All Chapters of The Ultimate Husband: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
7044 Chapters
Chapter 151
Darryl ignored their laughter.He shrugged while picking up an empty ceramic jar from the floor. There were many bottles and jars left behind in the cave. It was uncertain who left them there.He rinsed the can, looked around, and said, “Justin, William, and Kent. Take off your shirts.”“Why should I do that? Are you crazy?” Kent shouted.“I need fire to produce the elixir and all the twigs are wet from rain, so I’ll need your shirts for fire,” replied Darryl calmly.Justin yelled, “Why did it have to be our shirts? What don’t you use yours? Don’t you know that we might catch a cold in this weather?”Darryl replied, “Fine, your shirts are more important than Nancy’s life.”How dare you!Kent was furious. “Fine! I’ll give it to you. I shall see what you’ll do if Nancy doesn’t wake up later.”The three of them looked at each other and started removing their shirts while everyone laughed at them.A fire was soon set up with the ceramic can boiling as Darryl started producing the
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Chapter 152
Dax acted as if he did not hear a single word as he sat quietly and emotionless beside his wife.Yvonne felt terrible from seeing everyone laughing at Darryl, “I’m not experienced. I cannot be sure. There may be certain people using ceramic jars to produce elixir…”How foolish of her. She was busy sharing general knowledge of producing elixir that she had unintentionally humiliated Darryl.“Haha, Miss Young, you don’t need to cover for him anymore.”“Yes, even though this live-in son-in-law had saved you from the shark this morning, you do not need to be grateful. He’s just a fake!”William laughed. “Perhaps even if the jar explodes, he will not be able to produce anything. Darryl, stop acting. Don’t you get tired?”Pop! There was a loud vibration in the ceramic jar which startled everyone present and caused them to step backward. The ceramic jar did not break as the sound was from the reaction of gathering energy in the ceramic jar.Darryl slowly opened the jar’s cover with eve
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Chapter 153
Miss Lana Thomas was really beautiful, but she was very strict too. The dozens of photos taken from different angles did indeed perfectly show off her body figure.What did Giselle want? What was with all those pictures of Lana?Sh*t! While Darryl was looking at those pictures, a few people around him saw those pictures too which resulted in Kent shouting, “Come quickly! Darryl is looking at pictures of hot chicks, haha. That’s so disgusting, please at least do it privately!”Most of the ladies were staring at Darryl in anger upon hearing that. All women despised disgusting men.Darryl felt embarrassed. He shut his cellphone immediately and pretended to look around while trying to get rid of the atmosphere’s awkwardness.He then stood with his brows furrowed tightly.“What are you doing? Are you crazy?” Ken shouted.Darryl did not reply as he looked towards the cave walls and then towards the cave exit. He then sighed and said, “There’s something not right about this cave.”Lil
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Chapter 154
Why happened to Lily? Why was she blushing?“I… I’ll go with you.” Yvonne stepped forward from the crowd at that moment. She had to support him now since her previous words had caused Darryl to be humiliated by the crowd. At least she would feel better by doing so.What? Yvonne would be leaving with Darryl? Why? How could the goddess leave with him?The Young family could not endure any longer. Darryl was just a live-in son-in-law while Yvonne was still single. Why would she want to leave with him?“Miss Young, don’t listen to him.”“Exactly, who knows what he’s up to. He bragged of producing an elixir, but Missus Sanders is still unconscious! Don’t be fooled by him!”Hearing that, Kent said, “President Sanders, this guy is just trying to escape because he knows his elixir doesn't work. Don’t be fooled.”Kent was so confident as he spoke while thinking, ‘Darryl would never be able to trick me.’“Yes, Kent is right.” “He’s just trying to escape as he knows none of us will go w
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Chapter 155
Oh yes, Darryl had only built one grass hut. How would they fit? Yvonne and Lily were puzzled.Darryl laughed and said, “It’s not easy to build one. Besides, the night is so cold. We would be able to keep each other warm if we stay close together. Don’t you agree?”Haha. There would be two beautiful ladies spending the night with him. Why would he build another hut?Lily blushed. “You wish to sleep between both of us? Don’t think about it!” She then pulled Yvonne along and said, “Let’s go in and rest now.” Lily shouted once they went into the hut, “Darryl, please guard the hut outside. You’re the best!”Lily had a shiver when said that. She had never been so gentle with Darryl.“You… You’re leaving me outside?” Darryl begged while Lily just laughed. “You can’t be in here since Yvonne is still single.”Sigh! Darryl lit a cigarette and closed his eyes.Darryl woke up due to the coldness of the weather after an unknown period of time. He could hear the ladies’ breathing from in
