All Chapters of The Clandestine Saga: Chapter 621 - Chapter 630
756 Chapters
Back to the Scene
By now, all three girls were free, and Ashley pounced on him, taking care of the remainder of the flesh and muscle of his neck before he also poofed into ash. Cadence surveyed the living room, saw they were clear, and headed for the front door.The Vampires she’d seen on the street were in the yard now. “Head for the car!” she shouted, tossing the keys, and opening fire as her sister and Ashley did as they were told. Cass jumped into the driver’s seat and started the engine, and Cadence didn’t slow her shots long enough to consider the fact that her sister didn’t have her driver’s license. To her knowledge, Cass had no idea how to drive.Her shots sank into the ten or fifteen Vampires that were headed their direction, slowing but not stopping them. In the distance, she heard heavy gunfire and saw that Job and his people were engaged. It seemed Holland had an endless supply of undead to send their direction.Ashley flung
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Losing Her Head
Time wasn’t on her side, though. Before she could recover, there were three more Vampires baring down on her, two musclebound brutes and a woman who reminded her of Aurora because she was huge and probably just as strong as the men. “Did someone call in the brute squad?” she said as she regained her footing.“We are here to destroy you,” the woman said through clenched teeth.“Not today,” Cadence replied, though she didn’t feel quite so confident that that wouldn’t be the case when one of the men grabbed her right arm, her stabbing arm. She reached for her Glock and fired directly into his face, but it did no good, and the other man easily disarmed her as the woman stepped in.She knew this move. She’d performed this move a hundred times before, though the two people she usually worked with were not here. The two men were intending to hold her arms while the woman grabbed her neck and twisted—unti
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Need More Power
Hines sulked into the room with his head down, and Asteria didn’t even bother to look up from the bag she was packing for more than a second. “That was pathetic,” she said, wishing she could stab him in the chest cavity like Cadence Findley had every Vampire who’d tried to take her down, save the ones her sister had taken care of for her.“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. They’re just not strong enough. LIGHTS has depleted our forces, and obviously, they knew we were coming. It’s that little bitch and her magical powers.”“It was obvious we were coming,” she said, regurgitating his own words. “They will be on to us from now on, expecting us at every turn. We will have to come up with something else, something they won’t expect. In the meantime, I’m finished hiding out in this hovel. I’m going to collect my son, and then we’ll head to America. That’s where they are; that’
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Another Battle
It hadn’t taken too long for the demons to come out of the corners once the numbering process was over. It seemed as if the portal opening may also have had something to do with it, as Aaron noted they tended to move faster during the time that everything was shifting. This battle was taking longer than the previous ones, probably because there were more assailants, and he reloaded his Glock with the last clip he had on him just as something that looked like a cross between a dust bunny and a Wonder Mop shot out of the shadows, barreling toward him. Trying to conserve ammo, he shot it only once and regretted it immediately as the monster knocked him hard into the lava rock wall behind him.A knee to the groin did nothing to the creature as the monster opened a hole in its face he could only presume was its mouth and bared rows of sharp teeth. Aaron used the heel of his hand to strike the monster right beneath the opening, assuming that would have the same effect as a bl
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Fade Away
“I’m certain,” Alex replied, not even opening his eyes. “It’s been a pleasure working with all of you. Jamie, I’ve never seen another like you in all of my years. And that’s a lot of years. Aaron, you’re a fine man and an outstanding leader. Miss Findley is lucky to have you as her betrothed.”“Thank you, Alex,” Aaron said as Jamie replied much the same way. If he were to stop and think about the national treasure expiring in front of him, it likely wouldn’t compute. This man had signed the Declaration of Independence, allegedly died in the most famous duel in history, and had a Broadway play based on his life. Not to mention he’d saved Cadence from certain death not that long ago.Alex’s breathing became staggered, and it became clear that he was about to pass away. Despite the Blue Moon Portal, despite the fact that he was a Guardian, and only a Hunter should’ve been able to kil
