All Chapters of The Nanny Affair : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
163 Chapters
Sean drove into his compound and at that moment he knew something wasn't right. He didn't see his wife's car in the driveway only Natalie, Dante, and Dario's car.He headed inside and was met with total silence. He knew that normally they should be kids playing and running around but then, he didn't see anyone.Sean had continued into his room but still, he had the nagging feeling that something was wrong. He did not bump into Ava, Daniel, Lisa, or even Natalie for once.After a quick shower and trying to relax his unsettled nerves, he headed for Lisa's room. He pulled the door open and was surprised to see it was empty.Cold fear gripped his heart when he noticed all the properties in the room were gone as well. He raced to the kids' room but saw only Noah and Chloe. Just like he had suspected, Ava and Chloe were gone.He went to the dining room and began bellowing Lisa's name after trying to call
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Dane woke up with a start. He looked around his dark room but couldn't see anything before he turned on his bedside lamp. He touched the space Natalie was supposed to be sleeping on but it was cold. He had no idea how long she had been gone but the coldness was there.His heart hammered in his chest, beating against his ribcage as he got out of bed. It was 4 am and she wasn't supposed to be anywhere but on the bed, beside him.When he left his room and headed down the stairs, he turned on the light in the sitting room and was startled at what he had seen.Noah and Natalie were wrapped around each other streaks of dried tears on their faces. What had happened? He shuddered to think that just maybe Sean had laid a hand on Natalie but then that would spell doom for him.Noah stirred awake, his hands on his sister's hair that was placed on his chest. He was twelve but he was
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Natalie heaved a sigh of relief when she stepped inside the mansion. After Lisa had left the house with Ava and Daniel and had that weird conversation with Sean she hadn't felt comfortable about staying at the house again.So she was glad when Dante had declared Xavier safe around the mansion."Finally we're home, Nat!" Chloe exclaimed running around the house."Careful Chloe so you don't hurt yourself," Natalie said to the giggling girl."Alright mom," she replied then stopped suddenly staring at her with huge eyes, "I can call you mom, right? You're going to marry daddy soon and I like you."Tears filled her eyes as she stared at the little girl waiting for her answer. She had wished for this moment secretly in her heart the very day she had seen Chloe.Now, the day was finally here and she was so happy."Yes, baby. That would make me very happy," she replied snif
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Natalie rolled her eyes at the sound of Lee's gruff voice. She wondered what's got him so cranky when that trait was for Leo."I hate to interrupt but we want to start the meeting and I need to sleep!""We'll be down shortly," Dante clipped.Natalie could tell he was upset with the way he has answered."What's the matter, Dante?" She asked worriedly.He smiled a boyish smile. "Call me selfish but I just wanna spend a whole day with you without having any interruptions or planning how to bring someone down."Natalie caressed his hair and smiled. "I feel the same way too but it doesn't make us selfish. We would be getting married soon and we ought to be relaxing and enjoying each other's company not fighting off a psychopath called Sean."Dante chuckled then kissed the top of her head before he pulled out of her. She whined at the loss of his warm skin on hers'
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Faustino got off the phone and handed it to his secretary. He needed more time and investigation to process this new information he had gotten.If Ricco had started working on his own then it will be dangerous to keep him beside him but he couldn't just let him go without finding out.He massaged his temples and signaled to one of his bodyguards."Yes, sir."Faustino whispered something in his ears and he nodded before leaving.A few minutes later, Ricco came into his study smiling widely."Good morning, Don."He nodded. "How are you, Ricco?""Very fine, Don.""I can see that. What have you been doing since I was away, Ricco?" Faustino asked."Nothing much, Don. I have been busy running around and attending meetings," Ricco replied."That's nice. When do you want to get married?" Faustino asked.Ricco chuckled. "I am not sure that question is necessary for our conversation, Don."Faustino shrugged. "I'm as
