All Chapters of A Complicated Romance: Chapter 561 - Chapter 570
699 Chapters
Chapter 561
Michael told Logan to settle this matter as soon as possible. After returning home, Martin was furious after his meetup with Michael. He knew that Winona was a bad person, but he did not expect that Winona would go this far. Martin was a kind person at heart. Even though Winona had done so many scornful things towards Molly in the past, Winona was still his sister, no matter what. He thought that he should give her another chance. He thought that Winona would repent after all these years. However, he did not expect that she would not change at all. Winona would even harm another human’s life to break Christina and Michael apart. Now, Martin finally realized that a leopard never changes its spots. His silence and tolerance would not result in Winona’s repentance. On the contrary, he was helping her to become more arrogant. Winona had always threatened to expose Francis’s true identity as Martin. Back then, he chose to be patient as he did not want to worry Christina. Martin al
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Chapter 562
After knowing that the two babies in Serena’s womb were boys, Michael felt overjoyed. He reminded the doctor to give Serena anti-abortifacient drugs. He also said that he will personally accompany Serena out of the hospital. “You need to be careful when you go out. Please don’t allow your children to get hurt. Plus, both of them are boys. That’s fantastic!” Serena was jubilant as well. Did that mean that Michael accepted the children in her womb? After thinking about it, Serena figured that was the case. The Larson family had had only one son per generation for several decades. As such, they would definitely favor the boys. That was why Heather cared for Travis that much. Now that she had two boys in her womb, it was natural that Michael would have a change of attitude. After leaving Michael, Serena quietly went back to the doctor to ask for confirmation. Did she really have two boys in her womb? “Miss Garcia, I can’t be too sure about that. However, your mother told me tha
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Chapter 563
When Serena saw the syringe that was about to pierce through her skin, she was so scared that her whole body began to shake. “Michael, I’m scared! Can I choose to not draw my blood?” “No way! You need to do it for our children!” Serena closed her eyes as she dared not to look. Fortunately, the doctor was experienced as she successfully drew the blood from Serena’s body. It was not as painful as Serena had expected. After drawing her blood, the doctor changed to another syringe and took some amniotic fluid from her uterus. That caused Serena’s face to turn pale as she sat up out of fear. “That was such a long needle. I was so scared just now!” Tears were welling up in her eyes as she dived into Michael’s embrace. Michael held Serena and said with a gentle voice, “You’ve gone through a lot for our children.” At first, Serena wanted to rub up on Michael. However, Michael helped her to sit on a chair. He then turned around to ask the doctor about her condition. The doctor sai
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Chapter 564
”She brought this upon herself. We don’t need to be merciful towards her.” Furthermore, Heather was still in a coma. Michael definitely would not let them go. This was just the beginning! Michael did not plan on telling Serena the truth. He told Christina because he wanted to prove his innocence. After that, he might need to go along for the ride with Serena. As such, Michael wanted Christina to mentally prepare herself. He did not want her to misunderstand him when the time came. It was not long after Serena had finished her amniocentesis surgery at the hospital. When Michael returned home, he told Logan to prepare some gifts for the Garcia family. Serena was lying on the bed as she told Sophia about how Michael acted in the hospital today. Sophia thought that something was off when she heard that Michael accompanied Serena to do her prenatal check-up. He had even allowed Serena to go through amniocentesis. That was not something Michael would normally do. Michael had too
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Chapter 565
Serena was still worried. “The doctor said that they will inform Michael once the results are out. If I am pregnant with two daughters, I can’t hide it even if I wanted to!” She must think of a way to know the results beforehand. Then, she could do the necessary preparations. Winona thought of an idea. She will immediately perform a blood test so Serena could know the results beforehand. After two days, the results of the analysis were out. The two children in Serena’s womb were indeed boys. As such, Serena cried out of happiness. Serena did not need to worry that Michael would leave her as long as she had her two sons. Now, even if Christina gave birth to another son, Serena would not lose to her. Serena was at ease. However, Sophia and Winona were still worried. As long as Christina was alive, there would always be danger around them. After all, Christina’s child also belonged to Michael. The best-case scenario would be to chase Christina away like they had done a few yea
