All Chapters of The Dragon Who Loves me: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
89 Chapters
Chapter 31
Samantha POV I haven't seen the outside of the room in three days. I haven't spoken to another human in days. They come and give me food and water. That was it. Come to think of it I haven't seen my luggage. I am still in the same clothes I had on when they bought me. The key turns in the door. I stood up and waited. A woman came in. She was quiet and reserved. She has a bruise on her neck. "I brought you some clothes and some water to wash in." She hands me some clothes and places the bucket next to me. The clothes looked like a maid's outfit. It was this awful grey color. It was a dress, but it looked too small to fit me. The lady was wearing the exact same outfit. "What is your name?" The woman ignores me. She doesn't even look in my direction. "Hello, you know you can speak to me. I just want to know what is going on." The lady places her hand on my mouth. There is fear in her eyes. "No names, okay. I do not want to learn your name just in case you die. There have been ele
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Chapter 32
Samantha POV The stabbing pain is what woke me up. It started in my stomach and shot through my whole body. Nobody can hear me screaming down here and believe me I did scream when the pain started. I have tried changing my position, but nothing has helped me so far. The only thing that will help me is my pills. The sun is coming out. I can see it through the blackened-out windows. Yesterday I went up to the window and scratched of some of the black paint, so there is more light coming in. The door opened and the lady from the other day came in. She took one look at me and ran towards me in worry. She wipes the sweat from my forehead. "What the hell is going on with you?" "I need my pills." "What pills? Master didn't say anything about pills." "I burned it with my clothes. I don't know what my medicine is called. I need it to stay alive." She took a deep breath. "That was not very smart. Our master will not buy you any medicine. He will rather have you die. Come let me help yo
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Chapter 33
Samantha POV I have been in this hell hole for a week. I can't believe that I have gotten used to the pain. It rarely bothers me. What does bother me is the fact that I haven't died yet. Somedays I do wish for death to come and get me. Master Mark is cruel. There is not one day that goes by without him hitting me. He always finds something that I do wrong. I have to say that there is one good thing that came from all this. Laria and I have become great friends. Today I am going to meet the king. What Laria told me about him made my hair stand up. He is the type of person that makes our master look like a puppy. He kills people when they defy him. "You look better. Remember you do not talk unless spoken to. I do not want you to embarrass me in front of the king." Master walked out of the room and I trailed behind him. Larai is walking beside me. Once again her head was bowed down towards the ground. Together we walked into the castle. I look to Laria to see what she is doing. S
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Chapter 34
Samantha POV I haven't felt like this in a while. The pain has been unbearable today. It feels like someone is constantly stabbing me with a knife over and over again. There is also a pulling feeling over my body. Laria has tried to help me out for the past week. She has been my rock. It is all thanks to her that I have not been in any trouble for not doing my job this week. I walk out into the garden. I need some fresh air. I fall down on the ground. The pulling is getting worse. It feels like my arms are being pulled from my body. I screamed, but the scream didn't sound like me. I look at my hands and I see that it is changing. There was flapping above me. I look up and see the most magnificent dragon in front of me. It was the biggest dragon I have ever seen. It started to change right in front of me. I see King Ate in front of me. The last I heard was "mate" before the darkness took hold of me. I woke up in a white room. I started to look around, but all I could see was a
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Chapter 35
King Ate "We need to find out what is going on Mark. This is not right. All the dragons have been accounted for. That is if we do not account for Mister Jacksons' daughter that mysteriously vanished eighteen years ago." I can feel a headache coming along. "Why are you so invested, Ate?" Mark looks at me suspiciously. "I told Mister Jackson a week ago that I am going to pull back the soldiers that are looking for their daughter. I took their hope away and now look. She miraculously turns up right here under our noses? How is that even possible?" I start rubbing my temple. "That is true, but that is not all. Ate we have been friends before you became king. I think I know you better than you know yourself. There is something else that is bothering you. If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to. What bothers me is the fact that we did not sense that she is a dragon. How do you explain that?" Mark frowns. That is also a fact that is bothering me. "I ask one of our doctors t
