All Chapters of Chosen By The Alpha: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
307 Chapters
150. I Don't Share!
"Why suddenly ... the air is full of sex?" Asked Jason. It looks like he just woke up, and so did the others.Jazzy, who was already sitting in her chair, closed her eyes, pretending not to understand what Jason said just now.Marco stood up and walked toward the pilot's room. He asked how long their journey would take."Do I have to stay in your pack ...?" Asked Sandro lazily."Alpha said you were going to take you to the pack ... at least until you were completely healthy, after all ... did you not want to join Mating games Event? As far as I know ... you are very mature to settle down ... the girl in our pack is already famous for her beauty. " Rodrigo replied. "I don't think I am ready for that," Sandro answered. "Would that girl want to have a mate who is a hitman?""Trust me ... they will think it is a sexy profession ..." replied Jazzy now interested. "The more dangerous you look ... the more
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151. Red Minibus
They finally landed in an area near Alpha Rodrigo's pack. Marco has contacted the man who he considers his teacher ... and the host is very happy to welcome them in his pack.While getting off at a small airport located in Rodrigo's pack ... they were already picked up by one of the sixty-year-old male alpha confidants. A car that is bright red and can contain many people, a minibus that is very quirky."Alpha Marco. Nice to see you again." Said the white-haired man with yellowish teeth. Judging by his sloppy appearance ... and slurred voice, he looked drunk."Ben! Good Ben. Are you all right?" Greeted Marco hugging the man. Jazzy frowned at the sight ... there were some of the man's teeth were hollow."Honestly I miss you." He laughed, showing a row of teeth that Jazzy found very disgusting."Ben ... This is Rodrigo, my adopted son ... Sandro ... his best friend, then Jason and Jazzy Mendes ... My ... people in the pack." Marco intr
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152. Break the Bond!
They arrived at the packhouse and were greeted with an urn at the car door from Alpha Manny."Ah ... here comes, she is on a rampage again ... you are very lucky to get a reception this friendly." Said Ben full of Sarcasm."She must have been rejected by her mate ... and currently her mate is having sex." Sandro looked down because of reflex, there was a wine glass that was thrown at the car again."How could you say that ?!" Ben answered incredulously, he hadn't dared to open the door since earlier… afraid that something sharp and dangerous would fly towards him. It looks like they are trapped in the car until Alpha Manny's anger subsides."Just conjecture." Sandro continued."Then we can only wait here? Until when?" Jason protested."Until the anger subsides ... I don't want that thing in my face," Ben replied firmly.Alpha Manny was still throwing fiercely. She was like a tiger on a rampage, well… a
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153. Run. On Wolf! Now!
“Break the bonds! Severe it… say the statement." Said Sandro firmly."You mean?" Asked Rodrigo.. he was interested, as a mate-less man, this is the first time he heard about it.“They must have rejected each other, until Harry… A beta of alpha Marco could move on and mated with other women. But they haven't officially terminated their bonds… maybe Harry has and the wolf has already received the rejection, or he has already said the bond termination pledge… which means… with all the side effects experienced by Alpha Manny, she hasn't said it. If Alpha Manny wanted to move-on and not experience the pain when Harry and his new mate were in touch sexually, she has to say it in front of Harry. That way… all the bonds between them will be broken. If I may conclude…ah… no, assumption, based on my experience… the wolf of alpha  Manny still wants Beta Harry.""Then why did s
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154. Kick Her Ass!
