All Chapters of Modern Fairytale: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
219 Chapters
not in your choice
“I always thought you were in love with my soul but never knew your love was limited to my body…”[*****]With anger simmering inside him, Shishir clenched his fist. The more he thought about Ojaswi meeting Fenil, the more the anger increased.“This is what she is… actually acting to fall in love with me and meeting her lover in my absence. How easily she was about to fool me…” he breathed heavily.“Why? Why? Why? Why? Ojaswi Why? I gave you my heart. Was even ready to spend my life with you but see what you did to me. You were thinking of betraying me…”His head was bursting out with loads of thoughts and unanswered questions. He wanted to calm himself
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junior Mendes and Junior Oja
‘There was a smile on her face but deep pain inside…”[*****]“Excuse me,  there was a patient here in this room, this morning, where did she go?” Akash questions the nurse who was just passing by.“Um! Patient?” she was confused.“Yeah, the one who was pregnant…” he tried to add some information.“Oh! She… yeah she left already….” She replied.“What? Left? Did she say anything?” in panic Akash questioned.“No, she didn’t say anything and left silently,” she replied and walked away.
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path to my dream
“I tried but I failed and maybe I need to try again…” [*****]Shishir watched Ojaswi without blinking his eyes. He was admiring her and wanted to hug her tight. As he raised his hand to touch her, he stopped halfway.  “ I know, you are not real. Go away… go away… I don’t want to see you go away...”He got up and yelled, “Just get hell out of my thoughts. You are going to get me mad…”He walked to his closest and opening it started to throw all his clothes off it. He was totally losing his mind. Suddenly a diary fell on the ground scattering the pictures of him and Corrina.He falls on h
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not much hint
“You are my habit so be careful it doesn’t take time for me to change my habit... as there wee days without you in the past...”[*****]“Boss…” he gulped hard and before he could say anything further he exploded, “what is she doing here?”Ojaswi who had just come out of the washroom wiping her mouth was stunned seeing Shsihir standing at the door.She was in great panic, “Oh! My god, what is he doing here? What am I supposed to do now? I cannot even hide. He already saw me…”Like Akash, she too felt like a huge thunderbolt striking with the sudden unexpected appearance of Shishir. She was not able to make any move and was seeing the anger rising on h
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not going to harm me
“I don’t want the moon, nor the stars I want you and your heart forever…”[****] “No… boss… I didn’t say a thing,” Akash said, gulping hard.“What did you just call her?’ he questioned raising his eyebrows.“Thank god… he was talking about the name…” Ojaswi sighed in relief but seeing him stepping towards her she panicked.“I… I...” Akash stammered stepping back. “God! Why did I even take her name in front of him? Why? I am so dead today,” he was scolding himself underneath his breath.Ojaswi rushed towards them and stood in front of Akash. S
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keeping something from me
“You should try to be at the right place at the right time…” #copied[*****]Patting his shoulder, she assured him, “don’t worry, I know he is not going to harm me.”Raising his eyebrows, Akash questioned, “How can you say that confidently?” “I…”“Ahem…” standing behind them, Shshir coughed interrupting Ojaswi.Ojasiw and Akash hastily got away from each other. Looking away from each other. They pretended like they were trying to get away from the crime which they had committed a while ago.“What are you guys talking about?&rdquo
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let her go
“I will go everywhere you go…. Just don’t let me go...” [****] Seeing her reaction Shishir grew suspicious, so he questioned, "are you keeping something from me?" Ojaswi gulped hard and without letting her face color change said, “no, what would I keep from you?” She then walked to the seat near the window and dropped on it. Shishir dropped opposite her and buried his face under the menu. Supporting her chin on her palm, Ojaswi glanced outside the window. She got lost in her thoughts. “Hey… place your order,” Shsihr said, snapping his finger in front of her. “I don’t want anything…” she said, taking a deep breath.
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please save my baby
“she is happy everyone sees and is having problems with it but when she is in pain but no one sees it…”  [*****]Heart pounding out loud chills running through the spine and body trembling, Ojaswi was approaching her home. The same home where she had spent all her childhood.The home had so many memories of her. The home which she had thought would never see again.  She was scared, nervous, and excited at the same time to meet her parents after so long.“How would they react? Do they have forgiven me? Might be, after all, I am their child. How can they be annoyed with their child for that long, isn't it?” with thoughts crossing her mind she stood in front of the gate.
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all because she loved
“I don’t why but I am breaking my own heart waiting for the person who is not coming back…”[****]Shishir got back to the hotel and soon after stepping out of the car questioned, “is my car washed?”The guard nodded, “Yes sir but the bloodstain is still there and they are trying to remove it…”“Tell them to take out my car, I am returning….” he ordered.“But the stain...”“Let it be there. I will get it washed back in the city. I need to return now,” he said solemnly.“Now she is here I better get away from this place as s
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hiding something from me
“I always wonder what exactly is life?It is there today but may not be tomorrow… why is it so unpredictable?”[****]Ojaswi slowly opened her eyes and blinked them twice. Her gaze changed the white ceiling above her. Her mind was blank for a while, not getting where she was.Slowly she got up and seeing Kate talking to the doctor, the image of her hand covered in blood came fresh in her mind.“My baby… my baby….” she placed her hand on her belly and cried out.Kate rushed towards her and gripping her tried to calm her down. “Oja, calm down. Calm down.”“Kate my child…” she wrapped her hand around
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