All Chapters of Chosen By The Alpha: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
307 Chapters
200. Cut His Banana?!
Marco and Jasmine are in a black car that is fully modified by Marco. His favorite hobby is after all modifying a car."You once promised to give one of your favorite cars for me to modify.. and Change the color to purple." Said Jasmine smiling while looking at the green forest scenery outside the car."I did," Marco replied softly, he turned his head for a moment then looked back at the front."When can I start?" Jasmine asked again, remembering the first time she got to know the alpha, very stiff and creepy. His tall figure with a cold and stiff face always made Jazzy shudder with horror. In fact, it had become a reflex of her when she met the alpha at that time, time was running ... and she was not as stiff as before. She already felt safe and comfortable with Marco, especially when they did…. Even though their union is still hampered by the bonds issue."As soon as this shit finish," Marco replie
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201. Plane to France
Marco and Jasmine were on a plane bound for France, they were in executive class and sat next to each other. A stewardess was staring lustfully at Marco, the man is wearing a black shirt with a short sleeve, making his bulging arm on show... The stewardess...walks sensually every time she passes Marco's row. While the alpha is playing with Jasmine's hand."I didn't book a VVIP for this trip," Marco said without warning. "Why?" Asked Jasmine looking at the blue mesmerizing eyes."Because we can't do it ..." Marco replied. Smiling evilly.Jasmine chuckled. "You know ... that's not my fault.""I wish this shit is done very soon." "Me too. Will we be in France for long?" Jasmine asked suddenly thinking about their destination. She feels a little worried."It depends. If they are your real parents ... Maybe it will take a little while, we will find out..whether you were kidnapped or vol
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202. Not Reina's Mate
"Hey young man!" Greeted someone from behind who made the teenager jump a little in surprise. Jason touched Robin's back shoulder from behind. They were in the courtyard of the packhouse, not far from the pack members' honorable burial grounds. “What are you doing here all day? Lately, I've seen you here a lot… ”Asked Jason with a friendly smile, actually he already knew that Robin often came to the grave of his brother, Rodin. Jason himself was quite close to Rodin, and he felt a deep loss. Robin scratched his un itchy head with a half-smile.“I know you're mourning… but don't stay sad all the time. You have a life… as you continue with your life, you will make him happy and proud.”Robin nodded, with a forced smile, he seemed to want to quickly end this chat. He turned and was about to leave but Jason held his hand.  “I know there's something. You don't have to hide it. You can save more than one life if you t
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203. Half Werewolf
"How do we get to the pack?" Jasmine asked. They had just landed and were enjoying a very late breakfast at one of the airport restaurants.Marco scooped an extra spicy sandwich into his mouth. He ordered spicy food at this hour, very strange." I have an acquaintance. He will pick us up ... And take us to the pack we're going to. We will travel by car for five to six hours .. so make sure, you are not hungry."Jazzy 'nodded, she had previously ordered a tuna sandwich, but after hearing that their trip would take another five to six hours, she ordered a serving of pasta."When they arrive, let me do the talking ... We don't know how they will respond. Better be carefull.""Humm." Jasmine just muttered, her mouth is very full of food. "You know ... at the morning ... Like this, and you are exposed to the sun ...." Jasmine turned to the window which had been giving off the warm morning sunshine of this town."You look ethereal. Like  unhuman ...
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204. Alpha Jacques
Jasmine, who is fainted, is carried by Marco to a room, the owner of the house… Alpha Jacques welcomed her. Marco laid Jazzy on a mattress with floral spring patterns. The Alpha waited patiently while Marco sat beside Jazzy and checked her."This should be the room of my first child, a beautiful girl we have been waiting for." Whispered a woman Marco guessed was Luna Maribeth Romero. A woman with a face and skin similar to Jasmine's, while the hair, nose, and eye color came from the man standing beside her. Alpha Roderick Jacques. "Are you sure that my mate is your lost daughter?" Marco asked. It is already very clear...pointing their resemblance, but he wants to make sure."Do you need to ask that? Can't you see the resemblance? Look at my face…. You're still don't believe me?" Asked Luna Maribeth. “I'm just making sure. She looks different from all her siblings who live in my pack." Marco replied politely, however… the wom
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205. Kidnapped or?