Alpha Rodrigo left, it seemed he was immediately looking for Alpha Manny's whereabouts. Previously he had asked Marco to wait in the study, while the others were allowed to rest in their room."Don't move from this place, we don't spend the night here!" Marco insisted. He was forced to wait for Alpha Rodrigo out of respect for him."I'm afraid if Alpha Manny asks to come with us ... I'm afraid she might go rampage in the car," Jason complained."Alpha Marco can ask Harry not to get in touch with his mate until we get there.. just to make sure everything is safe along the way." Sandro's suggestion.“Maybe… Harry will obey his alpha… but my sister… if she knows the reason behind it all, she will try her best to have a sex marathon. You don't know my sister. " Jazzy replied glancing at Marco."Yep. My sister that one,… don't mess up with her, she can be very cruel if you bother. " Jason agreed."I don't want Alpha Manny to com
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155. Alpha Manny Berserk
Alpha Rodrigo lent them a car, the same car that had picked them up earlier.“If I knew this happen… I would better go to the alpha Rooney pack right away. At least Brandon is in rehab, now we are literally driving with the crazy guy." Jason complained. They were all in the car and waiting for Alpha Manny to arrive. Alpha Rodrigo also told Ben to drive.“You know what…. I agree. I am willing to be told to take you back and forth wherever you want ... as long as there are no crazy people inside." Ben complained in front. He sat alone in the front while the others sat in the passenger seat. “On the way… I will raise the partition glass, I'm sorry .. you guys deal with her… I don't want to interfere. She almost choked me on the neck the first day she came.""Oh wow," Jason complained again. He sat alone. Sandro sat with Rodrigo, while Marco sat with Jazzy. Jason was very anxious, afraid that alpha Manny would sit down with him. “Sis… please… you
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156. The Long Face?!
Alpha Manny's body was still shaking violently. Ben stopped the car but did not dare to get off or enter the passenger seat himself. Marco still threatens the raging woman.“I can't help it. This feels so fucking hurt. " She Complained and was holding her stomach which looks blue. Alpha Manny lifted her blouse, allowing everyone to see her blue belly."Yet. You can't take it out on innocent people.""But I…""Control yourself. Once again you act like that, I didn't hesitate to break your neck that very second, especially when you were aiming for my Erasthai. I won't wait at all for you to say sorry. This is the last warning. Remember that!" Marco raised his index finger in a stern warning. He then yelled at Ben to continue the journey. Alpha Manny tried to sit up, even though she was still moaning in pain and holding her stomach.Marco felt he could communicate with Harry via telepathy… they were no
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157. The Pledge
"I want ..." Alpha Manny answered, she hung her sentence in the middle. "I want us back. I want us to be mate ... Beta Harry." She continued.Beta Harry with his flat face just looked lazily at the woman he had once liked. Yes ... he can't categorize it as love ... because of his former interest in alpha Manny... It was because of the bonds between them ... Now his love is only for one She-wolf who is pregnant with his child, the woman who managed to make him recover and be able to love. Manny Mendes."Isn't that too late. I already have a mate.""Break your relationship with her ... Get back to me. You are my destiny." Alpha Manny replied arrogantly. "Besides ... Only I can satisfy you... give you offspring."Harry laughed out loud. "Well .. looks like you are wrong Alpha ... My Mate is currently pregnant with our baby ... I love her and to death, I will not be separated from her.""If you reject me too, I'd rather die ... You w
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158. The Pills
Alpha Manny has left the pack. Marco walked toward his room. One of his subordinates reported that Alpha Manny had left the border. A piece of information from his subordinates reported that Alpha Manny had left the area by running. Marco doesn't care, even deep down ... He feels a little anxious ... he is afraid that Alpha Manny will side with Alpha Mario and attack him.He entered his private room. There were only Jason and Jazzy there."How?!" Jazzy asked in a panic. She had heard a lot of commotion earlier .. she even saw many people coming out of their rooms and were going downstairs."It ended ... not too smoothly. But at least, it is over. Harry and Alpha Manny are not tied down by any bonds now, and the girl is out of our pack."Jazzy sighed with great relief as if she had been holding her breath all this time. " God. Nothing bad happened, right? How is Manny? Is she all right?" Jazzy's asked.Marco glanced at Jason, giving h
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159. Two Hours Waiting
Jazzy and Marco were already in their room. Marco was still in a bad mood."You will get what you want ... Just wait two hours, why is it still badmood?" Jazzy protested with an amused smile."Why do I still have to wait!" Marco turned to look at Jazzy, they were walking toward their huge bed."I want to take a bath first!" Jazzy said, she immediately raised her index finger towards the alpha. "Shower. Alone."Marco shrugged his shoulders ... "I've seen you without clothes on so many times, I don't see the reason why, I can't go to the bathroom with you." He faced Jazzy. Actually, the alpha had a very dominant aura, and it was very unlikely that someone would refuse his request at a time like this. Everyone proggrammed to obey him."I want to take a bath.""Me too ...""I want 'me' time ..." replied Jazzy not wanting to lose."We ... 'our' time, we'll be mated ... You have to get used to being "we", in everythin
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