All Chapters of The Ultimate Husband: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
7044 Chapters
Chapter 191
“Alright, I’ll stop. This is just for his own good. This live-in son-in-law needs a little teaching, that’s all,” replied Tristan.Darryl ignored his remarks. He snickered and sent Pearl a text.At the same moment, the auctioneer hammered his gavel, he yelled, “Ninety million for the lady over there! Going once, going twice, going-”“One hundred million,” Pearl interjected calmly as she raised her hand.The crowd gasped. A hundred million for a pair of high heels? Is she mad? Are women all mad? Everyone gawked at Pearl. She was graceful and elegant in a professional business outfit that made a few men swoon. There was a saying that goes ‘A good horse deserves a good saddle’—it is only natural that such a gorgeous woman like Pearl deserves The Worship of Crystal!Though Pearl seemed calm, she was trembling with excitement.She received instructions from Darryl to bid for The Worship of Crystal at the very last minute. Although she knew that the pair of heels are not meant for he
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Chapter 192
The auctioneer hammered his gavel to get everyone’s attention.He yelled, “The Godly pill, starting from one billion, let the bidding begin!”The crowd clamored, trying to outbid one another. In mere minutes, the price of the pill went up to four billion! ‘What the f*ck?’ Darryl was shocked. He previously sold his Godly pill to Brandon at two billion, and to Zachariah—whom Brandon introduced—at three billion. There he thought he made a fortune.Who knew that this pill could go much higher in an auction! The bidding has climbed to four billion, and there was no sign of it stopping anytime soon.Dax was about to bid when Darryl pulled him back. He asked in confusion, “Darryl, what are you doing?”Dax was determined on getting his hands on the pill no matter what. He does not want to be stuck at Level Five Master for his entire life! The Godly pill is such a rare item, that no matter how much money he spent, he must have it.Seeing how Dax was all hot-headed, Darryl shook his head
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Chapter 193
Tristan was agitated as well, he said, “Yvonne, why are you defending him? He just said that the Godly pill was a fake. Don’t bother covering up for him.”Julian frowned. He was in charge of maintaining order during the auction. If it were someone else, he would have escorted them out. However, this was Yvonne of the Young family. So he chose to believe her. He nodded with a smile and said, “Ok, if you are joking, please be quiet.”As Julian was about to leave, Darryl said mildly, “Mr. Roger, your Godly pill has lost its medicinal effect, you should not sell this.”The entire crowd turned toward Darryl.This guy must be crazy. How is it possible that a huge, exclusive auction like this be selling an ineffective pill? Julian stopped in his tracks, and asked, “What did you say?”Yvonne was anxious. She tugged at Darryl’s sleeve, and pleaded, “Darryl, please stop talking.”Yvonne trusted Darryl in identifying the authenticity of antiques, but what does he know about cultivating? S
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Chapter 194
What? Level Five Master General? The crowd gasped. This old man was a Level Five Master General? How powerful is he? Megan was a Senior Sister in the Emei sect. She was stuck as a Level Five Master, it was with the help of Darryl’s Godly pill that she broke through to Level One Master General.There were a lot of cultivators, but most of them were at the Master level. The practice of cultivation is too challenging, even the best of them get stuck on a Level Five Master for the rest of their lives.However, the old man was a Level Five Master General! It is amazing! “Congratulations, Grandpa!” a young girl cheered.Such a gorgeous young girl! Barely eighteen or nineteen, she was exceptionally beautiful in a long dress. This old man is extremely lucky to have a granddaughter like her.The old man nodded in response, then popped the Godly pill into his mouth.What? He could barely wait!Everyone’s eyes were on the old man now with eyes filled with envy. With the pill, the old
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Chapter 195
A young man in a suit approached the commotion.“What’s going on?” he asked. The man who inquired was Zack Roger, the eldest son of the Roger family. He managed the entire auction.Upon seeing Zack, Julian let out a sigh of relief, and said, “Zack, this old man passed out. The young girl insists that it was due to the Godly pill that we auctioned off.”Zack frowned and laughed coldly at the girl. He said, “Miss, I understand how you feel right now, but the items that we auction are genuine.”Roger’s Auction has been held for the past few years, and there were no issues then. If this man passed out, it must have been due to his health. Zack was the eldest son of the Roger family, he had no fear.“Stop talking and help me save my Grandpa! If anything happens to him, I will finish off the Rogers!” the young girl said threateningly.Though not loud, the entire crowd heard her clearly. They shuddered. How powerful is this seemingly cute young girl? Zack laughed and said, “Miss, ther
