All Chapters of The Ultimate Husband: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
7044 Chapters
Chapter 181
Darryl laughed after hearing what Lana said. Back in high school, he was the most afraid of Lana out of all his teachers. She was very strict with him, and there was even a time Lana had slapped him when he got the worst score on a test. “Miss Lana, you were strict enough with me back in school,” Darryl could not help saying. “During the class reunion a few days ago, didn’t you see that all of your classmates are doing well in life? Giselle Lindt became a superstar, Dianne Jackson became the manager of Eleganza Corporation. Now, look at you. Don’t you feel sorry for yourself?” Lana said, shaking her head. Meanwhile, the man beside Lana broke into laughter, “You’re Darryl? Haha! I haven’t seen you in a few years. You’ve changed!” Darryl thought this man looked familiar when he got out of the car. Now he finally realized who he was. His name was Markus Orian, and back in the day, he was Darryl’s PE teacher. He had been chasing Lana since then. Darryl used to prank Markus in
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Chapter 182
Darryl seemed unfazed. “I wonder who should be ashamed of himself?” “What are you trying to say!?” Markus yelled as he clenched his fist and threatened to punch Darryl. He was a PE teacher, tall and well-built. Beating this kid was nothing. Right at that moment, Lana stopped him. “Markus, don’t be impulsive!”Although Lana was helping Darryl, she was frustrated with him too. He was just as rebellious as he was back in high school. A thought suddenly occurred to her that Darryl had parked his motorbike here. “Darryl, what are you doing here? Do you work at Platinum Corporation?” Lana asked. Situated in a high-end area, the Platinum Corporation was only visited by the rich and wealthy. Judging by how Darryl dressed, he seemed to be a staff of the lowest ranking. “Darryl, if you don’t pay me ten thousand dollars today, don’t you try to get away.” Markus scowled, thinking that Darryl was asking for trouble. He was going to punch him hard. Darryl gave him a faint smile, un
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Chapter 183
However, Pearl Hahn stopped abruptly in front of Darryl and greeted him with a ninety-degree bow. “President Darryl, I’m very sorry. I can reassure you that this won’t happen again!” Pearl said nervously as cold sweats dripped off her forehead. She was nervous and anxious. As a secretary, she was in charge of all the small matters in the corporation, including the car park. Before, when Giselle came for an interview, a similar incident happened. Today Lana came for an interview and the same thing happened again! No matter how nice Darryl might seem, it would not be surprising if he gets mad. ‘Huh? President? President Hahn called Darryl, President?’ the crowd thought. Everyone was shocked. Even the few staff watching the whole event were overtaken by fear and shock. Whenever Darryl dropped by the corporation, he usually went straight to his office, so not many people recognized him. Suddenly, there was pin-drop silence at the scene. Everyone had their mouth and eyes wide
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Chapter 184
Lily appeared to be under the weather, her brows furrowed in the shape of the moon. It had been over a week since she had last seen Darryl. He had not come home nor called back. A few times, Lily had been tempted to call him, but she recalled what happened in the ward. ‘Why is he such an egotistical man? Do I really have to call him first? Ah, whatever, leave it be!’ she thought as she entered the lobby. Upon entering the lobby, she felt something was off. The staff at the front desk would usually stand up to greet her, but today they remained seated and continued chatting even when they saw her. Lily frowned in confusion. Perhaps they had a rough weekend? It was just a minor mistake, so she let it be and continued making her way to the office. However, on her way there, she saw a few staff chit-chatting, and some were even playing games on their phones. The workday had started! What bothered her even more, was these people completely ignored her, treating her as if she was just
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Chapter 185
‘That’s it? They’re just going to kick me out?’ Lily thought, disappointed. At this moment, Lily finally learned how it felt to be in despair. Granny’s words poked through her heart like needles. Holding back her tears, she felt her body becoming weightless. After she packed her stuff, she stomped out of the office with tears rolling down her cheeks. The next day, Lily sat on the sofa with her eyes bloodshot from all the crying. “What can we do now? How’re we going to survive?” Samantha sighed beside her. “Mom, don’t panic. I’ll think of ways to earn money,” Lily reassured. “Think of ways to earn money?” Samantha panicked. “It’s not easy to make money nowadays, you know? What can you do with a monthly salary of three to four thousand bucks?” ‘Right, how could they live off three to four thousand bucks…’ Lily contemplated. Darryl did warn her not to give up her shares to Granny. Now she regretted not listening to him. Ding. Her phone lit up with a notification th
