All Chapters of The Dragon Who Loves me: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
89 Chapters
Chapter 51
King Ate POV "You can not enter!" I look up to see Mister Jackson running into my office with one of my soldiers right behind him. "I need to speak to you!" Mister Jackson said ripping his arm out of my soldier's hands. I wave the soldier away and motioned to Mister Jackson to sit down. He sat down with a thump. You can see that his age is starting to catch up to his body. His movements have become stiff in these last few years. "What can I do for you, Mister Jackson?" I sat back and crossed my arms over my chest. "Samantha is missing." He had tears in his eyes as he looks back up. "What do you mean she is missing? I just saw her yesterday." I sat up straight. "When was she here? What was she doing here?" "She was here just before I called you to come for the meeting. Why she was here is not important. What is important is how do you know she is missing? Maybe she just went with her friend Jodie. I do remember she said that Jodie is a childhood friend." Mister Jackson sighed an
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Chapter 52
King Ate POV I dialed Kaleb's number. It went straight to voice mail. I tried a second time and after the third ring he picked up the phone. "Hi, this is Kaleb. To whom am I speaking?" He sounds winded, perhaps he was busy working ut. "Hi, Kaleb. This is King Ate from dragon island. Do you a moment to talk." "I have nothing to say to you. You can call my king." I hear his voice fading. This means he is going to drop my call. "Wait, please. This is about Samantha." I can hear the begging in my voice. I do not even know why I am begging. "You have one minute after that I am putting down the phone." I fill him in on everything that we have found out these last few days. I also told him about Samantha that went missing once again. I left out the fact that I am her mate. He does not need to know that. "You do know that I am not her favorite person right now? I sent her away. She would not want me to be the one to save her." "There is no time for personal feelings. One of my own
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Chapter 53
King Ate Pov I am on my way to receive the werewolves at the airport. Even with Mark there telling the soldiers that I gave the go-ahead, my soldiers still didn't want to let them into the island. I understand why they did it, I just need to tell them that they need to listen to Mark. My people still think that it was the werewolves that launched the attack on my father. I let them believe that. What they do not know is that it was my uncle that leads that attack. He felt that he should have been the one sitting on the throne. My father and his brother were twins. There is a rule that the oldest son gets the throne, but my grandfather told them that they need to fight it out amongst themselves. Since then I killed my uncle after I found out. Perhaps it is time for me to bury the hatchet with all the other species. If I am planning to take Samantha as my queen, I need to make sure that she is safe from attack from all sides. I walk towards the office at the back of the hangers. "
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Chapter 54
Kaleb POV King Franco and I were placed in rooms across from each other. I am currently walking up and down in my room. I don't understand how this happened? How did I not know what Samantha was? Dragons give off unique sent. They always smelt like burning rubber. They do not smell it, but we do. The door opens and King Franco walks in. "Stop beating yourself up. Even I didn't realize she was a dragon." The king went to sit on the only chair in the room. "It is different my king. I spent every day with her for a year." I look at him in desperation. There is nothing that he can say that will make me feel better about myself. I could have helped her. "She was given a specific medicine. It took away her dragon and that means that there is no way anyone could have smelled her. The medicine took away her dragon before it manifested. Now, can we please get to the work at hand? We are no use to her if we keep reliving the past. She needs us here in the present. Did you get a chance to f
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Chapter 55
King Ate The press conference is over and now we are back in my office. The whole island saw that I just renounced my mate. It left a bitter taste in my mouth. My dragon was protesting all the way through my speech and now he is silent. I have tried to speak to him, but he will not reply. "Let us just hope this is worth it. Why do you think they wanted me to make such a scene?" I look between the three people in front of me. "Does Samantha know you are her mate? Who else knows? I need precise names." Kaleb asks me and I could only muster a nod. This might be all my fault. "As of a few minutes ago, the whole island knows." Kaleb stares at me with disgust. "Leave the sarcasm at the door. I mean before this whole thing." "Jodie, Samantha's childhood friend. Mark, me, and Samantha. I didn't tell anyone else. I don't know about her, but the same day she found out I was her mate, was the same day that she disappeared. I don't think she had a chance to tell anyone." My head is hurting.