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Chapter 196
We’re finished! Zack’s head was spinning. He dared not look at the young girl. Ten percent? That is almost as good as nothing! The Rogers are dead meat.Suddenly, someone blurted, “This is too complicated, it would be useless sending him to the hospital, I’m afraid the chances are even less than 10 percent.”Shelly grimaced. Who would be so arrogant to speak that way? She was the only doctor here, her words should mean something. If the old man was not sent to the hospital, did you expect him to die here? At least there was hope at the hospital! She turned around furiously to see who said that. Darryl?!She suddenly felt embarrassed. She was not wearing make-up today. After the last encounter with Darryl, she trusted him deeply as he made her feel safe. He must have his reasons for insisting not to send the old man to the hospital.The crowd gasped and turned to Darryl. Who was this person? Could he be a famous person in the medical world? He also said that the pill was ine
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Chapter 197
The young girl’s face darkened. Her grandfather has only a ten percent chance of survival in the hospital, how could she risk it? She glared at Darryl, then approached her grandfather and prepared to follow Darryl’s advice.At this moment, Yvonne pulled on her hand to stop her. She turned to Darryl and asked, “Darryl, are you sure? This has to do with life and death.” Yvonne was immensely worried.Darryl laughed, he said, “It will be fine. My solution will yield a much greater result than at a hospital.”The young girl then crouched next to her grandfather. She applied pressure on the Way of the Spirit Acupoint with her left hand, and on her right, she did the same for the Transporter Acupoint. At the same time, she cultivated her Internal Energy, trying to flush the poison out.The crowd was silent, but many cultivators were shaking their heads in disapproval. They thought that Darryl was full of nonsense! They agreed with the young lady, that putting pressure on the two Acupoints
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Chapter 198
Darryl barely finished his question when Zack hushed him with a finger to his mouth. He then pulled Darryl to a quiet, secluded spot and said, “Those two were not just any ordinary guests. Darryl, do you know of the Eternal Life Palace Sect?” Eternal Life Palace?There are two huge cults, one is the Grandmaster Heaven, the other was the Eternal Life Palace.The Eternal Life Palace sect was equally as powerful as the Grandmaster Heaven. They have a few hundred thousand followers. It was said that the main members of the Eternal Life Palace were all high levels of cultivators, and they were extremely mysterious and ruthless. Even among the Six Orthodox Sects and cultivators, they are a force to be reckoned with. So the grandfather and granddaughter were members of the Eternal Life Palace.Zack took a deep breath then continued, “Those two were not ordinary members. If I am not mistaken, they were very high up in the ranks as their token was pure gold. The tokens of ordinary member
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Chapter 199
Hugging the shoebox containing The Worship of Crystal, Yvonne trembled. She felt that everything was better with Darryl around. The Worship of Crystal represented her current feelings toward Darryl—as clear as crystal. As her father was next to her, she resisted the urge to hug and give Darryl a kiss. She replied softly, “Darryl, since you’ve given me this, let me buy you dinner! The two are of a huge difference, you won’t say no to me right?” She was right, the shoes cost a hundred million, how much does dinner cost? However, her main purpose in buying Darryl dinner has more to do with spending more time with him than thanking him. As long as she could spend another hour with him, she would be happy.Darryl thought for a while, then laughed and nodded, “Ok!”Since he currently had nothing to do, he did not mind accompanying her for a while.Just when they were about to leave, Darryl’s phone rang.Who would be such a killjoy?He grumbled and fished his phone out—it was Megan.
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Chapter 200
There were two cups of tea, fragrance wafting in the air.A man sat opposite Drake. The man looked like he could be in either his thirties or his fifties. Wearing a Taoist robe, with a topknot on his head, this man seemed just, yet there was an ambiguous devilish aura to him as well. This man was Brian Cunningham, also known as Priest Brian to others.“My fellow priest, it is a huge honor to have you grace us with your presence,” Drake said, lifting a cup to him in salute. Two days ago, Drake sent a message to Brian. He expected Brian to arrive a few days later only for him to turn up unexpectedly the next day. Brian smiled and waved his hands, he said, “With our friendship, there is no need to be polite. What urgent matters have you summoned me here for?” Drake took a deep breath, then said, “I want the entire Darby clan to start cultivating.” As he said that, he fumed with rage at Darryl for the commotion he caused previously.Brian’s eye sparkled, he laughed and said, “Do
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