All Chapters of Modern Fairytale: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
219 Chapters
love story to tell
“If you don’t treat me well, then go to hell…!”[*****]"It was nice meeting you, Shishir," Jenish said, walking out of the room."You are leaving?" questioned Shishir following him behind."Yeah, I am still on my duty, mate," replied Jenish standing outside the door and turning towards him.Shishir walked to his side and standing facing him, said, "Okay cannot stop you then.”"When are you returning?" questioned Jenish."This evening…" replied Shishir.Ojaswi who was standing beside him, hearing their conversation, felt sad. The momen
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before you came into my life
“Because no matter where we reach we should never quit the habit of working hard. Or else we will forget who we are and where we come from…”[*****] After a moment, exploring Hawaii, Shishir and Ojaswi were back to their mansion. Early in the morning when the sun was yet to come out of its nest, Shishir flipped to the other side of the bed. But he sensed the other side empty. He opened his eyes at once and got up immediately. Rubbing his eyes, he looked around. His heart pounded, not seeing Ojaswi around. Getting down the bed, he mumbled to himself, “Where did she go?” He checked the washroom and found it empty. He then made his way out of the room and a
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worst day of my life
 “The biggest lie we had heard till now about marriage is ‘fighting brings one another close’ like really? If so then why is divorce case increasing rapidly?”[*****]“What? Why?” she questioned getting on her feet.“Come with me to study and work there…” he instructed.“Nah! I have already created so much mess here. I better not create another mess there…” Ojaswi mumbled looking around the messy floor.“Forget about the mess and come with me,” he said and grabbed all her stuff.“No, wait…” she tried to stop him but
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hand covered with blood
“I would like to be the rain that soothes the ear, but not the thunder that hurts…”[*****]In panic Ojaswi hastily texted back. "Why what happened? Are you alright?”"Because I am feeling left out…”“What?” Ojaswi couldn't understand him. “What does that mean?”“That means that a person didn't wish to have a good day, neither did she turn back to wave her hand smiling. And without that, I am living the worst day of my life…”Soon after Ojaswi read the text, curves appeared on her lips and she felt butterflies in her stomach. &ldquo
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please save her
“If you cannot be the light to lit up their life, be the wind to blow all their sorrows…”[*****]Shishir was waiting for her reply desperately. He didn’t waste a second to check the message soon after it arrived. But he was not able to understand what the black heart meant. He stared blankly at the screen thinking deeply. He took a deep breath and thought to call her. Pressing the phone against his ear, he waited for her to pick up, but she didn’t pick up.“Now what does that even mean?” he mumbled and dialed again. Still, she didn’t answer.The third attempt notified him that the number has been switched off. “Is she playing a game with me?” he mumb
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never been to the sea
“Let us engrave our love with honesty and make it a prototype in this 21st century…”[*****]Shishir paced back and forth. The tension was increasing with the time passing. He was growing desperate and restless.Seeing his condition, Edward stepped forwards to console him. “Mr. Mendas, please sit down. Everything is going to be alright.”“How can you say that? Are you a doctor? She was bleeding like, Edward,” Shishir exploded on him.“I…” The principal got speechless.Glancing at him with his wide eyes, Shishir retorted, “If  anything happens to her, I am not going to spare any of you.”
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do right with him
“Don’t lose hope it is not just you, somewhere in the universe is probably leaving the same situation as you are leaving... You are not alone at all...”[*****]“Are you trying to tease me knowing my secret that I have never been to the sea?” Ojaswi questioned which shocked Shishir totally.“Ojaswi, please don’t do this, I am not liking it,” Shishir said gulping hard.“I am really not getting what you are talking about. Please go away. I am scared of you,” Ojaswi said in a trembling voice.“Ojaswi…” he tried to take her hand but she pulled it away and screamed, “please get away from me.”
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I get rejected
“If you have no plans of spending your whole life with me then  get close to me…”[*****’ Slowly she kept her feet on the floor, but as she got on her feet, suddenly she felt the world spinning. She held her head and tried to stand still but she lost her balance.“Ojaswi…” Shishir rushed towards her and held her.“Shishir,” in a quavering voice she called out. And burying her face on his chest, she mumbled, “I am sorry… I am so sorry. I didn’t know you had spent the whole night with me. Or else I would never spoil your mood.”Shishir gripped her cheeks and made her glance at him, said, &l
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I am ready to risk anything
“Sometimes I really wonder what is the difference between crush and love… while I think I know it… maybe our crush is just made to soothe our eyes and our love to soothe our heart..., Did I get it right?”[*****]  Soon after Reena left, Ojaswi turned towards Shishir and said proudly, “you see I didn’t get rejected. You got the wrong prediction..”Shishir rolled his eyes, and said, “that overconfidence is not nice. Your picture is probably not going to get selected I know.”Ojaswi's jaw dropped hearing him. “What.. what do you mean by that?” she stammered.“Nothing…&rdquo
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burst the bubble of curiosity
“Not a quote, just curious to know, am I the only one who wastes an hour staring at nothing?”[*****]“I don’t care about anything, Ojaswi. You have to take it. I am ready to risk anything to make you accept these roses,” he insisted.“Please, don’t insist, Harry. You really don’t need to risk anything, I just told you I cannot accept it. So please take it back. I really don’t want you to get in trouble,” Ojaswi said, shoving his hand.Anger simmered in his eyes and trying his best to put control of his temper, Harry grumbled, “Is it because of your boyfriend?”“What?” Ojaswi was surprised.
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