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Muttering under her breath, Natalie headed back to her room for her much-needed rest. She needed to look good today before she appeared before the camera.She was halfway through the stairs when she heard Dante's voice."Babe, could you please give us a few days to tidy things up?" Whirling around she narrowed her eyes at him. "My wedding is in seven days. Have you gone for a suit fitting?""Err...I think I have enough suit in my closet to attend my wedding," Dante replied scratching his head."Who's your best man?" She asked.He scratched his head again looking between Xavier and Dario while Trish stood beside him stifling her giggles."Ok, I can probably go without any right?" He asked.Her stare turned to ice as she plastered a grim smile on her face. "Sure, you'll waltz in there alone.""I'll find...""Do you know we have an interview with the press today?" She asked.His eyes widened in shock. "We? What pre
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Natalie woke up with a bright smile on her face as she stared at Dante sleeping soundly. She placed a small kiss on his lips remembering how he had attended to the board members. She felt happy with her decision to let everyone live their lives and prepare for the wedding and Christmas not to make plans on how to stop a violent attack that might never happen.They were young adults and they deserved to enjoy their age not to worry till they get stress line on their forehead and wrinkled faces.She tip-toed out of the room and headed downstairs to the kitchen where Lee was already there preparing morning breakfast."Good morning, Nat," he beamed at her."Good morning, Lee. You look happy this morning," she teased.He chuckled. "I was cranky because of that plane.""Whatever, Lee. I need to make a special breakfast for Dante, he's still asleep," she rambled gath
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"Honestly, when I first met her I thought she was horrible. I tried to make her miserable so that she would leave but I'm glad she didn't 'cause now, I have a mom.""Awws" and "so sweet" with collective wistful sigh filled the air after Chloe finished her interview. Even Natalie had tears in her eyes when she ran towards her and hugged her."I love you, mom," she said."I love you more, Chloe."Flashes of camera and lighting filled the sitting room again before Noah was summoned for his interview."Welcome back to the show. I'm still Ed, your presenter, and here with me is Noah Tyson, Natalie's younger brother," Ed said smiling at the camera then he turned towards Noah."What do you think about Dante?"Noah shrugged. "He's cool and I like him and I rarely like people. I know he's gonna take care of my sister but if he doesn't I'm gonna make sure he regrets it."The crew chuckled and Ed spared the camera a wide smile."I love this
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Thirty minutes!Thirty fucking minutes since he's been pacing in front of the ward where Natalie was kept and still they wouldn't let him see her or tell him how she was doing."Dad, is mommy gonna be alright?"A muscle twitched beneath his eyes as he stared at his daughter and gave her a grim smile. "Your mom will be fine, don't worry."He hoped to heaven that Natalie and his baby should be fine else he wasn't sure what he would do to Ed. It was his fault this has happened. If he hadn't craved juicy gossip from his family then he wouldn't have invited Sophie.The door opened and the doctor stepped out. Dante walked up to him immediately."Doctor Jones, how are they?""Come with me to my office, Mr. Rodrigo."Dante's body tensed as he followed the doctor to his office piled with stacks of files his favorite wigs."Take a seat, Dante.""Is Natalie alright?" Dante asked. He was worried and didn't feel like seating
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Natalie was more than happy to be home. She had never liked hospitals and now that she was home, she was convinced that her baby was safe. She had been worried sick ever since she saw the blood. Her raging hormones and her mood swings coupled with her huge appetite had convinced her that something was wrong but she hadn't known what.She had just convinced herself to wait till after the wedding before going to see a doctor but she had gone to a hospital all because of stupid Ed and Sophie."Are you alright, my love?"She was instantly reminded of Dante who was holding her and placing his hand on her waist, her grandfather didn't want to intrude so he had gone to a hotel."I'm fine, Dante," she replied beaming at him."Then let's get you inside. The kids are waiting and it's getting cold out here," he replied.She nodded and stepped inside, they were all gathered in the sitting room. Chloe saw her first and raced towards her before she
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