All Chapters of Chosen By The Alpha: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
307 Chapters
190. Rare Virgin Wolf
"Maria Webster ... is your ticket to kill him. You have to be close to Maria ... to the point of being mated, then force her to become an alpha in that pack ... Charles' curse lifted... And he could be killed." Obviously, Bane, whose voice sounded more authoritative, he really understood that he was being the center of attention."Rubbish!" Marco answered.  "You won't call this rubbish if you listen to me!" Said Bane with a serious tone. "I do this, just because of my mate...I promised her to help you." Reina snapped. "Yeah right!" "They have been spying your pack all this time, they have some men here...traitor. They know that there's something wrong with your mate ...Charles knew about your mate's condition..that she is a rare wolf." "Rare?" Marco repeated. "Rare...she is. She can't be smelled as a mated she-wolf...even though she has been mated. She will alwa
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191. Single Battle
Jasmine woke up to her most excruciating head pain. She held her forehead and couldn't open her eyes. "What's wrong?" Asked the alpha who has been sleeping next to his mate. He sat on the bed, but didn't dare to touch Jazzy'. Jazzy' didn't answer, she scrunched her forehead indicating her headache. "Headache?" Asked Marco again. Jazzy' answered. "I'll ask the pack doctor." Marco called the pack doctor, and in five minutes Reese arrived in the private room of the alpha. Reese gave her some pills and asked Luna not to consumed the anti-pregnancy pill anymore. "This is my theory, that pill is not good for your body, that's why you have such side effect. Maybe the pills are still working inside your body....we can only wait until it is dissolved completely and not inside your system...for you to be normal." Explained the pack doctor to Jazzy', he kept his eyes on the alpha. 
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192. Waiting Robin
Marco was waiting for Robin's arrival, while he is accompanied by Harry, Rodrigo, and Jason with the same serious face."Even though Robin was already on the way earlier, but why didn't he come now?" Said Harry confused because before he informed his alpha about Robin's request to meet the alpha, Robin was on his way to the alpha's office. "But, why hasn't he arrived until now ?!""Do you know what he wants to talk about?" Marco asked firmly."Looks like ... He's talking about Alpha Bane and his attachments to the Rouge, but I didn't really hear it, because he's a little stuttering."Marco nodded."I already know that Alpha Bane is not a good person and can't be trusted," Jason replied he personally does not like the man. Apart from his annoying personality, the fact that he is Reina's mate makes him unacceptable.Rodrigo leaned back in his chair with his hands folded, he watched in silence and thought. "I counted... You have quite
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193. Real Parents
Marco is in his study, he is about to contact Xander, his best friend who is also titled as an alpha in the pack not far from his. His head is still shrouded in various kinds of problems he faces, first Mario and the hunters, also the rouge… Then Charles, and now the fact that Jasmine is not a member of the Mendes family, and the problem of bonds that have not fully united with Jasmine. Jasmine can only officially become his, and formally be his Erasthai if that woman is pregnant, and she is very afraid of pregnancy. He squeezed his forehead which suddenly felt hurt. “Xander…” Marco said on the third ring of his call. “Ah… Marco, you always bother me at night… and always at the right time! Thanks, man, I have to take a cold shower tonight." Xander answered in a very annoyed tone, yet… he still answered the call from himself. “I got… so many problems. I nee
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194. Sulking Mate
chapter 2Marco studied the documents Harry had given to him. Which one first? Do I have to solve the Jasmine or Alpha Mario case first? He will keep Charles's case for last. He read all the reports that Mario collaborated with the Hunters and a group of rouge to attack and hide in his pack… and that one of his pack members... Kennedy who fled because she was pregnant with Mario's child. Disgusting.Until this second he had not heard of the twins at all, they seemed to have disappeared into the world. Do not know where…. Usually, the two blondes always make trouble ... in the world of werewolves. Marco once again picked up the phone, it was very late. But he knew his tutor that… he must not have slept at this hour."Alpha Rodrigo .." he said. "Yes. My child. Thank you for your previous help. I'll make sure I repay you in the future."“In the next future, I hope, because I need i
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195. The Hunt Begins
Marco walked quickly to the room of Sandro, a man who works as an assassin agent. He felt Sandro was the right person to accompany him. He had alerted Harry to be extra vigilant ... And told him he was going to be out doing something for the pack, the beta didn't question back...he said yes for no matter what the alpha said.He had calculated ... Sandro must have recovered a lot. Before Marco knocked on Sandro's door, a voice could be heard from inside."Come in, Alpha!" Said a voice that Marco believed belonged to Sandro.Marco opened the door and entered the room with a confident face, indeed ... he didn't make the wrong choice."I need your help!" Said the alpha as soon as he entered the room."I know. What kind of help?""Come with me tonight, and we're going to kill Mario.""By wolf?" Marco then nodded. Sandro was on his bed lazing around, while Marco was still standing at the door."What's my pay?"