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Chapter 186
Darryl stepped forward. Instantly, the crowd held their breath, praying for the man. The President could fire him after getting caught playing on his phone. “What are you watching?” Darryl smiled, stopping in front of the staff member. President? The staff heard Darryl’s voice and almost dropped his phone as he staggered. He quickly composed himself and blurted, “President.” Huh? His phone screen caught Darryl’s eyes. A woman was live-streaming herself, exuding an unspeakable charm that would drive men crazy. On the live-streaming page, only a few people were watching. The atmosphere was good—with praises refreshing the page non-stop. [My goddess is too beautiful.] [Your voice is so intriguing!] [Does my goddess need any assistance?]Darryl was amused yet confused as he looked at the screen. This ‘goddess’ was his wife, Lily. Why was she live-streaming at this hour? Was she not supposed to be busy with her company work? In the past three years of their marriage, sh
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Chapter 187
What now? Lily stood there, panic-stricken with her lips pursed. Suddenly, a shocking scene appeared on the screen. A crazy person sent groups after groups of gifts on her platform, which summed up to two million bucks! Wow! The entire platform went into an uproar! Giving out two million bucks worth of gifts in one go? Could it have been a billionaire? Lily shivered with gratitude as she looked at the name of the person: Hill. After donating the money, the user ‘Hill’ commented on the platform.[You don’t have to do anything. Sing if you feel like singing.]The ‘Donghai Boss’ shut up instantly. Reading what ‘Hill’ wrote, Lily was overwhelmed with gratitude. Just as she was about to stand up to thank him, she saw that the ‘Hill’ user already left the platform. Knock! Knock! Knock! “President, may I enter?” A voice asked. “Come in.” Pearl entered with a pile of documents in her hands. “President, I’ve made arrangements regarding Lily Lyndon’s live-streaming
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Chapter 188
“Are you serious?! Okay, I’ll get changed right away!” Yvonne was ecstatic. She had always wanted a pair of ‘The Worship of Crystal’ shoes for herself. When she saw Lily wearing it, she asked Lily to help her get another pair.She was willing to pay double the price for it! Unfortunately, Lily had no idea who sent them to her as a gift.After a while, Yvonne came out from her bedroom after getting changed into a t-shirt and denim shorts. Her appearance was clean and tidy while still keeping her charm. Kingston nodded as they left the house together.A BMW was parked by the entrance. A handsome man in an expensive suit got out of the car after seeing both of them.“Uncle Young. Yvonne.” The man greeted as he walked toward them.“Tristan! Why are you here?” Yvonne raised her brows slightly, emphasizing her beautiful features and her irresistible eyes. The man was Tristan Zink. His family was in the jewelry business. He had been chasing after Yvonne for quite a while. “Dad asked
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Chapter 189
Kingston scowled as he gave Tristan a stern look. Tristan understood him instantly and marched over, “Oh, look. Isn’t this Lyndon’s live-in son-in-law?” As Tristan spoke, he put his arm around Yvonne’s waist, “Yvonne, why do you bother greeting him? He’s nothing but a live-in son-in-law!”Yvonne stomped her foot as Tristan approached her suddenly. “What are you doing? Darryl, please don’t take this the wrong way.”Tristen smiled and asked her, “Yvonne, so what if he takes this the wrong way or not?”“Dude, do you know me?” he glared at Darryl. “I’m Tristan Zink. My family and I are in the jewelry business. We own the five ‘Zink Jewelry’ stores in Donghai City. One more thing; I like Yvonne, so stay away from her!”No wonder he sounded so boastful; he was in the jewelry business.Darryl laughed it off, not caring the slightest.Meanwhile, the crowd made their way into the hall as the auction began.“It’s funny that a live-in son-in-law can come to a place like this,” Tristan mock
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Chapter 190
It was til the fifth item in the auction that took away the breath of the women in the hall. Their shining eyes were glued to the shoes on display, an exquisitely crafted pair of shoes made of crystal.It was ‘The Worship of Crystal’!Yvonne clenched her fists tight immediately, her eyes glowing with excitement. She had always wanted a pair but was not able to get one. After finally coming face to face with them, she was determined to purchase it.She could not bear to sit still as she focused on the shoes. After seeing the starting price of fifty million, her lit-up face turned dull from disappointment. Fifty million as the asking price? Everyone knew the original price of this pair of heels was only thirty million, yet the starting price was fifty million here! Not only that, plenty of women seemed determined to grab the pair for themselves. The auction was going to be very competitive. However, Yvonne only brought sixty million in cash with her.“Yvonne, I know you’ve had your
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