All Chapters of Modern Fairytale: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
219 Chapters
wild, ruthless and arrogant beast into gentalman
“If you can teach your children the difference between good and bad, there will be no such existence of bad influence. Remember, perspicacity is the biggest influence of all…”[*****]“Take care of  Ojaswi,” Shishir instructed, getting down from the car.Standing beside the door, Akash replied, “Don’t worry, boss. You can count on me. I will not let you down.”“I know… I have trust in you that is why I am leaving Ojaswi with you,” said Shishir, placing his hand on his shoulder, then added, “If there is any problem you can call me anytime.”Akash nodded. “Sure boss…”
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limited to my health
“I know you are the one who belongs to me… So I don’t want to share you with anyone... “[*****]Suddenly he flipped his camera and showed her the surrounding, which widened her eyes in shock. It was the same place where they had wonderful intimacy.“You must be kidding me? Why is he there in that place?” thought crossed her mind making her mumbled, “what?” in total shock.“Don’t take me wrong. I am here because I mark this place as a life-changing place,” Shishir said, seeing the shocked expression on her face.Feeling uncomfortable talking about that place, she hastily changed the topic, “By the way, what is for the surprise you were talking a
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live in his absence
“The person one loves would never let go alone the person he loves. He will try his every way to keep him or her safe. Just the way he is doing with you…”[****]“Yeah, you are right, it is not limited to it. I have asked him to inform me about your details…” he finally told her the entire truth.“And why would you do that?” she questioned out of disappointment.“What do you mean by that? I asked him because I wanted to know…”“You want to keep an eye on me, isn’t it?” she interrupted.“What no..? I didn’t say that…”
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none of your concern
“Sometimes I wonder if you are really caring about me or just trying to take control of my life...”[*****]“Shishir… no… no…” Ojaswi ran as fast as she could, but Shishir was about to reach her.“Just for once... please… please..” he was yelling.Their feet landing on the sand one after another at the beach. It was the same place where they had their first sober intimacy. And they both were super happy with each other. They both felt like they were the happiest couple in the entire world.As Shishir reached her, wrapping his hand around her waist lifted her, and spun her around.“Ahhh,” Ojaswi sc
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no longer fall in your words
“Love her, care for her, support her, pamper her, make her laugh, whatever you do, do it for her, be her only man and she will be your only woman…”[*****]Ojaswi’s heart pounded out loud. She didn’t know why her heart was not liking to see Fenil. He was her love, isn’t he? But why was her heart filled with disgust with the thought of him?“No… I cannot do this…” she mumbled not being able to take it anymore.She took a step back but it was too late. The door of the cell opened and Fenil walked out of there. He had lost all his weight and had turned skinny. He was pale and his cheeks were all covered with a beard. His black hair had turned long and was looking dusty.
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happy like sunshine
“It is the destiny that decides for us so just chill out… if it happens then it was supposed to happen… there is nothing that could have stopped it from happening...”[*****]“I… I cannot believe I actually chose Fenil over Shishir. The person who had done so much for me. But my first love always tried to take from me. It was Shsihir who didn’t take anything from me but gave a lot in return. He had lost his sister and I can understand how it feels to lose the person we love the most. But still, he tried his every way possible to protect me, to care for me, and even let me fulfill my dream which was not possible with Fenil. He has changed me into a different person. The person who I actually am meant to be. And what I did? I just thought that I was going wit
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all the hope you implanted on me
“ She let her tears be helpless just the way she was…”[*****]Suddenly Shsihir pulled away and shoved her away, yelling, “get the hell away from me. Don’t come near me…” Ojaswi fell on her back. She was shocked seeing his rude nature. He was breathing heavily and his eyes were simmering in anger. Pressing her palms against the floor she got on her feet. And trying to reach him questioned, “what? What happened Shsihir?” “Can’t you hear, I said don't get close to me,” he yelled stepping back from her.“Boss… you are here. I have been trying to call you since yesterday,
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pregnant with his child
“If you want to know where I am going, then let me tell you, ‘I am a pedestrian without any destination…”[*****]Soon after she stepped out of the gate, one after another droplets of water fell on the ground. In no second pattering sound started to echo on the streets.Everyone ran for shelter but Ojaswi didn’t. She kept on walking on the pavement. The sorrow inside her was not letting her react to the rain that was drenching her.Her mind was in chaos, when she went for the first love it just asked but never gave when she went for another love it gave but all just to seek revenge. Her tears were mixing up with the droplets of water pouring on her from the sky.She wanted thos
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got someone better than her
Taking the responsibility forcefully would not let anyone live in peace and happiness…”[*****]Approaching him, suddenly she got on her knees in front of him and joined her hand. She then pleaded,  “please don’t let him know that I am pregnant with his child.”Akash’s eyes widened in shock. Hastily he gripped her arms and tried to pull her up, “what are you doing? Get up.”“Please listen to me,” she didn’t get up. So he crouched in front of her to listen to her.“Please don't let him know…” she requested.“But...”“Ple
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forget that beautiful face
“I wish to be by your side until the end of life…”[****]Shishir glanced at him with his soft eyes mumbling, “I know…”“I… swear I tried to call you to inform you about it, but your number was unreachable. I tried finding her and found her…”“You don’t need to explain. I know,” he said and closed the door.Getting wet in the rain, he opened the back door and took all the roses out. He then walked to the edge of the bridge and dropped them all on the river.“What?” Akash who was watching him from the wing mirror was not able to understand.
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