All Chapters of Modern Fairytale: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
219 Chapters
still not ready to face him
“If you think of hurting me and come back saying it won’t happen again then I am not going to fall for it because if it wouldn't happen in the future then I wouldn’t happen in the past at all…”[*****]It came like a storm and destroying everything got away. It did not care what its destruction had done.The same happened with Shishir and Ojaswi. They heated up in no second and were not able to control the storm inside them. Their beast inside only calmed down when it was done getting the thing it wanted.They lied still on the sand gazing at the blue sky with some clouds flying around. They felt like it was a dream and they were going to wake up any second.After some time the
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who am I to him
“I wish for a new day, a new morning brings new me someday…!”[*****]“Why is he here? I am still not ready to face him…” she thought deep inside.Seeing him staring absently, Shishir cleared his throat before saying, “I brought you the dryer.”Ojaswi came back to her senses and hastily turned away from him. She had no idea why she was not able to meet his eyes, whether it was the nervousness or the shyness.She knew they both were involved in it, but she was feeling super awkward and was not able to look into his eyes the way she used to.He approached the mirror and plugged in the dryer. As he waited for her to walk towa
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even listen to me
“Try to be so successful in your life that your backbiters would die to see just one post in your social media account…”[*****]Seeing Shsihir walking approaching them, Lila stood on her feet and said, “Mr. Mendas, you are here. Shall we proceed with the meeting?”He nodded looking around. “Where is Ojaswi?” he questioned not seeing her.“She has not come out of the room,” Lila replied.“Okay, let us wait for her for a while,” he said, dropping on the couch.“Is that important?” Lila questioned out of astonishment.“Of course it is,&
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magnetic attracting the iron
“When no one in the world believes you and that one person comes supporting you… believe me, you will get that heavenly type feeling…”[*****]Ojaswi glanced at him with her wide surprised eyes. “He is actually going to do that?” she wondered.“What Resort?” Lila mumbled in shock.“Yeah, we are going to build a resort there. People can visit the place and enjoy the soothing environment,” he replied, placing his one leg upon another.A slight smile appeared on her face and the moment Shishir moved his gaze on her, the smile disappeared in no time and hastily she looked away.Lila nodded her head absentl
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beautiful girl in his arms
“The first step towards success is being sure of where you want to go and what you want to do…”[*****] With a camera hung around her neck, Ojaswi started to click the pictures. She tried to divert her thoughts from the things that happened in that sea but the more she tried more it came to her mind.She looked around and saw the place where they had the intimacy. She was not able to stop herself from taking pictures of that place as well. When she was done taking the necessary pictures she looked around in search of Shishir.In the distance, she saw him sitting on the rock looking far at the horizon lost in deep thought. She staggered towards him. Getting close, she found the right angle t
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heavenly time with her
“There was a war going inside her and the victory was yet to be decided...”[*****]Ojasiwi paced back and forth in front of the door. The thought of Shishir being with another girl was making her desperate. There was a war going inside her and the victory was yet to be decided."No, no, no, be cannot be with other girls. I mean how could he?" a voice inside her said."Stop acting weird, he is still not ready to take you as your wife, okay?" said the other voice."I know but what was that back at the sea? If he is not ready to take me as his wife then why did he had sex with me?""He is a rich spoiled prince, remember? He can do anything he likes. You cannot c
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you take me as a pervert
“Just because I lose my control being around you don't mistake me thinking I lose control on any other woman."[*****]"I said go away…" she retorted.Hearing her, Shishir pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why? Why am I doing this? Let her think whatever she wants to think. I have nothing to say," Shishir muttered and paced back to his room.But soon after entering his room, he felt disgusted seeing Levi laying on his bed."Ah! god… why does it happen to me?" feeling irritated, he turned around and walked out.He paced back and forth in front of Ojaswi's room.
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let me show what I have got
“Someone said it right, we are born alone and we leave the world alone… so why need a partner in the middle of birth and death…”[*****]"Just forget it. You better drool over your boyfriend. My words not matter at all, because you take me as a pervert, who just loves to fuck whoever I meet. So, my words shouldn’t be valid…”Without turning to her, Shishir said, pulling the door and stepping out. Hearing him, Ojaswi stamped her feet hard on the floor and following him behind called him out, “Shishir, wait… you cannot walk away from this conversation that easily. You need to clear the things which you are saying.”“No, I don’t want to clear anything,” came his reply.
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I am here to protect you
“If you really want to scare the people away don’t be the thunder, be the lightning instead, one appearance all enough to make anyone hide behind the curtains… no sounds, no noise, just the silent warning...”[****]Feeling irritated with the things happening around, Sishir was about to walk out of the hotel but reaching the end of the stairs, he saw people rushing upwards.“There is a fight… there is a fight…”“Two women are fighting in the corridor near room number 401…”Hearing the number Shsihir’s eyes widened. “What the hell…” he hastily rushed upstairs.As he reached the c
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lucky you
“It is very easy to advise people don't dwell on the past and move on… but do you really think it is that easy?”[*****] Suddenly the door was pushed wide and the police stood at the edge of the door. Seeing the police Ojasswi panicked more.“Look at me… Ojaswi, do you trust me?" Shishir questioned.“Yeah, I do…” Ojaswi replied nodding."Good, now stay calm and let me handle them," he suggested and gripped her arms. Pushing her back, he stood in front of her and said, "yes…""We got to know that the girl who got involved in the fight with Levi Cullen is here. Is that true?" the officer questioned.
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