All Chapters of The Ultimate Husband: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
7044 Chapters
Chapter 171
“Although Darryl has committed a heinous act, as his father, you cannot be exempted from punishment! If you don’t admit your wrongdoing today, I’d rather hit you to death!” Old Master Darby said coldly.Smack! Smack! The rattan smacked Darryl’s father’s body as his fresh blood flowed on the floor.Luna was crying so much that she had lost her voice. “Please stop hitting him! Please stop! If this goes on, you’ll kill him!”“Stop hitting him?” Yumi walked towards Old Master Darby. “Grandpa, I think Daniel Darby won’t be sorry until he’s dead. He must think that you’re old and compassionate and won’t cause him any harm!”“Yes, Grandpa! If we don’t punish Darryl and his parents, it won’t be fair to the others!” the crowd around them shouted. Hearing what others said, Old Master Darby’s face turned green. “Someone, use the domestic discipline!”TzzzUpon hearing the two words, ‘domestic discipline,’ most of the family members took a cold breath. Daniel’s face also darkened in fear
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Chapter 172
“Dad! Dad!” Darryl yelled with his eyes red as he cut the rope loose with his sword and held his father in his arms.Meanwhile, Daniel’s body was completely ruined. His body emanated a burnt smell as his skin and clothes swirled into a mixture of blood and flesh. “Son…son. Tell me, did you do it? Did you do such a thing?” Daniel mumbled with his pale white lips as intense pain overwhelmed his body, and he trembled. “I didn’t. I didn’t!” Darryl cried, his face covered in uncontrollable tears.“That’s..good…” Daniel said with all his remaining strength.With a faint smile, his eyes shut. They didn’t know if he was dead or alive. “Dad! Dad, don’t scare me. Please, don’t scare me!” Darryl screamed till his voice was hoarse. He shook Daniel vigorously, but there was no response. “Stop yelling. It doesn’t matter if your dad is dead; he deserves it!” Yumi walked in her heels, pointing her finger at Daryl. “You grew up in the Darby mansion since you were young. Now you’re back here
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Chapter 173
Once Darryl was finally out of sight, Yumi crawled up slowly, running over to Old Master Darby. “Grandpa, th-this is unacceptable!” Yumi was fuming in rage; her beautiful face was stained with the mark of Darryl’s palm and wounded with blood.Old Master Darby was trembling. He ignored Yumi and looked toward the other side of the room. In front of the entrance stood Dax Sanders and his hundreds of men. Meanwhile, the Darby members were beaten, blood splashed all over the floor. “Who are you!” Old Master Darby asked, looking at Dax. Dax marched forward and replied with a smile, “Dax is my first name and Sanders is my last. What?Everyone held their breath. ‘Dax. Dax Sanders? Everyone in Donghai City knew this name.’Dax Sanders. Old Master Darby stood up and said, “Oh, the Sanders. What are you doing in Darby mansion? Why are you getting involved in our family business!”Meanwhile, Yumi recovered from the shock. “Right, Darby had nothing to do with Sanders. Why did you br
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Chapter 174
Old Master Darby glanced at the hall. The Darby members were lying on the floor, moaning in pain. Blood splashed across the floor, and a few men even seemed to have died. “Call the medics! Take note of the injured numbers,” Old Master Darby ordered, panting breathlessly. Drake, who was by his side, called out for the injured to be taken care of. Feelings of resentment and hatred filled the entire mansion.Yumi’s lips were still bleeding, and the slap mark on her face was burning red. “Grandpa, why didn’t you fight back just now?” she lashed out, still feeling the burning pain on her face as her eyes were filled with hatred. Old Master Darby had been cultivating for five years, and he was currently a Level 3 Master General. If he had fought back just now, this would not have happened. He stayed silent as his face darkened.Yumi wanted to continue, but Florian came from the corner he was hiding and cut her short, “Shut up! You saw what happened just now with your own eyes!