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Chapter 156
The rest of the people in the cave reacted then. “Mister Darryl, pull me out first…”“Darryl, save me first…”“Mister Darryl, help my wife first. She’s two months pregnant…”There were still a few broken rocks falling in the cave and looked like it was going to collapse again soon.Under such circumstances, everyone wants to be saved first as it becomes less safe the later it is!Kent wailed as he pushed himself to the front. He lifted his head up at Darryl with a face full of anticipation. “Mister Darryl, Mister Darryl, help me first. I can pay you…”Kent did not care anymore about his grudges against Darryl. He only wanted to stay alive!Darryl looked at him with a smile. “Kent, have you forgotten what you’ve said before? Didn’t you say that you’re gonna call me daddy?”“You!”This live-in son-in-law was crossing the line!Kent would not have cared about doing it, if not for the fact there were hundreds of people around! Moreover, Megan was with him too!Darryl let out a c
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Chapter 157
The usually high and mighty Megan did not know why she would say something like this. Her face instantly blushed upon finishing her words and it was extraordinarily enchanting under the moonlight.Darryl furrowed his eyebrows. Even after hearing Megan’s words, he had no intentions of saving Kent!This brat was rotten to the core. He attracted a real shark to attack during the day and almost cost someone their life. There was no way Darryl would forgive him.“Please, Brother... Please save him...” Megan repeated herself softly as she rocked Darryl’s arm.Kent felt a thorn in his heart upon hearing his own goddess calling another person ‘Brother’. However, he dared not speak up at this point.Darryl sighed and relented after hearing Megan’s enchanting pleads. He used the rope and pulled Kent out of the cave.Darryl did not even bother talking to Kent after rescuing him and simply returned to the grass hut.“Darryl, you’re so amazing.”Lily, who was waiting by the hut with a joyfu
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Chapter 158
Brian gifted Old Master Darby a cultivation method called the Body Transformation Scripture five years ago.The Shaolin Sect and Wudang Sect had close brotherhood ties. The forebearers of both sects had worked together and created the Body Transformation Scripture which disciples from both sects could cultivate. Of course, it was only available to those elite disciples with the average disciple having no chance of seeing it.Old Master Darby began his closed-door cultivation after obtaining the Body Transformation Scripture and five years passed in a blink of an eye. Now that Old Master Darby had finally achieved enlightenment, he ended his seclusion today!Several prominent figures from Donghai City and even the surrounding areas rushed to the mansion and congratulated Old Master Darby upon hearing the news.A grand banquet was held in the mansion with a variety of delicious delicacies.Even the waitresses were absolute beauties.Everyone was eagerly waiting for Old Master Darby
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Chapter 159
Thump!Yumi’s words further fueled the Old Master’s anger which prompted him to slam the table. “Men, bring Daniel and his wife here. I would like to ask them how they educate their son!”Old Master Darby’s emotions were thoroughly worked up at that moment!Brandon and Abby who sat at the side exchanged worried looks with each other. They felt Darryl was not a bad person from their previous interaction.Who would have thought he could do such a thing!Was he a wolf in sheep’s clothing?Three days later, at Dragon Raising Lake.Today’s weather was great and the sun was shining brightly. The Hough family had called some buses to pick them up early in the morning as the outing had come to an end. Several people were bruised during the cave-in which happened a few days ago. These rich kids were pampered since young, hence even though their wounds have started healing with no risks to their lives, they still insisted on getting a medical check-up in the hospital.Consequently, the
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Chapter 160
“Quick, open the door.” Megan could not hold back any longer and told the driver.It was always a good thing to help someone in need when one is out and about.The driver agreed and was about to open the door. The twin brothers were happy to see that and carried their sister to the front door.However, it was at that moment Darryl stood up. “Hang on, I think we should just call an ambulance for them.”“Why?”Megan furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.Darryl laughed. “No particular reason, it’s just that our bus is full. Where would there be space for them?”Everyone aboard was a little angry upon hearing Darryl’s words.How could Darryl say something so inhumane? They cannot come up simply because there were no seats? Their sister’s injury was serious, what would happen if she did not arrive on time at the hospital?In truth, it was not Darryl being unsympathetic, but rather he saw something was wrong once the siblings appeared.Minnie seemed like she was injured and in pain,
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