All Chapters of The Nanny Affair : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
163 Chapters
Dante and Dario smiled as they surrounded all the goons Frank had sent. He had seen Trish and Natalie proceed into the warehouse so all they needed was to go inside and get them."Let's go," Ricco urged.Just then a voice boomed from a megaphone."If you take a step forward I will put a bullet in her head!"Dante froze at the sound of Natalie's blood-curdling scream. He could recognize her voice anywhere."Or this one will do," the voice sneered.Noah's scream was ear-piercing as Dante looked around trying to know where the sound was coming from.Gently, he signaled Dario and they went through the warehouse following the backdoor. Dante saw a chopper ready to leave and he saw Natalie tied to the edge of the wall.She was so close that any little mistake, she would slip and fall to her death.The two men retreated the same way they h
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Sean fumed silently as he stepped into Faustino's mansion. The man was dripping with wealth and bathing with money yet he couldn't spare him some.No, he hadn't said, Sean takes this money for taking care of my grandkids and jeopardizing your marriage or Sean meet my business partners they would love to be your partner.Instead, he had fucking punched him right in the face!Sean looked around the house and sighed. This was the life he wanted to live, a man with power and money. He wanted to run for president back in the States and Faustino would have been the one to help him but the man had found out a lot about him and he wouldn't lift a finger to help him.Now, he was doomed because he was sure Lisa had sent him packing by now and shut down his company. His life as a marriage counselor was ruined because no one would want to come to seek advice from him.For the first time in the last couple of da
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Faustino studied Sean as he swallowed his food nervously and stifled a chuckle. He still couldn't believe that out of all these men in the world Isla had to choose the one person that had sent her to an early grave.He tried his best to understand what could have attracted his young beautiful daughter to this monster of a man but couldn't see any reason.He could only blame himself for his daughter's misfortune. Time and time again he kept asking himself why he had done what he had done to her and her mother but he couldn't find the answer.As he stared at the man now he felt he wasn't different from himself. He had abandoned his wife because she had given him a female instead of a male child when he should have adored them.Isla wouldn't have run away from home if he hadn't abandoned her. His heart ached at the thought of having to part with his beautiful grandchildren because he knew they couldn't join him back in
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Lisa stared at the documents in her hands and sighed as she glanced at her phone. Any moment now, they would all arrive at her house.She just couldn't make up her mind on what to do and whom to trust. Sean had lied and betrayed her but she had grown fond of Noah.With the help of her mother and their family lawyer, she had filed a divorce and made sure that it destroys Sean's career but right now she didn't know what to do again.Sean was a good man and a good father maybe he had lied to protect his children and was scared of how she would feel if the truth comes out.But the truth had come out and she had hurt like hell. And now she feared that she was trying to go back to him to mend her broken heart because she was scared of waking up and facing the reality that she was a divorcee.She was scared of living her life hiding under the covers of her bed and wondering how her life would be if Sean ev
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Natalie was happy to meet a lively mood in the house and she had taken that to her advantage. Since they were talking about a family night that could only mean they must have resolved things. "We aren't a bunch of kids!" Noah retorted. "Yeah!" Ava and Daniel echoed. "We aren't a bunch of parents either," Lisa said. Her kids fixed a weird look at her. "What?!" She cried, "I made a comeback too." "Well, technically you are our mom which makes you a parent," Ava designed to point out. "Well, there's a difference. I'm a high-class mom," Lisa grinned. Noah stifled his laughter. "Whatever you guys do, we ain't among. The guys are gonna be battling it out in playing video games, right dad?" Sean nodded. "Right buddy." He knew that spending more time with the kids they wouldn't want t
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"Dante?"Dante groaned and rubbed his sleepy eyes as he stood up to come face to face with Sean. He glanced at the clock on his bedside table then he realized there was no bedside table, he had fallen asleep with the rest of the guys in the basement."It's past midnight," Sean said."What?" Dante blinked at him, his eyes heavy with sleep."I meant the time. I know you wanted to know the time," Sean replied."Why did you wake me up?" Dante asked suddenly defensive.Sean chuckled. "Relax I just wanna talk with you."Dante sighed and rubbed his eyes then stood up. They headed outside and he sat down on the hood of his car.He glanced up at the sky and smiled. It was a nice night for stargazing and a little make-out under the stars. After this 'talk' with Sean, he would go wake Natalie up."I know we didn't start on the right foot," Sea
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"Guess we are gonna rot in here and celebrate the birth of Jesus with rats and crickets." Jared kept quiet ignoring Xavier's pathetic attempt at making a joke. He was thinking of a way to get out of here when Xavier interrupted his thoughts. "If we are gonna be dying together then you should get rid of that grin," Xavier continued with his jokes. "Can't you shut up for five minutes I need to think!" Jared snapped. Xavier snorted, "You've been thinking since we got here and yet we are still here." Jared ignored him and continued staring at his surroundings. He was sitting on cold ground being treated like a criminal when he had done nothing wrong except hang out with Xavier. He was desperate and at this point, he was willing to do anything. The warden appeared by their door and unlocked it. "Your sister is here for bot
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Dante ran a hand through his hair and he plopped down on his bed. He couldn't believe he and Natalie argued for his brother's release.How could she say Xavier was dangerous when she couldn't even tell how dangerous her father truly is.His door banged open and he sighed covering his face with his hands."I do not want to have another argument with you, Natalie," he sighed."Sure then I'll just go."He looked up at the sound of Dario's voice and frowned. "What do you want, Dario? I'm not in the mood for small talk.""I see you argued with your girlfriend," Dario commented.He snorted. "If you're here to gloat then please get lost!"Dario chuckled. "Easy man, I ain't your girlfriend.""Seriously, Dario. What do you want?" Dante prompted his question again."Mine can wait but you look like a volcano ready
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Dante and Dario drove down to the police station after the inspector had called and informed them they could see Xavier.They pulled up into the parking lot and he was out of the car before Dario could kill the engine. He had a lot of things to say to Xavier.Dante saw Xavier sitting in the waiting room surrounded by two security guards."You finally decided to show your face here again, pretty boy," Xavier sneered the moment Dante stepped inside."I've been on an adventure, Xavier I just returned," Dante replied."Going to rescue your bride's kidnapped brother and getting her kidnapped is an adventure? You keep surprising me daily, Dante," Dario commented with an amused smile playing on his lips as he stepped inside the visiting area."Oh great. You came too," Xavier snapped."Why do you have security guards around you?" Dario asked with a frown."
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Jared walked around the room with a pencil in his hands as he took in his surrounding a small smile forming on his face.He was not in his house for security purposes. Sophie had gotten a safe house for him and he knew she had good taste.The house had six rooms upstairs and it was built in a kind of underground. The sitting room was very cozy and it had a kind of security system in it.The doorbell rang and he glanced at the television screen. Sophie was standing outside tapping her foot impatiently."Open the damn door, Jared!" She hollered.He chuckled. It was fun watching her being impatient sometimes.He typed in the code and the door pulled open as Sophie barged in like a hurricane."Easy girl!" "Not cool Jared, you're supposed to be checking your security cameras always. I don't have to ring the doorbell all the time."
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