All Chapters of Dangerous Man: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
295 Chapters
Today is Bella's fifth day of discharge from the hospital. Even though she still hasn't fully recovered, Bella has started using her own cane to walk. Nothing has changed. The residents of this house are always busy with what they are doing. A job that even she herself found it difficult to define. Too complicated, and she was in the middle of it. "Miss? Did you just change your own clothes?" asked a woman with a plate of food in her hand. She put and set it on the table. And then helped Bella to sit on the chair that was there. Bella smiled thinly at the maid. "It's easy. I can do it myself," she replied. Nana sighed softly. "You should have asked me, take it easy, I'm here to serve you," she smiled broadly. Both hands then took the food listed and gave it to Bella. "Aren't you here at Stev's order?" asked Bella. She told Nana to sit and eat with her. But th
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Nana nodded completely without hesitation. "Yes! Mr Stev even has a photo with her. He showed it to me once," said the maid. "Where is the photo now?" Bella can't hold back her curiosity. But the answer from Nana afterward made her shrug her shoulders. "I don't know. Mr. Stev must have kept these treasured memories very well." Bella sighed softly. If what Nana said was true, about herself being very much like the woman in Stevens past. So, she who is here is none other than Liana's shadow? . . . "Hello, I'm Kath Ellen, journalist for the Daily Media. Can I meet your chief executive, Mr. Nicholas Wilson. We want to do an interview with him." Ellen looked at the female receptionist in front of her with the sweet smile she displayed. She gave hers identification card to the recep
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"Has he gone the way we planned?" Stev asked Lucy who was next to him. Lucy nodded. "About ten minutes ago. He had already taken the alternative route here. They will close this alternative road access and divert other motorists to take the public road." The spiky-haired man was seen fiddling with his cellphone. Was exchanging news with people ordered by him. They were currently on one of the alternative roads that connected Evanston and Chicago. With various large tall trees towering on the right and left of the road. It didn't look terrible at all, as the lights along this road were burning like lanterns in the dark forest. "We don't have much time," said Stev. Intend to warn Ellen not to take too long with their target. "Are you ready? Ellen?" Stev asked the woman who had just pressed the last key on her laptop keyboard. 
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"Ah sorry, my hand just did it," she said with a face pretending to be sorry. Nicholas stepped back when he saw the woman in front of him walking towards him. "Who are you?!" he shouted. He could feel that the woman in front of him was now very dangerous. Ellen's face suddenly turned flat. "Do you think?" Nicholas gritted his teeth angrily. "I don't know who you are! What's your problem ?!" He glanced at the car parked not far from his car. The car was the car he had seen earlier. Nicholas is very sure that the woman in front of him now has a connection with what is happening to him. His accident was definitely not an accident. He knows if his personal driver, Dey. Intend to avoid accidents that will occur. But something unexpected happened to him. Ellen snorted softly. "You r
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"Life must be paid with life," The woman hissed. She stared at the sly man below her with a low growl. "You think I'm stupid? Your family will definitely not stand by and pay dearly so you can get out of jail!" she said again. Nicholas shook his head softly. All his body ached, he did not expect that Ellen would take revenge on him for what he had done to her family. "W — what do you want? I'll give you everything you want ..." he said again, trying to persuade the woman to let him go. "I don't need anything. All I need is your death, in my hands!" Ellen replied fiercely. "You!" Nicholas widened his eyes as Ellen roughly popped a few medicinal pills into him mouth. The woman continued to force himself to swallow the pills. At this time he was desperately trying to spit out the medicine. But Ellen's hand forced him, the woman closed
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Just when they had passed the path full of lush trees and had entered the public lane, Ellen with a satisfied face and casually pressed the red button on the small remote. "Mission accomplished," said the woman who had just heard an explosion far behind them. She chuckled softly, before finally throwing the small remote in hers hand back. "Ouch!" groaned someone who was sleeping in the back seat. With both hands as pillows. And it made Ellen snort lazily. "We'd better just leave that idiot in the woods, Stev," said Ellen, rolling her eyes. The woman then took her coat which was in front of her and put it on quickly. Meanwhile, Stev, who was next to her, didn't answer anything. The man only focuses on driving.. . . Bella really couldn't understand what was going on. When she was still curled up comfortably in hers warm blanke
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Stev looked out through the clear glass next to him. After a transit process that took nearly five hours, the plane he was traveling on finally returned to flying. Slowly starting to rise leaving the land which is getting smaller and smaller. "Stev?" call someone who is next to him. The man turned his head, he could see Ellen who was beside him with a bright face. "Hn?" replied the man, full of ambiguity. Ellen smiled faintly at the man. "Thank you, I feel relieved now," she said. And Stev, who was now leaning his head, pulled one corner of his lips up. "No need to thank you, you did it yourself." The man replied expressionlessly. Ellen shook her head softly. "But, it's still because of you. Without your help, I probably wouldn't have been able to find Nicholas until now. And that bastard can stil
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While the man who was currently spinning the gun in his hand grieved. The two legs that crossed each other swayed slowly. "I know," he replied apathetically. "Everything is aimed at that bastard, nobody else but him," he said with a faint grin. Joseph nodded. "Yes. He flew to Chicago a few days ago," he announced. Rudolf chuckled softly. "Do you think he was there just to get revenge on his girl friend?" Joseph's eyebrows frowned. "Ellen?" he made sure. "Yes. Who else?" Joseph is silent for a while "Revenge?" he repeated. Rudolf watched intently his trusted subordinate. "Yes. Nicholas slaughtered the woman's entire family until nothing was left. I'm a little surprised that one of the family is still alive, in fact she's behind Stev's b
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"Are you back?" asked Bella. But the man standing at the door didn't answer. He was just silent as he walked closer to Bella. "How are you?" he asked, putting down his jacket carelessly and sitting down beside her. Bella sighed softly. If she could, she didn't want to answer the man's question because Stev was also ignoring hers question. But Bella knew exactly what would happen to her if she did. "I've started walking with a cane," she replied as she closed the book on hers lap. "Are you that tired?" asked Bella. She raised her hand to wipe the sweat that was running down the man's forehead slowly. Stev did not say anything, but his two onxies did not escape from her. "You sweat a lot," Bella said with a soft snort. The woman then took the tissue that was above the nightstand and wiped her wet fingers. "What have you been doing while I'm
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"Who would you like to meet, Stev?" asked Lucy when the man saw Stev had finished his call. "Somebody," Stev replied curtly. He then stepped off his feet to leave the two people at the dining table. He climbed the stairs one by one with leisurely steps to his room.  "Is he going to meet a woman?" asked Lucy to the woman who was nearby. "I don't know either, you fool!" Ellen scolded the spiky man. She fixed hers eyes to the floor above. Where Stev was. "I'm pretty sure he's going to meet a woman, and maybe after that — ouchh !!" Lucy glared at Ellen as she hit him head with a spoon in her hand. The woman glared at himself. And Lucy didn't understand why that woman was acting like that. "What are you ?!" he said irritably. He gently stroked his head, which hurt as if he had just been stung by a bee. Ellen sne
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