All Chapters of Chosen By The Alpha: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
307 Chapters
170. No Heat?!
It's already over midnight, and Jazzy is still very soundly in her sleep. Previously Marco had predicted that his mate would experience heat at midnight. the very morning. It always happens to every mate of an alpha. 'Maybe in the morning.' Said the wolf. He also has the same opinion. 'I was thinking if that pill works that much more sophisticated and strong against the cycle of a lycan who has just been mated? Why is there no reaction so far? I am worried.' 'Wait till morning. She said she got a warm sensation inside… maybe the process is slowed down a bit.' 'I am getting anxious.' Marco replied. He looked at Jazzy's figure who had been sleeping for a long time. 'Me not. If she doesn't get the heat, at least she won't be mad at us. We can still try it another time… or when the fear of pregnancy wears off. ' 'Me yes. I want her to
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171. Reina's Plan
'Harry… is there something wrong with the pack?' Marco asked telepathically. He sat in front of Jazzy who was just waking up.'Alpha… Alpha? Yes. Yes, Alpha. There was a rouge attack. I'll be there to report. I'm at my parent's house, I have some information I want to share with you.”Harry replied.'Good. I'm waiting.' Marco looked at Jazzy with a frown."What's wrong? What happened?" Asked the woman who currently has her new nickname... Luna.“There's another rouge attack, Harry just told me. He will come to report." Marco replied still with wistful eyes. Then he stood up and put on a more appropriate dress. "I'm going to my study room. I'll send the waiter to give you breakfast ..." Marco then walked away.He hurried down the stairs. Yes. Austin's words... his wolf was correct, he felt that there were several holes in this pack… the holes were from several members of the pack that he could no
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172. The Mission
Jason walked out, after all the planning and information he needed. He walked into the training hall. He is looking for a woman with black hair with red highlights if she hasn't changed her hair color. A girl named Lisa. She is actually quite eye-catching, so it should not be that difficult to find her. Along the way, some of his schoolmates greeted him with a few pleasantries, asking how he was… and why he wasn't going to school anymore. "I became an Alpha Marco trainee, haven't you heard?" Jason replied to Ashley. One of the female gang members of his previous club. They're in the fitness training room now. Usually, girls and some young men hang out in this place during their spare hours. But as far as his eye could see Jason couldn't find the woman he was looking for. Instead, he met one of his friends playing rugby first. "I'll be there first ..." he said to Ashley. He walked towards Troy, one of the rugby players at his school
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173. Frontal Lisa
 Jason arrived at a very quiet school area. 'What is Lisa doing at the school gym on holiday? Is she making out with someone? Or… 'Jason talked to himself. School is indeed on holiday, whether for two or three months. This is an annual holiday that changes to the new school year. He walked into the empty hall, where the school gym was located behind this main hall. All lighting was turned off in the hall, although the light from the window made it easy for him to locate the large door that would be the barrier to this gym and school hall. Jason became pensive, who the hell would be the principal of the school because just yesterday the principal of this school for the last five years died, was killed by Beta Harry on charges of treason, not accusation ... because that's the truth. Sick.Jason had entered the gym, the lights were on normally. And after turning, Jason saw someone who was running on the treadmill with her hair tied up. He walked c
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174. Daddy, Ravish Me!
Jason and Lisa walked quickly outside the gym. Lisa seemed to be half running while Jason was walking briskly... and he is thinking. He convinced himself of the action he had just decided. Is this the right thing? That was the question in his head. His wolf kept threatening him that he would shut him up for life if Jason wanted to have sex with Lisa, he… his wolf and Jason had the principle of giving their virginity to their Mate one day. "I don't think I can handle this ... I'm not strong enough ... just do it inside the empty classroom!" Lisa is whining. Her footsteps were still fast and half running, Jason, who was half-conscious to hear it, just glanced down. "" "Why ?! I can't wait… I can't bear it if I have to go to my house… or yours… ”She whined again, they were already outside the school hall and were walking down the hall towards the exit. “Let us be respectable. I don't want to be that low, doing it in
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175. Like A Wanton
 "If anything happens to my brother. I will kill you! " Jazzy's threatened for the umpteenth time, she and Marco were in the alpha study. They waited for the latest news from Harry and Jason. Marco picked up Jazzy and put her on his lap. Jazzy who is wearing a short dress squealed a little because her position now makes the bottom of her dress lift to her waist. "I love this position better." Marco smiled meaningfully. "I'm serious. Don't let Jason sacrifice himself for this mission… I'll really… ”Jazzy repeated threateningly, though, in the end, she was moaning out of control. Marco rubs his with Jazzy… she eyes close her eyes and enjoy the friction. “I love this better than your threat. Your voice… very nice for me to hear when you sigh full of pleasure." Marco whispered, he kissed Jazzy's neck which was still full of kiss marks when they mated. Lots of hickey marks and red… they haven't even had time to
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176. Jason, The Dom.
