All Chapters of The Ultimate Husband: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
7044 Chapters
Chapter 141
At that moment, the ‘shark’ swam towards Megan!Megan was terrified and shouted, “Kent, help!”Even though she had plenty of life experiences, that was a shark coming to her.Kent grinned. It was time for him to be the ‘Hero to the Rescue’! Haha!He wanted to show Megan how manly he was. That was the reason he had arranged for this ‘shark’ attack incident.The ‘shark’ was fierce and was swimming aggressively among the ladies!However, the ‘shark’ did not seem to bite…Zayler and Justin had realized this fact too, so they braced themselves and went over to protect their partners.On the other hand, Darryl was floating at the side and watching. Lily was disappointed. Why would Darryl not go and protect her in such situations?It seemed like she had overestimated him.“Kent, hurry! Hurry…” Megan was terrified. Why was the ‘shark’ only chasing after her?“Megan dear, don’t worry. Your husband is here!” Kent laughed loudly while swimming towards her. He took out a knife he had pr
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Chapter 142
“Wow, such good acting!” Darryl laughed. It was as if they were in the movies. Darryl then turned to swim towards Lily.“Lilybud, what happened?” Darryl asked as he approached Lily with her face upset.‘Could She have been frightened by the fake shark?’ Darryl thought.Lily was disappointed and replied coldly, “I’m fine. I’m not in a mood. Don’t speak to me.”She turned to swim towards the shore without looking back at Darryl.The fiancé of others was bravely fighting off the shark, making her all proud, but her own husband was doing nothing.She felt foolish thinking Darryl had turned a new leaf when he got a job. It seemed he did not change after all. She should not have asked him along for the outing.Darryl was stunned by Lily’s reaction. What happened to her all of a sudden?Just when he was about to catch up with her to find out further, there were shouting coming from the crowds on the shores again.“There is another shark!”“Sh*t! There is another one!”Under the scr
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Chapter 143
Everyone was covering their mouths at that time. Some were screaming too!The shark with its jaws wide open was charging towards Lily!“No…” Lily hopelessly closed her eyes and stood there waiting for her death.She was surprised those big jaws did not reach her at the end.She opened her eyes slowly and was in shock to see what was happening right in front of her eyes.Not only Lily, everyone else was holding their breath and the atmosphere went into complete silence!It was the sight of Darryl riding on the back of the shark, holding on to its fin, and continuously punching the shark.What?Everyone was stunned and could not say a word. Not a single sound was made.The shark was shaking profusely and its sharp teeth slit through Darryl’s arm, causing a large wound with blood oozing out.“Go, go!” Darryl was shouting while covered with blood.“B-but, what about you?” Lily shivered and started crying.“Darryl I’m wrong. I’m wrong for thinking you are a coward. You’re the on
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Chapter 144
Lily sat lifelessly on the ground under the voices of the masses.‘Is he… Is he really dead? No, no, I won’t let him to. He cannot die!’ She thought.“What are all of you standing here for? Go help him, help him!” Lily shouted at the crowd.Everyone’s face looked troubled and no one dared to look back at Lily.Was she crazy? It was a ten feet long shark down there! No one would dare jump into the water and help.He was just a live-in son-in-law whose life was worth nothing. It was lucky that no one else got hurt. No one had asked him to act as the hero and save Lily.Lily did not give up. She put on her stilettos and walked towards William. “William, you are part of the Lyndon family too. You have to save him!”She could not ask others for help, hence she turned her hope to William.William gave a cold smile and said, “I’m sorry about what happened to Darryl, but I can’t really swim well. Besides, I would get killed if I were to get in there based on that shark’s size.”Althou
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Chapter 145
It was complete silence.With Darryl reaching the shores, the ten feet shark had also been dragged along to the shores.“Gulp!” One of them among the crowd swallowed a big gulp of saliva.How did he do that? How was it possible for him to kill the shark?The few hundred of them were looking at Darryl. Everyone was stunned and amazed. That was incredible!Darryl smiled. “Why is my dear wifey crying so badly? Were you worried about your dear hubby?”“You…” Lily was really heartbroken earlier, thinking she would never see him again. She only wanted to hug him tightly when she saw him walking towards the shore.Her beautiful face was still covered with tears. She had not expected Darryl would still be joking around while calling out each other hubby and wifey in front of everyone. How embarrassing!“Stop it, I-I wasn’t worried about you!” Lily said softly while drying her tears. She did not look back at Darryl.“Darryl!” Megan and Yvonne walked over. “Are you fine?”It was all th