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196. New Alpha
Sandro left Alpha Mario's body, then turned towards the exit. He looks like he's headed back to, alpha Marco's pack. They came back with the shape of their wolf.When they arrived at the Packhouse they returned to their human form and immediately put on their clothes."So ... Alpha Sandro." Said Marco, smiling with satisfaction. One problem has been resolved, left him to solve other problems."I have to solve other problems before taking over as alpha at that pack." Said Sandro, he put his jacket on."What problem?""Business of the hitmen. I'll still help you with Charles's business ... just call me and I will come." Said Sandro, then he entered the house and climbed the stairs to his room, who knows what he will do in that room. Sandro walked fast and sure.Marco climbed the stairs to his room, his step slowly ... he was satisfied that he had resolved one problem ... but he now had to deal with his busin
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197. Enlighten Me, Please Darling
Marco is currently arranging a trip with Jasmine to a pack that he believes is where Jasmine's real parents are. He put his business with Charles on hold and left it to Sandro.Today Sandro will take care of his new pack and will immediately return to the pack for stand-by with Harry, just in case...if suddenly Charles attacks. Marco prefers to solve Jasmine's problem first because this is related to their bonds which are still not completely mated. This can be dangerous if it stays for long ... because everyone knows ... the law of an alpha that hasn't been mated in a long time ... then he will be weakened and challenged from various places.At this time, it was still morning and Jasmine was still unconscious from fainting. Honestly, Marco was bored with Jasmine's condition, who in the past few days had been passing out too often.'Isn't that very natural?' Asked the wolf who did not accept the alpha's feeling. 'Because she just found out that she is n
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198. Cliff Hanger
Manny walked briskly, cursing in annoyance, Harry following her from behind with a slight smile on his face. Manny has a back asset that has grown bigger since her pregnancy, making her look cute when she walks fast. "What do you want, Manny?" Harry asked half shouting to his mate which is still walking fast. “Sisterhood. You and Jason won't understand. " Manny immediately turned to face Harry with an annoyed face. "You better tell Alpha Marco ... that I'm going to see Jasmine," Manny ordered Harry with her very sassy attitude. "I told you ... she's not feeling well," Harry replied patiently, he continued to walk and stroked the shoulder of his mate. “Stop Lying! Do It! " she ordered again. Harry finally tries to contact his alpha by telepathy. 'Alpha, Manny is walking towards the packhouse ... She wants to meet Jasmine.' Said Harry giving news as
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199. Manny On Rampage
"We gotta go! Now!" Marco said to Jasmine. His face is cold and stern."It's not evening yet ... Why are you suddenly want to leave?" This time it was Manny who protested. She whined like a child."We need to solve some things first ..." answered Marco, feeling a little uncomfortable because Manny dared to answer him as an alpha. Meanwhile, Harry just scratched his head, which was not itchy at all.Manny walked in front of the alpha with a challenging pose. Her hands were on her waist, defiant."What is the problem? This is my sister who you want to go with ... I even just talked to her .. and now she wants to be invited to go with you again?" She asked in a high tone to the alpha. It is a very memorable sight, a pregnant woman talks impolitely to an alpha.Jasmine stood up and grabbed Manny's hand. "It's okay ... We can talk later," Jasmine said with a big smile. Wishing to calm down her sister."No. I need to keep this as
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