 "Is it still long?" Lisa asked repeatedly, she felt her body being lifted and run by Jason's body for more than twenty minutes. “Soon, starting from now… you can't ask…. If you want me to finish this. This is an area of mine, you must obey me. " Jason emphasized, Lisa sighed softly .. she seemed more tempted by dominant orders like this. Jason arrived at the alpha's cabin. A secret cabin that only some people know about. Alpha Marco once invited Jason to come to this place, he introduced a private cabin… for future reference. Alpha Marco said he used it a lot with Jazzy, and Jason didn't want to ask… what for. He already knew that it must have something to do with the alpha's relationship with his older sister Jazzy. Jason has just realized now, all of his sisters have found a partner… Jazzy with Alpha Marco, and Manny with beta Harry. Is this a coincidence? Then who is his mate? When they arrived at the cabin,
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177. Epic Finish
"What?!" Cried Rodrigo in shock. They...Jason, Alpha Marco, Beta Harry, and Rodrigo were sitting in a circle in Alpha's study. They discuss the results of Jason's epic and successful mission. "You heard it right!" Jason replied wryly. He was actually not too proud of the mission, he was embarrassed and a little bit harassed. He accomplished the mission in an indecent manner.  "Still ... You're doing very well. You got talent!" Defend Harry. "Talent for dominating women... sexually. If I still had a younger sister, I wouldn't want my sister to know you ... creepy." Said Rodrigo laughing."Not for me. I would be very proof if my sister was with Jason. You know my sister, right?" Harry patted Jason's shoulder."Oh. No. A Matchmaking!" Said Rodrigo again, "why not me... As the match? I'm interested in Reina.""Oh ... I prefer Jason rather than you!" Harry laughed."So.
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178. Refusing The Bond
Jason walked out, his goal is to find Reina. He wanted to find the girl before Beta Harry met her. 'Agh ... All this time she always appears in unexpected where should I find her now!' Jason thought. 'Yes. She has a unique place to hang out. We always meet her in surprising places. Are you sure ... by the way?' Asked the wolf. 'What? Reina? I don't know ... I care about her. One thing's for sure ... I'm afraid she will go with Beta Harry to the cafe. I am afraid something wrong will happen to her.' 'Yet. You're still not sure ... whether you like her or not. I guess you're just afraid of losing ... or afraid of being rivaled with Rodrigo. A figure that you once admired .... and now you are challenged to win over him ?!' The wolf's words made him stop walking. He was in front of the Packhouse ... he seemed to gasp with his wolf words. 'You mean ... It's only because of
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179. Spill!
"Alpha, this is uncommon. This is my first time dealing with this case." Said Reese the pack doctor."Do anything! Read! Study the literature?!" Marco's orders.Reese nodded. He seemed to think. "Luna will fall asleep, for two or three hours ... then maybe she will get better, or have a harder time breathing. Meanwhile, I'll try to ask my other colleagues." Reese said then left. He will ask all his doctor friends from various packs. He will call them.Marco glanced hard at Jazzy '. Reese said it would get better, or worse. The chances of Jazzy 'getting worse are haunting him. How come he never heard of this before? Why did Jazzy reject the bonds? But ... Is it...'She doesn't know this either! Don't torture yourself. These are things beyond your control and her control. Ask anyone ... those who have heard of this case. You can ask your seniors Alpha Rodrigo, Alpha Xander ... or Sandro. They may have heard of this.' The wolf's suggestion.
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