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Chapter 56
Samantha POV Looking back at what just happened, I can see that Jodie just wanted to see how I react. I gave her what she wanted. She wanted to break me and she did. First an emotional death and then a true death. I do not want to sound like a person to pity herself. I just want to know why me? I have lived a life afraid of dying. Now that I found something to live for it gets taken away from me. I need to start fighting back. This cannot be how I die. It just cannot. I need to make a plan on how to get away. I need to get something to open up the cuffs. I look around frantically. The only thing I can see is my fork. I can try, but I do not think it is going to work. I lay back on the mattress once again. I feel drained. I was woken by the door slamming against the wall. Jodie and her mother come into the room. Jodie has a smug look on her face while her mother just looks pissed. I must have drifted off somewhere during the night. my body ached more and more each day. I cannot w
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Chapter 57
King Ate POV ( One week later) It has been a week since the note was posted on my door. There have been no leads since. Kaleb and the werewolves that stayed behind have been sniffing around town as inconspicuous as possible. No one has realized that he is a werewolf so up until now there has been no problem. Moster Jackson and I have a meeting in the next few minutes. I hope he has some news otherwise we have nothing to go on. Mister Jackson came in screaming like a banshee. I don't understand half of the things he is screaming. I have to try my hardest not to laugh. As soon as he closed the door behind him, he was calm. "I hope that was believable, my king." I chuckled as he bowed down. He stood back up and went to sit down on a chair. "It was. You sounded angry all the way in here. Luckily everyone knows my office is soundproof, so we can be in a screaming match right now and they would not know. Have you found anything suspicious?" I sit forward in my chair. "I don't know i
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Chapter 58
King Ate POV Another week has passed. We have been constantly following Jodie and her parents. The only time they leave the house is when they go into town and that is never. I decided to go to their house. Jodie needs an answer on what I am going to do about the baby. I have decided on the first day that she told me what I am going to do. She will not be happy about my decision, but I will not be swayed any other way. The driver opens up the door. I get out and walk up to the front door of the Summers household. Kaleb is right behind me. I think it was the best decision to bring him with me. If there is any indication that Samantha is here he will find it. He has a nose for it. I knock on the door and Jodie opens the door. Her hair is messy and she has no make-up on. I can hardly believe it is the same person that I always so put together. "Ate, I was not expecting you." She rubs over her trousers trying to clean herself up a bit. "I know. You need an answer. May we come in?"
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Chapter 59
King Ate POV Mister Jackson has already sent me the details for tonight. The Summer’s will leave the house, just after five pm. We will wait ten minutes before we go in. We have no evidence that Samantha is in there this is why we do not want anyone around while we search. I don't want someone's good name to be tarnished. Kaleb and I are sitting in the bushes in front of the house. We are the lookouts. As soon as they leave I can call the soldiers in. I see the car being backed out of the driveway. I cannot see into the car, so I do not know who is in it. We wait until it was safe before we set out to enter the house. I walked closer to the door with Kaleb right behind me. I opened the door as slowly as possible. We split up and started looking through the house. It was completely empty. Kaleb motioned for me to come closer. "I smell Samantha's scent closes to this door here." He muttered. I look around and see that we are in the basement of the house. Could there be another r
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Chapter 60
King Ate POV I have been waiting for the past two hours. I do not think that they are coming. “Don’t lose hope. Remember her father is on your side.” Kaleb is drinking up my alcohol. This has been his third glass of whiskey in the past half hour. I wonder when he is going home. We found Samantha; he has no reason to be here anymore. "Slow down. I need you sober when the Jacksons get here." There is a knock on the door. The person on the other side doesn’t even wait for me to answer. Missus Jackson opens up the door and looks at me. She walks in and went to sit down. The hate for me is in her body language. “The only reason I am here is that my husband convinced me it was a good idea to come and listen to you. Now speak.” Missus Jackson crosses her arms over her chest."Now talk. I need to get back to my daughter." I look shocked at Mister Jackson and he just motioned for me to start talking. “The day Samantha disappeared she found out I was her mate. She came here to confront me j
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