All Chapters of A Complicated Romance: Chapter 581 - Chapter 590
699 Chapters
Chapter 581
Matthew informed Sean over the phone about all the troubles Christina went through after returning to Australia. Sean missed her terribly every day and felt horrible about not being able to stay by her side to take care of her. Fortunately, he was slightly reassured that Matthew was always there to keep an eye out for her on his behalf. Now that the problems in the factory were pretty much sorted, he planned to return to Perth in a few days. After work today, instead of heading straight home, he came to a villa by the countryside.He purchased this villa last year with Christina and Travis in mind. Due to its location in the countryside, the fresh air over here would be beneficial for the boy’s recovery.Having gotten Old Madam Young’s blessings to marry Christina made him overjoyed. Immediately, he renovated the villa completely with the intention to make this their future home.The renovation was soon completed. The garden was decorated with a variety of flowers, and in the
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Chapter 582
“Really? Who is she?”“My fiancée.” Sean was delighted at the mention of Christina. His eyes were filled with affection.Suzy was slightly surprised. “Your fiancée?”He smiled. “Yup, her name is Christina. Your eyes and mouth resemble hers. But she’s probably a couple of years older than you.” “Christina?” She frowned slightly as the name sounded familiar.He noticed the strange expression on her face. “What’s wrong?”“The name sounds strangely familiar,” she hesitated before replying.Sean did not expect Suzy to know Christina, so he reckoned one of the servants in the villa must have told her about the latter. All of the servants here knew about Christina, so it was not unusual if they brought up her name.“Perhaps.” Suzy figured it was very unlikely that she would know Sean’s fiancée, hence she did not think twice about it.The two of them then sat down on the couch. He told her about his plans to return to Perth before retrieving his phone. “Come on, let me take a photo o
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Chapter 583
Sean went to see Old Madam Young after handling the affairs in America. He told her about his intention to go to Australia and briefly mentioned that Heather was currently in a coma.Old Madam Young sighed with sorrow. Unexpectedly, Madam Larson who was still occupied with life not long ago was now hospitalized. “She’s not a mean person by nature although she’s done some bad things. It’s quite sad that she has ended up in this state.”“There’s nothing sad about that. Evil has its retribution. She deserves it!” Sean interrupted.Old Madam Young was dismayed. “It’s true that she must suffer the consequences of her bad deeds, but we shouldn’t taunt her terrible misfortune.”He did not agree. “Grandma, I’m just outraged by the injustice inflicted upon Christina. That woman deserves this for all she did to Christina in the past.”Prior to this, Rachel already knew about the incident that took place in Perth. It was not all bad as no one would learn about the deal she had with Heather
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Chapter 584
“Jade looked like she was running away from someone when I found her. We might fail to locate her relatives while revealing to her enemy that she’s still alive. That’ll put her in great danger.”Rachel nodded. “You’ve got a point. Well, I know a private investigator. What about you send me a photo of Jade and I’ll pass it on to him so that he can look into this without people knowing?”“Hmm, that’s a good idea. I thank you on Jade’s behalf.” As he spoke, he retrieved his phone and sent the photo to Rachel.She shrieked in surprise when she saw the photo. “Don’t you think Jade looks a lot like Christina?”He smiled. “I also see the resemblance between the two. I’d think she’s Christina’s sister if I didn’t know better.”“Really? Let me have a look.” Old Madam Young seemed genuinely astonished when she leaned forward to check out the photo. “They do look very much alike. This girl looks younger and prettier than Christina. I bet she’s got a more docile nature too.”The corners of h
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Chapter 585
A flurry of emotion stormed across Third Brother’s face in quick succession. He almost rushed forward to give Benedict a good bashing. The latter was in shock. Although Third Brother was thin and frail, it would not be surprising if the man would fight with his life in regards to this extraordinary shame of being cheated on. It surely took Benedict by surprise that Third Brother gave in to his weak self once again. Despite the rage that was written all over his face, he suppressed himself from lashing out in the end.Once home, he initiated divorce with his wife and even offered his wife to Benedict in hopes that the latter would continue looking after him in the future.The spirit of loyalty was a huge deal among the hooligans. Benedict was in the wrong in this matter, hence he continued looking after Third Brother after the incident. Their relationship did not become sore because of the woman. Everyone else distanced themselves from Benedict because of his misfortune. However,
