All Chapters of The Clandestine Saga: Chapter 691 - Chapter 700
756 Chapters
Everyone flew out of their chairs at once, hugging the happy couple and welcoming them back. “You look so tan!” Aurora said, squeezing Cadence tightly.“Spend two weeks on a beach and that’ll happen,” Cadence replied with a laugh.“What are you doing back early?” Jamie wanted to know, stepping aside so Elliott could hug Aaron. “We weren’t expecting you just yet.”“Do you want us to leave?” Cadence giggled.“No, just a surprise,” the doctor reassured her.“We just... needed to get back.” Aaron’s tone told Hannah something was on his mind, and she wondered if maybe Mila had managed to get ahold of one of them.“Well, it’s great to see you. We were just discussing a few situations that have been going on in other areas....” Hannah stopped talking as she noticed Cadence’s expression for the first time. The Hunter Leader w
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Cadence was silent as they walked from the office building back to the apartments. Aaron didn’t ask her anything, and she was glad, because she really didn’t know what to say. Ever since she’d awoken in the middle of the day with those horrible images in her head, she hadn’t been able to think of anything else. Seeing that she hadn’t invented the creatures in her own mind was even more terrifying than believing she just had a warped imagination.They reached the apartment building and headed for the elevator. Lots of friendly faces greeted them, and it was evident everyone they bumped into wanted to stop and chat, but the McReynolds were on a mission. Cadence hadn’t bothered to contact her sister to see if she was home, and as the elevator climbed to Cassidy’s floor, she hoped she was because she wanted to talk to her quickly and then head back over to the office building so that they could get to the bottom of this—not that she
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Putting the Pieces Together
Cassidy nodded like she thought that was true. Where this left them, Cadence wasn’t sure, but she was glad to know her sister was aware of the situation. “You need to come with us to the office. We’re having a meeting, and you seem to know more about what’s going on than anyone else, including Hannah.”“Okay,” Cassidy said, but her voice sounded timid, completely unlike her.“What is it?” Cadence asked.“Nothing, only... I hope Hannah doesn’t get upset that I was helping Eliza out behind her back. And I hope Mila doesn’t get mad at Eliza that she didn’t reveal her source. I think... I think Eliza might be getting help from someone else, too, like an Independent or something. But I don’t know. I think that’s where the ‘guy’ part of Gimu originated.”“I thought you said it might be ‘girl’,” Aaron questioned.“It mi
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Where's Christian
They all took seats around the conference table in their usual positions, except Christian’s chair was empty, and so was the one next to Cassidy, where Brandon would be sitting if he were there. Cadence regretted excluding him now. Aurora wasn’t there yet, which would give them each a few minutes to get their thoughts together. “Anyone else want coffee?” Elliott asked, standing and heading back out to reception where Mrs. Carminati always had a fresh pot and plenty of K cups.“I’ll take a cup, if you don’t mind,” Hannah chimed in. She was the only one, and as she reminded Elliott how she took it, Aaron got up to grab a stack of papers off of the printer she imagined he must’ve sent there while they were still in Cassidy’s apartment, it was so thick.“Sorry I’m late,” Aurora said, rushing through the door and taking her seat. “I got hung up. New recruit with lots of questions caught me.&
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Missing People and Creatures
“I sent Christian a text, but who knows if he even took his phone,” Aaron continued.“Surely he did,” Aurora said. “Who goes on vacation and doesn’t take their phone?”“I hope he did, but until he gets in touch, I’ll be a little concerned about him,” Aaron said.“Why? He just threw you in a portal.” Cassidy was clearly not over the situation, even if Christian had done his best to redeem himself later.“I’ve known Christian a really long time, Cass. He doesn’t always make good decisions. In fact, he makes a lot of really horrible, dangerous decisions, but that doesn’t mean I want him to get hurt—or worse.”“I don’t think he’d say the same thing about you,” Cassidy mumbled, and Aaron chose to ignore it.“Well, I for one could care less if he fell off the face of the earth.” Elliott said it like it was
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Fact Finding
“Is the database something we can look through and see if we can determine if these lead Vampires, or whatever you want to call them, are recently turned or have been around a while?” Aurora asked.“Yeah, we can do that. But it’s not very intuitive, and without Christian here, whoever takes that task on might be here a while,” Aaron explained, getting disappointed looks from everyone.“Who’s Eliza’s team after next? Is it someone whose head you can get into, Cassidy?” Hannah asked, leaning forward in her chair. “Maybe you can find out if he’s been dormant all this time like Daunator or if he’s new.”“It’s a guy named Sylvester,” Cassidy replied. “I can try.”Elliott sighed. “Why would Daunator be giving these people up so quickly if they’ve been part of his clan for so long?”“What do you mean?” Cadence asked, no
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What Is She Up To?