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Chapter 36
Samantha POV A doctor I have never seen before came in this morning to do a cheek swab for the DNA test. He said that it will not take more than a few days. The king expedited the process. The door opened and King Ate walk in. He had on a more casual attire than he had on before. " Hello, Samantha. How are you feeling?" King Ate came and sit on the chair that he occupied before. "I am feeling much better. The pain is completely gone." I lean over and took the water cup." Can I ask you a question?" "Yes, you can." "Why do you think that I am this Mister and Missus Jackson's daughter?" I took a sip of the water. "Mister and Missus Jackson's daughter went missing, on the human island, eighteen years ago. Now nineteen years. I did the math you and the girl that went missing will be the same age. My father and I spent a lot of time searching for that little girl. I have soldiers that have been living undercover on that island looking for that girl. We never found her. I have been ove
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Chapter 37
Samantha POV I look around the room that the king brought me to. There is a big bed in the middle of the room. The carpet is brown and fluffy. I take off my shoes and dug my feet into the carpet. It is so soft underneath my feet. I walk closer to the bed and sat down. In all my years on the earth, I have never seen a nicer room. I lay down on the bed and look up at the ceiling. I was woken up by a knock on the door. I must have fallen asleep. I don't blame myself since the bed is comfy. I open the door. There was a woman on the opposite side with a rack full of clothes. "Hi, my name is Jodie. I am king Ate's personal shopper." She pushes past me into the room. "Hi Jodie, my name is Samantha." I close the door behind me. "O, I know who you are. I think the whole island knows about it now. The old people love to gossip. But that is not why I am here. King Ate send me here to get you some clothes. What do you need?" Jodie starts flipping through the clothes on the rack. "Will i
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Chapter 38
King Ate It took me a while to comprehend what has happened. There is no way that she just walked out on me. I am the king. I stood up to follow her. I look around to see if I can spot her. There is no sign of her anywhere. There is also no sign of any of my workers. As I walk back into the dining room, my phone rings. I look at the called ID and see that it is one of the soldiers that patrol the grounds. "Talk." I really have to work on my temper, but not today. Samantha pissed me off. "I see a young lady walking around outside. I just want to know what I should do with her? I have never seen her here before, my king." I smirk to myself. She cannot run from me forever. "Leave her be. I know her. I brought her here." "Yes, my king." I pushed the red button on my phone. I sat down and ate my dinner like normal. "Maybe it is a good thing that the moon goddess gave me a mate that can stand her own. She will make a nice queen" Muzzor my dragon interjects. Yes, just like werewolves
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Chapter 39
Samantha POV I guess I should go on and apologize. King Ate didn't do anything wrong, except to go digging into my past. That is not okay, but I guess he should find out want happened. I have been walking around outside for quite some time. There are no trees or flowers like on the werewolf island. This is more rock than anything else. I kid you not. I always thought that the human island was depressing, but I was mistaken. There was at least a little grass. One of the soldiers has kept an eye on me since I came outside. It is both reassuring and creepy at the same time. I don't think that I will have any alone time if I stay here. All I ever wanted was to be free. Not even after I found out I was a dragon have I been free. "Miss the king wants me to escort you to his office." I fold my hands over my chest. "Hello. my name is Samantha. All of you dragons need to learn manners." He just shakes his head and starts walking. I sigh and follow him. I guess no one has manners. The s
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Chapter 40
Samantha POV "Why don't you go and get your things then we can go home." I look around in alarm. I do not have anything. "You go to your parents I will ship it out to the house. Don't worry." King Ate made it seems so easy. I think he forgot that I have no clothes. My parents led me towards the door and out into the night. I cannot believe that the sun has already set. It didn't take us long to actually stop in front of a small home. We had to drive through several mountains to reach it. The house had this homey feel to it. This is the only time that I have seen grass anywhere on this island. There is a child's playset in the front yard. My mother led me towards the house. Once she opened the door, my nose was in heaven. There are so many smells. One that stood out to me was the smell of fresh-baked bread. Nothing can beat it. My family and I spend the night just getting to know each other. I went from thinking my parents have abandoned me to find, that they never stopped looki
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