All Chapters of Chosen By The Alpha: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
307 Chapters
180. Do You Love Me?
"Again ... I got this information while I was in Africa. I can say ... I have spent half Of My Life, living my best, there. Many things I have learned there. Including, never trust a human being! " Sandro laughed. Marco raised an eyebrow in surprise."Yep. No matter how good a person is, he must have the intention and want to take advantage of us, that was what I have learned.""Not everything is like that. There is a sincerity ... and ..""I know ... I know. You're a good person." Sandro continued. "I was in a pack that had an old Alpha, his mate died when she was pregnant ... and he was trying to find a replacement ... but he never had any offspring and partner. He had married many women, but none of them...  could survive.""Just like Charles?" Marco asked."A little different. Because the causes are different ... much different. Charles never had a mate that lasted long, because he was cursed. But, what happened in Africa, t
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181. Human Fashion
Harry has informed Reina about their plan. Reina agreed. Harry has also conveyed the change of plans to Jason because Alpha Marco is worried about Jazzy's condition which seems to be experiencing heat.  'Why?' Asked Manny via telepathy to Harry.  'Alpha's order. I don't question it. Besides… their faces have been recognized by Alpha Charles, and only I who are not recognized.” Harry replied. He was in his sister's room. Reina was dyeing her hair lighter, she followed her brother’s advice. Somehow Harry has the instinct that he can use Reina and make her look attractive.  'But. I heard he's a crazy person ... that Charles ... He's just a sadist. I'm pregnant with your child, aren't you worried?” Manny whined.  'Alpha Marco and Rodrigo are guarding the pack. Also, there is Sandro, the secret agent… remember? This pack will be very safe.’ Harry shook his head as Reina showed him the curling iron. Ha
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182. Someone Watching
They were ready early in the morning. Harry had already taken Alpha Marco's newest Mercedes. Jason was also sitting neatly in the living room waiting for Reina to come out of his room. They were leaving early in the morning, even though they wanted to go to the bar… and the bar's operating hours wouldn't open until four in the afternoon… Harry still wanted them to arrive in the morning. They will observe the environment around the café which doubles as a bar.  Based on the information they got. The café consisted of several ordinary humans and rouges, so they had to be very careful, not to let their identities be discovered. Act as human as possible.  "Is my appearance human enough?" Jason asked Beta Harry.  Harry looked Jason up and down. The man is wearing after jeans and a jeans jacket. "A little pushy ... but yeah ... not bad." While Harry is very satisfied with his performance today, he feels quite up to d
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183. The Cafe
Reina, Jason, and Beta Harry have arrived at the intended cafe. During the trip from the fast-food restaurant to this place, Beta Harry continued to pay attention to his sister, Reina. He should be more sensitive to the presence of other werewolves because he is a Beta. But why did Reina who feel it, and she could describe it in detail?'Either ... Reina has special powers, or is that figure watching us her mate?' Answered the wolf.'Or ... That person had the power to project it onto Reina, so she could feel it in detail. A power that sounded like Alpha Charles. Now I'm worried, whereas our aim here is to kill him on the spot.''We'll survive!''I hope so.'A waiter gave them a menu book, the cafe they entered had a modern theme and had a slightly urban nuance. Very comfortable ... although the air here is not very good, some visitors smoke in the cafe area.Jason ordered an iced americano and an avocado cheesecake, an odd cho
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184. The Figure
The manager finally invited them to go up to the second floor. Harry, Jason, and Reina walked hand in hand towards the place used as a bar. They arrived in a dark room but have a colorful discotheque light.Reina took Jason's hand reflexively because she suddenly felt that figure, the one who has been watching her over. A figure she could sometimes feel ... and sometimes not, a figure that made Harry angry and upset earlier. Jason glanced at Reina, questioning why there was a scene of holding hands like this ... They were close but not to the extent of holding hands.Jason deliberately went slower. "What?" He whispered."He's here," Reina whispered in Jason's ear. A move that gave Jason goosebumps. "Don't tell Harry. He could go on a rampage again."Then they walked beside Harry. They found an empty table and sat in a circle. The condition of this bar is quite crowded for a bar that has just opened, maybe the cafe visitors immediately climb up