Ward turned out to be a plethora of information, so much so that Elliott spent way more time in the archives than he’d spent in a library, collectively, in his entire life. By the time he left, he had dozens of pages of notes—all photo snippets pasted together in his IAC, rather than actual handwritten notes—and plenty of reason to think he was just as indestructible as he’d thought before, unless of course he found himself back inside of the Blood Moon Portal.By the time he headed home, he was starving, and it was well past midnight. He intended to go in, eat something, watch some ESPN, and then let Aaron know what he’d found out. But the TV was on when he walked in the door, and he found his son sitting in front of it, not even watching but staring at his phone instead. These sorts of meetings were getting a little old.“Hey, Brandon. How’s it going?” His first instinct had been to ask why he still wasn’t hanging
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Cadence couldn’t sleep. Whether it was because she was still on Fiji time, had slept a little on the plane, or was still leery of having another dream like the one she’d had the other day--that hadn’t been a dream--she couldn’t quite tell, but rather than attempting to sleep anyway, she was sitting on the couch, drinking a glass of wine, and going over what they knew and what they didn’t know with Aaron.“So this silver nitrate bomb is implanted under the skin, and when it explodes, it’s supposed to ignite the Vampire from the inside out. That sounds pretty deadly to me,” Aaron said, holding up the design blueprint they’d gotten earlier from Cadence’s dad.“I agree. But I don’t understand why Christian would leave in the middle of production. And Dad said that they’d made fifty so far.”“And yet we could only locate forty-five.” Aaron was shaking his head. “He w
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Elliott chuckled. “That Eliza sure is a piece of work. I’m so glad we got rid of her when we did. Don’t you go thinking she’s earned her way back here, now. That was impressive what she did to those Vampires on the roof the other night, but that don’t make her a gold star student.”“I won’t,” Aaron said, and Cadence knew that to be the gospel truth. Eliza could do all the good deeds in the world, but she wasn’t coming back to this team.“All righty. You two have a good night.”“Bye, Elliott,” Cadence called, finally snapping out of her thoughts enough to remember her manners.Aaron told him goodbye, too, and closed the door behind him. He stood with his hands in his pockets for a moment, staring at Cadence.“Do you think...?’“I don’t know.” He came back toward the couch but didn’t sit yet. “God, I hope not. Surely, s
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Checking In
Cassidy was growing frustrated with Christian. He’d been in that hole so long now, his brain had to be turning to mush. Even after he’d told her about the attack, how he’d tried to blow Daunator up with one of his grenades, and it hadn’t done a thing to the monster, he still refused to let her tell anyone he was down there.She decided to try again. It had been a couple of hours since she’d contacted him. She’d spent a lot of that time talking to Eliza, but since the Guardian said she didn’t want her help anymore, now that Aaron and Cadence were back and might be upset about the entire situation, the hunt had fallen through. The team hadn’t been able to find the mark and had gone back to regroup.Despite her decision to leave Cassidy out of it from now on, Eliza had been very chatty, and Cassidy had had to cut her off so that she could work on the other assignments Aaron had given her. She was used to having the bulk of t
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