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Chapter 175
Meanwhile, in the private room, Drake was shocked. ‘Turning the entire family into cultivators? How was that possible?’ Drake thought. “But you’d need at least a Spiritual Herb or Spiritual Elixir to turn one’s body into a cultivator. Spiritual Herb and Elixir are rare. No matter how wealthy we are, it’s impossible to get hold of it without connections,” Drake said.Spiritual Herb was what Darryl had ingested. Brandon and Abby Guy had given it to him. After eating the Spiritual Herb, Darryl turned into a cultivator. Spiritual Elixir was derived from Spiritual Herb, making the Elixir Pill pure and highly effective. “You don’t have to worry about this; just do as you’re told. Make me a list of the smartest members in our clan.” he motioned at Drake to calm down. “I know Priest Brian from the Wudang Sect. If I ask, he’ll supply all of us with the Spiritual Elixir.”Years ago, Priest Brian had given him the “Easy Breath Practice” that he cultivated. Priest Brian was a high ranking
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Chapter 176
Lily also heard a young woman's voice coming from the ward. Her voice was sweet. ‘Why is there another woman in there? Who is she to Darryl?’ with the thought ringing in her head, Lily seemed upset. Through the window, one could see Daniel Darby with bandages all over his body and visible bloodstains on it. Pipes connected his body to a machine, and beside the bed were a few bags of blood. It seemed horrible. He was lucky to have survived. Yesterday, Daniel thought he was dying. No matter how strong the body was, it was impossible to come out alive after experiencing such cruel torture! Luna sat, smiling beside the bed. When he was admitted to the hospital, Daniel was covered in blood, and his chances of living were slim. Luckily, Darryl had a good relationship with Director Shelly Sullivan. If it were not for Shelly, his father might have died. Today, Shelly had finished her shift, and she did not have her white coat on. She wore a dress as she told Daniel jokes beside his bed
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Chapter 177
The atmosphere in the room was strange and uneasy. Darryl stood by the side, his face darkening. He thought they came over to visit his parents, but instead, they came here for trouble! In the past three years, they have never visited his parents, and Samantha decided to say something so disturbing and harsh on their first meeting. After hearing what Samantha said, Lily did not stop her. Instead, she remained silent with her face devoid of emotion.“Darryl, what are you staring at? What now? Do you think both of us came here to make a scene?” Samantha scowled. “I didn’t say that. You said it yourself,” Darryl chuckled coldly. They were obviously making a scene and being unreasonable. This enraged Samantha further. “Darryl, what’s this attitude of yours? You’re cheating behind Lily’s back, and you’re still trying to talk your way out?” she yelled. Darryl was not bothered to answer her.“Oh, Samantha, please calm down. You really have mistaken the situation,” Daniel spoke out
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Chapter 178
Since it was a misunderstanding, Darryl was not concerned about the Lyndon’s seeing him have dinner with Shelly. Shelly had helped his father a lot since he was admitted to the hospital. Today, she had even been scolded by Samantha for no reason, so Darryl felt he had to treat her to a meal. “Brother Darryl, are you sure this is a good idea?” Shelly said, biting her lips, slightly embarrassed. Earlier, Samantha had come looking for trouble. If Shelly went out for dinner with Darryl, the Lyndons might take it the wrong way. Darryl did not seem concerned. “What’s there to be afraid of? I just want to thank you for taking care of my parents for the past few days.” As he said, he looked at Shelly with an appreciative look. One would be lying to deny that Shelly had a kind of mature beauty in her, especially when she blushed, which made her very attractive. Without further hesitation, Shelly accepted the invitation to dinner. Lily and Samantha stomped out of the hospital, feeli
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Chapter 179
Lily’s heart tightened at Granny’s words, but she remained calm.“Granny, it’s okay. I don’t mind being tired. Since I’m young, it’s okay to work harder than others,” she said. ‘Haha!’ the crowd laughed to themselves. “Lily, stop pretending. It doesn’t matter how hardworking you are. With your ability, there’s no way you can lead the business,” William mocked from the side. The crowd around them nodded in agreement. Nobody was convinced of Lily being the one in charge of the business. Lily bit her lips. “Granny, what can I do for you to be happy? Must I give away my share?” “Oh Lilybud, it’s not that I don’t believe in you. Honestly speaking, you don’t have the best ability among us. You’re just a woman, after all, not a man. A big family like ours can’t have a girl like you in charge,” Granny replied. Lily sighed to herself. Ever since she became in charge, she knew that nobody was on her side. She knew this day was coming, but she did not expect it to be so soon. “L
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Chapter 180
Giselle has had no appointments even today, making it a significant loss for the company. This was strange since Giselle was popular with many fans, and it was impossible to have no one willing to sign her. Darryl felt something was up and wanted to figure it out. “Darryl, I’m sorry. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have to come here with your motorbike,” Shelly apologized. Until now, Shelly still had no idea how she ended up crashing into the signpost. “Don’t worry. I used to come here with my motorbike anyway,” Darryl laughed, not minding at all, as he parked his motorbike in a parking lot not far away. Ring! After he parked the motorbike, his phone rang. It was a message from Yvonne Young. [Yvonne: Darryl, what have you been up to lately? Is your wound better now? You haven’t come to the Pearl Pavilion since the trip.] Darryl laughed at the thought of her, thinking he had not recovered from the gunshot. Just as he was about to reply to her, a loud ‘ping’ was heard.
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