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185. Reina's Mate
"You?!" Harry shrieked in surprise, at the figure who claimed to be the mate of  Reina, his sister. A figure that he had known all this time and was a very annoying person."Yep. It's me!" He repeated again, and he sat beside Reina with his hands wrapped around Reina's waist from behind. Meanwhile, Reina looks stiff and uncomfortable with the newcomer's skinship."You've been at the pack. Why now? If you really are the mate ... why not since the alpha summit?!" Jason asked in a tone of protest."Why? I've never seen her at the alpha summit. I don't feel anything." Replied the man."Bullshit! This is all nonsense. I reject this ridiculousness." Said Harry firmly.The man chuckled, his hands made Reina shriek a little in surprise as he brought Reina closer to his body. "The one who can reject me is her ... not you." He answered and smiled sarcastically. "Right Babe?!" He asked holding his gaze at Reina.Maybe it was a re
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186. Bane's Information
They and Alpha Bane get into the car to the pack. Reina sat next to Bane, who occasionally whispered in Reina's ear. Jason snorted in annoyance, even though he was in the front passenger seat, he was aware of what was going on in the back. Jason didn't like it. Harry seems indifferent, he doesn't really care about Bane's presence in the car he drives."Do you like ice cream?" Bane whispered to Reina who only answered a lazy nod."What flavor?" He asked again."Whatever," Reina replied lazily. Jason stifled his laughter with his left hand. He likes Reina's cold attitude, he has high hopes ... Reina's relationship with Alpha Bane doesn't work. He prayed all kinds of badness for Bane."What is your hobby?" Asked Bane again."She loves reading books, novels and talking about animals and science. She likes her time alone, she avoids the crowd at the school ... Not because she is loof, but because she is not the same bitch at school." Jaso
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187. No Bonds
Marco is still sitting beside the bed occupied by Jazzy. His mate hasn't  ever woken up. She woke up the next day and then fainted again because she thought the heat in her body gave her a cruciating headache. The pack doctor remained in the room, checking Jasmine's vitals from time to time. Nothing critical or dangerous… but he was also still confused about why his luna's condition was not getting better. He got a theory but not very sure about it yet. He will make sure to call a friend of his."You look in doubt! Do you know anything about her symptoms?" Pushed the alpha, who studied the face of his pack doctor. “Based on the literature I read, there are only two possibilities… because I learned from Luna's background. Either she rejects the bonds between you, or she has a curse in her. Because I learned from her family that no one has the same symptoms." The doctor explained. "Actually, you can write off the possibility of her refusi
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188. Her Real Parents
"What do you mean? Haven't you felt the slightest… bonds of our relationship, and your wolf… since when?” Marco repeated. He is indeed very worried about the bonds. "I don't know, because after we did it... I couldn't feel my wolf, I thought she was adapting to become a lycan." Jazzy replied timidly. Marco sat limply on the bed, he waited for the doctor to examine Jasmine. Not long after, the doctor came with a folder, he also checked Jasmine's condition. “Alpha, Luna's condition is normal. Just waiting for the time for her to fully recover." Said The doctor looking at his alpha, 'Alpha I have got the results, you will be very surprised.' Said Reese via telepathy. 'What?' They spoke telepathically, but it could be seen from the eyes of the two that they were communicating with each other and Jasmine understood that. "What are you guys talking about?" Jasmine asked with suspicious eyes. 
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189. Bane's Secret
"We're almost there!" Said Harry, he drove calmly. Soon they will enter the pack area.'Alpha.' He Reported by telepathy.'Where are you? How?' Replied the alpha fast.'Alot happened, Alpha. I will enter the pack area.''Good. Is everything fine?' The alpha asked the condition of his members who were with Harry.'Yes.''Great.' Alpha Marco replied in relief.'I got Alpha Bane in the car.''Shit! What is he doing here?''Well ... Literally .... I invited him. To make it simpler ... he is the mate of Reina!' Harry's words provide information like an atomic bomb for the alpha.'Why isn't your sister matched with Jason ... or Rodrigo? Why does it have to be with that man!' Marco complained telepathically.'Trust me ... I hope the same thing.' Harry replied honestly. If he could choose, she would be happier if Reina matched with Jason. He is a good mate material."Damn!" Spat the alpha and cut off telepathy. Harr
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