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Chapter 146
‘Darryl is lucky to befriend Dax, but both of them aren’t at the same level. They won’t be friends for long,’ thought Kent. He set up the shark incident, but Darryl was the one getting the attention. Even Megan was ignoring him now.“Alright, silence please.” Edward stepped forward and spoke.“All of you are from rich and famous families. Everyone had been pampered. The aim of this outing is to challenge everyone’s survival instincts. We shall barbeque the shark later. Let’s get a place to sleep for now.” Edward spoke loudly.“Great!” Everyone unanimously agreed.Everyone soon embarked on searching for a resting place after eating the barbequed fish.“Come quickly, there’s a cave over here. It’s big enough for all of us to rest,” shouted someone excitedly not long after that.Everyone moved towards the cave....Platinum Corporation.The company was surrounded by countless fans with all of them holding paper signs and light sticks. Everyone was really excited!All the media i
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Chapter 147
Moonlit River.Giselle walked in once she got out of the car. Her high school class monitor Clifford had just called to inform her of a gathering.She was really upset over Dalton's incident the day before. It would be great to attend a friends’ gathering to relax.Giselle’s appearance immediately became the focus. All of her classmates came over to greet her since Giselle was the class goddess and currently a star!Apart from Giselle, the next person who attracted the most attention would be their class teacher, Lana Thomas. Giselle was absent from the last gathering and finally managed to make it this round.The 30 years old Lana was the most beautiful teacher in the school. During her lessons, all the boys were unable to concentrate from being distracted by her body.After a few years, Lana still looked the same. In fact, she looked even more attractive and extremely sexy with her pencil skirt which displayed her perfect body.Lana and Giselle were both equally attractive in
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Chapter 148
Although she was a school teacher, Lana had good vocals, a beautiful look, and a sexy body. She looked elegant even though she was already in her thirties.Giselle was a big star. It would be great if Giselle could help to recommend her.Giselle was stunned and immediately replied, “Actually, the President of Platinum Corporation is…”She stopped in the middle of her words. She almost forgot Darryl was keeping a really low profile and did not want many people knowing about his status.How? What should she do with her teacher’s request?Thinking of that, Giselle smiled. “Sure, let me find out tomorrow.”Lana was very excited as she added, “Great! I shall send you some of my photos. Please send them to the President of Platinum Corporation.”Lana started texting her photos to Giselle. She had always been confident in her own looks and her body as she felt she was just as beautiful as those movie stars. She was confident that the President of Platinum Corporation would be intereste
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Chapter 149
Dax panicky rushing in while carrying Nancy. “Is there a doctor here? Anyone?”Nancy fainted in his arms with her eyes shut tightly.Everyone who was chatting earlier went towards them and was stunned.What had happened? Why had she fainted?Everyone wished to use this chance to establish a connection with the Sanders family, but none of them were doctors!At that moment, a lady stepped forward. She was Helen Darwin, the granddaughter of the Darwin family. She was a very studious girl and currently doing her second-year medical degree.Dax felt relieved upon seeing her. Helen took Nancy’s pulse and in just three seconds, she shook her head and said, “This is something abnormal. Her breathing is very weak, she’ll not be able to last for the next two hours.”“Miss Darwin, you are frightening me. Can you please help her?” Dax’s body was shaking. He had never been so worried, even when he was fighting with a few hundred people.“I can’t with my current abilities.” Helen sighed.“W
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Chapter 150
“Yes, do you want to die?” Kent also shouted in frustration.Darryl did not immediately reply. He just waved his hands and said, “Fine then, if that’s the case both of you please treat her.”Both of them were speechless. How would they know how to treat her sickness!“Fine, shut up the both of you.” Dax shook his hands. He gently put Nancy down and helped her to sit on Darryl’s lap.“Dax, please find some tree roots and worms from outside,” said Darryl while pressing his fingers against Nancy’s abdomen!Rising Sun Acupoint. During his days of learning martial arts, his master had warned that acupoint was not to be touched unnecessarily. It was because that was the energy and blood turning zone. It may easily lead to blood blockage.After Dax left, Lily approached Darryl quickly. “Darryl, stop fooling around. Nancy’s situation seems really bad. Are you sure you can do it? Don’t force yourself.”Lily was not happy about the fact Nancy was leaning close to Darryl. She felt really u
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