All Chapters of The Clandestine Saga: Chapter 631 - Chapter 640
756 Chapters
Left Behind
If there was an order to the opening of the portal regarding the various tunnels, Brandon wasn’t seeing it. After the last opening had been at fourteen, which made absolutely no sense to anyone, Brandon had given up on that being their method of concocting a way out of here. Heather insisted there was never any rhyme or reason to it, but the three older, wiser Guardians were still hashing it out. Not that his dad was much help; he wasn’t quite as clever as the other two when it came to situations like that. He had his merits, though, and Brandon would’ve rather been trapped in here with Elliott than just about anyone when it came to finding a way home. He had managed to cheat death once already, after all.Heather was sitting against the tunnel wall studying the weapon she’d inherited from Alex. She had a solemn expression on her face, and Brandon couldn’t tell if that meant he should leave her alone or if she just always looked like sour grapes.
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Heather sat up and turned her head again, her eyes wide with wonder as she stared at Brandon through the darkness. “You know Mina?”“I did. I’m pretty sure I told you earlier that we met someone who mentioned you to my girlfriend, right? She said her name was Mina, and Cass got the impression she was related to you somehow. Was she?”Heather didn’t say anything for a long time, but when she did, her voice broke slightly. “She was my sister.”He nodded. Cass had gotten the impression they were related one way or another, though she wasn’t exactly sure how.“I’d seen ’em in the woods, a few weeks earlier. Told my folks. They didn’t believe me. You see, my pa said he never believed in none of that mumbo jumbo. He got mad at my ma for even talkin’ to anyone about it. Back when we lived in Virginia, even before I was born, up until we moved west, my ma had sidled up to a neighb
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Cadence had set her alarm for a few minutes before noon, but when it went off, she was already staring at the ceiling, trying to piece things together in her mind. She’d been asleep long enough to have a dream—not a pleasant one either. But then, most of her dreams had been unpleasant since she’d killed Jack. With time, visions of him chasing her had dissipated some. Now, he wasn’t the one in pursuit in her mind when she fell asleep. It was someone else, something else. She couldn’t see its face, but she knew it was to be feared.She’d awoken with beads of sweat on her forehead and the idea that she probably shouldn’t sleep again until everything was right with the world, though what she’d said to Cassidy before was true. They needed to get some sleep if they were going to be of any use to anyone. Still, not sleeping meant not dreaming, and that was a positive as well.Her phone buzzed and she reached for it, flipping the
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“Well, we began by using the lat/long of the sites we thought we could identify to try to determine if this list was in a specific order. Turns out it is. These points on the map are in order from west to east around the globe.” Ward pointed to a translated list of names Hannah had written down from the book“Okay—so the portal opens in directional order?” Cadence asked.“No,” Ward said, shaking his head. “At first we thought so. But then clever Christian here thought of something remarkable that never entered my mind at all until he suggested it.”Cadence wasn’t surprised to hear Christian had come up with something, though the fact that he’d told other people was a new development. “What is it?”“I pulled the cell phone records from Dax’s phone and pinpointed the initial contact between his texts and a cell tower, and I think we can trace a general idea of where th
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Out of Range
Brandon spent a good five minutes trying everything he could to get his phone to cooperate, but after turning it off and back on several times, pressing every button he could think of, handing it over to Dax who did the same thing, and even shaking it up and down for several seconds, they had to accept the fact that their message hadn’t gone through, and they hadn’t received any new ones.“That really sucks,” Elliott muttered, pacing back and forth in front of where the rest of the group was huddled near the entrance to the tunnel they’d occupied for at least six hours, or so it seemed by the way the portal was opening. “I don’t like this. I don’t like this one bit.”“There’s likely a logical explanation,” Aaron said, his voice calmer than anyone else’s but still starting to crinkle around the edges. “I’m shocked it’s worked at all.”“We must be out of ran
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Dr. Hamish Stewart looked almost exactly like Cadence expected him to. Disproportionately large nose, thick glasses (which made no sense since he was a Vampire, but then Hines wore them...), messy salt and pepper hair, button down shirt unbuttoned one button too far, slacks, loafers, and a smirk on his face that told her he wasn’t planning on saying much of anything.She’d figure out how to change that.“You sure you don’t want me in there with you?” Cale had asked in the hallway right before she’d gone in alone. “If he does anything....”“He’s tied to a chair. What can he do?” she’d countered. Cale had been standing a step too close to her, breathing a breadth too deeply. She’d been completely oblivious to Christian’s feelings, but Cale was much easier to read, and especially now that he was single, Cadence was aware of every subtle look, every lingering glance, every word that
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Cadence shot across campus to Christian’s lab where her sister was sitting with Lucy and Tara. They were patiently waiting to see if Holland’s other plane left or if anything unusual happened at any of the airports near where Holland was last spotted. The girls also kept an eye on any private planes moving in and out of the area, particularly chartered flights. It had crossed Cadence’s mind that Holland’s plane moving could all be a bluff, but she’d have to know that LIGHTS was watching her. It seemed like an awfully big coincidence that her plane just happened to be going to the location where they thought the portal would open soon, later that same evening.“I think I’ve got a name.”Cadence hadn’t even entered the room before her sister shot the information at her. “Great,” Cadence said, dropping into a chair on the other side of Tara. The girls didn’t even have to scrunch together to sit in fro
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“How far are you willing to fall?” Brandon asked Dax as they stood in one of the tunnels Jamie thought might be closest to where the portal would open next. The last time the portal had opened, they’d made it in time, but it had displayed nothing but a field of stars, so they’d all stayed put. They hoped the next time would be different. Once they heard the popping sound, if they didn’t actually see the opening at the far end of the tunnel they were standing in, all three of the lucky escapees would run back to the center and take a look down adjoining portals until one of them saw it. Then, they’d run like hell.“I’ll jump pretty damn far, though not from outer space,” Dax admitted. “I know we won’t have a Healer on the other side waiting for us, but I’d just as soon be out and miserable than trapped in here.”“What if there are Vampires on the other side?” Brandon countered. &ld
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Cadence was on a plane. They didn’t know for sure where they were going, but they did know they needed to get across the ocean. When she discovered it would take about fourteen hours to get to Rome and not much less than that to get to England, she decided it was time to head that direction.She had finally eaten something, taken a shower, and rested for a while before she grabbed a few things and threw them in a suitcase. At the last minute, she’d also decided to take Aaron’s bag with her, the same one he’d packed just a few days ago to take to West Virginia. Everything was already in there, all of the items he usually packed. So she thought she’d be the eternal optimist and take it along. Hopefully, she wasn’t jinxing herself.Lots of people had insisted on going with her, and she’d given in because she understood they’d want to see the Guardians again as soon as possible. Cassidy and Tara were there of course. Lucy had
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Brandon’s leg was shattered, of that much he was sure. He’d done his best to break his fall, lurching for the side of the Colosseum as he fell, but he’d collided with several layers of travertine on his way to the ground, and he was pretty sure he’d scraped off plenty of skin as well. When he finally made contact with the earth, his leg buckled beneath him, and he screamed in agony, thankful Cassidy wasn’t there to see him crying.Except she was. She was in his head and had been for the entire painful plummet. As soon as he realized she could hear him, he sucked in the scream and willed himself to focus on anything else—like the fact that gunfire encircled them, and he had no idea where Dax was.Heather was bleeding from a cut on her head, but other than that, she seemed unharmed. “Are you okay?” she asked before she climbed off of him and took a look at his leg. “Holy hell! The whole bone’s stickin’ plu
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