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Chapter 566
”About that…If you really don’t have any money, I can lend you some.” Winona was being generous. “How much money can you lend us?” Francis could not control his emotions anymore. “Tens of millions? Or hundreds of millions?” “Brother, I really want to help the two of you out of the kindness of my heart. Why would you…” “Thank you for your kindness.” Francis interrupted Winona. “To be honest, I really can’t find a reason to leave. Michael is rich, so it would be better for the children to follow him rather than Christina, right? God has given him such a huge net worth. All Michael needs to do is to give the children some of his shares, then Christina and I would get to share in those blessings. Only an idiot would leave.” “You…” Winona changed her facial expression. Francis had never valued money before. What was wrong with him now? “Don’t forget about what happened to Heather. Michael will definitely get even with Christina once she gives birth.” “A good conscience is a soft p
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Chapter 567
Christina felt relieved. Since her uncle was not planning on hiding anything, she did not have anything else to ask. Just as she let out a sigh, Francis said, “Christina, I have something important to tell you.” She looked at Francis. Christina had the impression that her uncle was a gentle person. He would never lose his temper. However, her uncle had a solemn expression on his face. She could predict that something bad was about to happen. As expected, Francis said something surprising. “I’m not the real Francis Williams. He is dead. My true name is Martin Harris…” Francis told Christina about his true identity. Christina dared not to imagine that her honest uncle would become a famous architect within seconds. It was as if it was a scenario from a fairy tale. He was a little worried when he saw Christina’s shocked expression. “Christina, I didn’t mean to lie to you on purpose. I have my own troubles as well. Please don’t blame me. I hope that you will forgive me for acting a
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Chapter 568
Martin liked Molly, her mother. Christina was stunned. One was her uncle, and the other was her mother. How was this possible? Even though there was no kinship between the two of them, and even though they were just siblings in name, they were still in a sister-brother relationship after all, hence they should still care about their reputation. “Christina, your mom didn’t know my interest in her back then. So this entire thing was all my wishful thinking and had nothing to do with her. I hope your impression of your mother doesn’t become negative because of me. If there’s resentment in your heart, do hold it against me.” This was totally beyond Christina’s imagination. She froze for a while before she could finally respond and reveal a somewhat stiff smile. “Uncle, I… I need some quiet time, so I’ll go back to my room first.” Christina returned to her room and did not come out for a long time. When Francis called her during mealtime, he thought it was abnormal that there was no
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Chapter 569
Winona gave Christina a call right after seeing Francis, so it was definitely not something pleasant. Christina was pregnant and safety came first to her. It was impossible for her to meet a person who posed such danger to her. She replied in a flat tone, “I don’t have time to meet you. Just talk on the phone if you have anything to tell me.” “It’s not convenient on the phone. How about we talk in person?” “I already told you I’m not free!” Christina stressed her tone. She did not want to trifle with a person like Winona. “I’m going to hang up now if you’re not going to say it on the phone.”“Alright, if that’s what you wish, I’ll tell you then. Francis isn’t your biological uncle…”“Doctor Harris, you’re late. I already knew that.” Christina interrupted Winona. This woman was truly dodgy. Luckily, Francis told her prior to that, otherwise, she would be stunned by what Winona said. Winona was stupefied for a bit, she did not expect Francis to reveal his identity to Christina
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Chapter 570
Francis and Ariel had no other choices so they nodded. Matthew stepped back and charged forward to slam open the door. When the door was open, they saw Christina sitting on the bed with her hands over her head. Christina was not in danger, and the three of them heaved a sigh of relief. Christina was shocked when the door suddenly opened. She stared at the three of them by the door with wide eyes and a look of astonishment on her face.Ariel closed the door and walked to her side. “Christina, you scared us to death!”Christina showed a wry smile and asked, “Why did you come back?”“Uncle called us to come back. What happened?” Ariel sat down by Christina’s side, watching her with concern. Christina did not know how to tell Ariel about this entire thing. She twiddled her fingers in silence. Ariel did not press her further. As her gaze landed on the disintegrated phone, Ariel walked over to pick up the phone. “Who called you earlier?” “Winona.”“It’s her?” Ariel was taken abac
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