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Chapter 586
Benedict went to his mother and told her what he learned from Third Brother. “Mom, you said that Sophia wouldn’t trick us but look, she got her money back and left us to suffer this poor fate alone!”Judy was furious to learn about this but was aware of Sophia’s power and influence in the city. For fear that her son would go challenge the woman, she tried convincing him. “Sophia did me a favor in the past and I’ve been helping her out all these years. She wouldn’t do this to me. You shouldn’t believe those rumors.”“Mom, this has got to be the truth. Third Brother said many people already know about this. Sophia is heartless. She should’ve shared half of the six million dollars she acquired. Yet she kept everything for herself!”“Stop talking nonsense!” Judy glanced around to ensure no one was watching before reminding her son. “We can’t make wild guesses without proof. Let’s take a step back. We can’t demand money from her even if she really got it back. Her keeping quiet about it
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Chapter 587
Yvonne joined in opposition to the same adversary. “Exactly! Sophia is pushing it. No matter what, she has to share part of the money instead of keeping everything for herself!”Due to her new relationship with Benedict, it would probably benefit her too if he was given part of the money.“But too bad as I’m just a nobody. I can’t fight her.” He let out a sigh.She smirked. “If we can’t reason with her openly, then we can plot against her secretly in the dark. We might have a chance at winning this.”Yvonne learned recently that the infamous Mayoress Sophia was Nightingale from Hoover Alley. She grew up in the same place, hence the name was not unfamiliar to her.When she was younger, every man in Hoover Alley liked the woman named Nightingale. Crudely put, all of them wanted to sleep with her.Yvonne was envious of Nightingale back then. It did not matter what you did as long as you had the men’s attention. This was how one could live an easy life in those kinds of dodgy places.
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Chapter 588
The letter was directed to Sophia. John figured something was not right when only her name and nothing else was written on the envelope. He opened the letter.He almost coughed up blood after reading its content.At the same time, another letter was delivered. This time, the recipient’s name was not even written.He opened the envelope with a sullen face. Finally, he coughed up a significant amount of blood after reading the second letter and passed out.John came to in the end after being rushed to the hospital.He lay on the bed, stiff like a corpse. The man could not believe his eyes. Sophia was actually involved in Molly’s death. She was the one who took her life.John clenched his teeth in rage. He could not wait to rush home and rip Sophia apart to emancipate the hatred in his heart!However, he could not afford to act recklessly. His position as the mayor meant that every move he made would be scrutinized by many people. If an outsider learned that his first wife’s death
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Chapter 589
“Of course, I do,” Serena replied matter-of-factly. “She has only left for America for a few months. How did you get to know her?”Rachel made up a lie instead of revealing Suzy’s memory loss. “I accidentally bumped into her in the library last time. After a brief chat, I came to know that her name’s Suzy and she’s also from Perth.”Serena did not suspect anything. It was not impossible for Rachel to bump into Suzy. It was a small world after all.“So why did you send me a photo of her?” Serena questioned.“This… Um…” At a loss of what to say, Rachel cracked her head for an excuse. “It suddenly occurred to me that she looks a lot like Christina, so I sent the photo over to you.”“Ah, I see.” Serena believed her words. “Suzy does resemble Christina a lot. If I didn’t know them both to begin with, I would’ve suspected that they’re sisters.”Rachel played along. “That was my first thought too. I didn’t expect two non-related people would look so much like each other.”“It’s exactly
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Chapter 590
“What if Suzy decides to pursue Michael relentlessly? That’ll certainly affect my relationship with him. Besides, he has already fallen out with Christina, so there’s no need to create more issues.”Rachel tried hard to stop herself from shouting at the treacherous Serena. She spent all day trying to convince the latter but it was to no avail. Feeling impatient, she spoke more rudely.“Miss Garcia, I want to use Suzy to destroy Christina and Michael, not steal him away from you. What are you worried about? His love for Christina is unusually deep, hence it’s highly likely for the ashes of their passion to burn once more. Besides, what if Heather comes out of the coma? You’re too naive.”Serena was shocked upon hearing that. Indeed, she was also worried that Heather might regain consciousness. When that happened, Michael would learn that the devil was not Christina but Winona and Sophia.When that happened, he would not blame Christina anymore and instead be incensed at Serena. This
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