome man who was now spreading chocolate jam on the bread in his hand. The man looked as if he had taken a shower, his clothes had changed to a new one and there were droplets of water remaining in his jet black hair. He realized that Bella had woken up from sleep. It was proven when he stopped his activities and turned to Bella. "Are you awake?" Questions she didn't need to answer, Bella thought. Instead of answering the words of the man. Instead, Bella looked straight at Stev with a furrowed brow that indicated she was confused. If usually she
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Lucy smiled. "Good," he said. He then glanced at the man next to him. "What?" asked Stev as Lucy appeared to be watching him. The man who was full of joy then shook his head. "It's okay," he replied. He put something he was carrying on the nightstand. Making Bella and Stev both raise an eyebrow. "What have you brought?" Bella asked representing what Stev would have asked too. "Clothes for you," said Lucy. "But I suggest you ask the nurses in this hospital to help you change your clothes. Don't ask the wrong person for help," said Lucy meaningfully. He couldn't help but glance at Stev again. Until the man who had felt himself being stared at had snorted. "What do you mean?" asked Stev, who could no longer bear to sneer. Lucy didn't answer. The man instead grinned broadly like a fool. And Stev was sure that Lucy was rea
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Bella lowered her smile. She looked at something that was in hers hand. The lily she was holding reminded her of someone. The little girl who sells flowers around with a small basket that she always carries with her. Shyla. Bella hasn't even had time to keep her promise to visit the little woman's house. Who only lived alone with hers grandmother. "Do you think of something?" The deep voice that sounded from the man who sat next to her made Bella look away from the Lily flower. She nodded slowly. "I remember the little girl who sold flowers," she said. The man next to her did not move. He just muttered softly. He thought Bella was thinking so hard. It turned out to be just a flower girl. Joseph looked at Bella intensely. As he opened his mouth to make a sound, Joseph said calling the woman's name
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It took half an hour for Bella to calm her tears. After half an hour she was satisfied to drain hers tears. Finally she could feel herself more relieved now. Both of hers eyes were slightly swollen. However, Bella didn't care. Instead, she looked at Joseph with disgust. "You always manage to make me cry," she said with a hiss. While the man before her could show no other expression than a satisfied smile. "It's because you're too whiny," he joked. Bella rolled her eyes bored. "Why hasn't your annoying nature ever changed?" Bella asked, irritated. do not forget with hers hands folded in front of hers chest. Joseph sneered softly. "How do you want me to change?" he asked. "Uhm ... A little humorous?" she suggested, snapping hers fingers. Joseph chuckled. "Don't be kidding," he said. 
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That afternoon, at Jenjay. Freya supported her own face using one of her hands. While the other hand is on the table and tapping hers finger on the desk. Every now and then she sighed heavily. Feeling that something was missing in this great building. Even the pile of paper in front of her she ignored. It seemed like she didn't have the mood to do anything other than daydream. Sometimes, at certain times daydreaming is actually fun for her. "What is wrong with you? You look like a person who has no enthusiasm," asked hers friend who had just passed in front of her. "I just don't feel excited," she said softly. The friend shook hers head slowly at Freya's behavior. She is back on hers way and doing hers job. Leaving Freya alone with her complicated thoughts. She sighed softly. "Why doesn't Bella come in again? Is she h
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"You ... Why are you here?" Freya looked at the man in front of her with a surprised expression. Didn't expect this man to dare to enter hers workplace just to meet her. The man was showing a smile that could make some of the women here lose their breath. "Are you Jennie's assistant?" he asked. Freya nodded slowly. Felt a little strange with Joseph's question. "Why do you know the chairwoman?" Now she is asking the question to the man. Joseph furrowed his brows, not understanding why Freya was so confused by his arrival. "Didn't Jennie tell you? I came to get my tux," explained Joseph. Freya gasped. "What?!" she shrieked in disbelief. "So ... the chairwoman's loyal customer is you?" she said in surprise. She felt ashamed of herself because she assumed that the man had come to see her. 
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