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Going Home
The flight back to Kansas City was relatively silent. Ashley was asleep on Cassidy’s shoulder, and her sister had little to say. So Cadence spent most of the three hours staring out the window, fingering the locket Elliott had given her, and trying to determine if she was doing the right thing.It would’ve been a great time to get some work done, but everything she needed to do next had to happen in person, and most of the other Hunters had been leaving her alone since Aaron had disappeared. Cadence should’ve been out of commission now anyway, preparing for her wedding, which was supposed to happen the next day. The Area Leaders had already planned on this. There weren’t a lot of Vampires left now, since the raids earlier in the year. Unfortunately, the ones who remained were feisty sons of bitches.Her mind went back over everything that had happened in the last thirty-six hours and then through what she would need to do when she landed. It was
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Help From Afar
Cale followed the road back around the way that Cassidy directed, and Cadence asked, “Who let you know to pick us up?”“Hannah. I just got here a few minutes before you did, so she asked me to wait for you at the airport.”“Oh, how was your flight?” Cadence realized she was just making polite conversation at this point and hoped he didn’t mind a little bit of normalcy for normalcy’s sake.“Not bad. The movie was lame, but I had all of the peanuts to myself.” He pulled into a parking lot and flashed her a goofy grin, and Cadence found herself chuckling for the first time in a long time. He’d taken a private plane, she was certain, which made the comment even more ridiculous.“Was it Chicken Run?” Cassidy asked, pushing her door open. “Because I hate that movie.”“Nah. National Lampoons Vacation—the Ed Helms version.”&
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“How much of it is about the portal?” Cassidy asked, jumping right in.Ward carefully opened the book to a point about three-fourths of the way into the volume, which looked to be about three hundred pages long. The sheets were a discolored yellow, and the ink, had clearly changed colors in several places, varying from a dark black to a lighter gray. It was clear the entire tome had been handwritten. Cadence envisioned an ancient Vampire sitting down with squid’s ink or the blood of a freshly beheaded chicken to dip his crooked talon in a well and scratch each letter out on the page.“Only four pages are devoted to the Blood Moon Portal. Though there are other mentions of it elsewhere, they are all in reference to information shared here or not recorded at all.”“Four pages doesn’t seem like much,” Ashley said, and for a moment, Cadence considered sending her someplace else. But it was almost 6:00, and she had a fe
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“How do we know it just doesn’t mean some spot in alignment with the east side of Jupiter?” Ashley asked, wiping her nose with a tissue she pulled out of her pants pocket.“Brandon said that Heather told him it really is outer space. The first time the portal opened while they were in there, it was under the ocean, and she refused to go. Besides, they only have a few seconds to get to wherever the opening is, and it’s usually pretty far from where they are. They are trying to figure out a pattern so they can guess which tunnel is going to open next and be there.” Cassidy’s tone seemed normal again, despite the fact that her eyes were still a little misty.“The ocean?” Ward asked before Ashley could formulate a response. “So that was likely the eighth place on the list or the twenty-seventh. One says trainnse de dh'uisge domhain, which I believe is Challenger Deep, or the Mariana Trench. The other says
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“All right. If the two of you can work on that, I’d appreciate it. Cassidy, can you write up a text to send to Brandon’s phone that says the gist of what we’ve discovered here? Don’t mention Stewart going in yet. I think we need to talk a little more about how that will work before we bring it up. We’ll let them know, though, that we’ll be sending someone in so they can all get out.”“Sure,” Cassidy said, grabbing Cadence’s phone off of the table.“Let me look at it before you send it.” Her sister nodded. “Cale, will you go over to Christian’s lab and check on Tara and Lucy? That’s where they are isn’t it?” Christian nodded, and Cadence continued. “See if they need anything and if Tara is doing okay. If they want you to, stick around and help them with their assignment. I think that would be the best way you can help us. Who do we have on the ground in the
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