"But we lost her since baby and she's already this big ... then you want to take her away again?" Asked Luna Maribeth with a slightly raised tone. "You're so mean!" She continued accusing. She sobbed and hugged her mate."Because we are Mates. Like you and Alpha Jacques… do you want to be separated from your mates?""But you are not fully mated ... it's not official!" Maribeth denied."That's the reason we came here first, so we can be fully mated. I wanted to ask you directly about it." Said Marco trying not to provoke his anger. "Then, I refuse to tell you anything!" Said the woman who still looked beautiful, even though she had entered her old age.“I'll bring Jasmine back, then… we'll find out for ourselves. It would be better if she doesn't know who she really is if in the end, it will make her suffer. "  more." Marco replied calmly. He was actually holding back his anger. Hearing that her mother wanted to snatch Jasm
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206. Betrayed
They waited until evening, and Jasmine came to her senses. Marco was the first to find out that Jasmine had woken up from fainting. He hurried to the room, while Alpha Jacques and Luna Maribeth followed behind. Marco entered the room and examined Jasmine's body. She looks so pale and confused."You okay?" He asked checking her body temperature which felt normal. "Yes. No? I don't know ... "she answered confused. She saw alternately from Alpha Jacques, Luna Maribeth, who were both waiting at the door of the room. "This is your family .." Marco said."What?" Shrieked Jazzy, confused. She saw Luna Maribeth nod with watery eyes.“You were born from the womb of a Luna… her name is Maribeth Romero… and your father is an alpha, Roderick Jacques. When you were born, your mother was bleeding and had to be taken care of… your father accompanied your mother at that time… then when she returned to the
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207. I was There
 "So, baby ... what do you want to order?" Asked Bane. They are in a quiet prestigious restaurant. Bane called this l, as their first date, as their official as mates."What do you want to eat?" Asked Reina again. Bane flipped through the menu, he stared several times at a pasta dish. Then Bane pointed to a picture of pasta topped filled with melted cheese. "This." He said pointing towards the appetizing dish. Reina nodded. “Copy that. I also want that." Said Reina casually. She looked closely at Bane's face. Bane finally called a waiter and listed his order with cold drinks. They are asked to wait for about five minutes before the food comes. Meanwhile, the waiter served a welcome drink and two garlic loaves of bread. Reina drank the colored drink with several small chunks of ice, her eyes still staring at Bane closely, watching all the actions of the man in front of her. A burly man, with a handsome fac
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208. Second Chance
“I know very well… that I'm not your mate, your mate is Alyssa, and she's dead. Bane whatever is in your head… and your plans with all this shit…. I know." Said Reina with emphasis at the end of her sentence. Bane still didn't answer."Do you want to deny it? I still have one proof, that person is still alive, Robin, he was there too. You buried that frail body covered in blood… with your own hands, and filled with tears. You loved her even at first sight, with that pale face… even though her eyes were closed." Bane was silent, but a few tears fell from his eyes, he did not expect Reina to know the darkest history of his life, the darkest period ... the time he wanted to erase ... but he did not have the control to do it, it was a moment that was always repeated in His nightmare when his body was not too tired ... he would dream about that moment ... continuously. That's why he likes to spend his nights working out..he'll push his
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209. End The Torture
"Baby ... Can I come in?" Said Luna Maribeth on the door of the room used by Jasmine. Marco stood up and intended to leave the mother-child alone. Jasmine held the alpha's hand, preventing him from escaping. "I don't want you to leave," Jasmine whined. "You can speak privately ... with your ..." Marco replied in a soft voice. "No need. It's okay ... you can listen. Whatever... as long as Jasmine is comfortable. I just want to talk ... Allow me ..." She said, wiping her tears that dripped back. Luna Maribeth walked forward, she was looking at Jasmine with a look of affection. Then she sat down next to Marco. "Can I tell you a with you?" She pleaded. "Please, Luna. Jasmine only feels confused by this situation ... she just needs an adaptation." "I gave birth to you ... I didn't even have time to kiss you at that time ... Then
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