All Chapters of It's lust?: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
249 Chapters
Chapter 90
kissing her his pace on her covered cilt increased making her tilt her head back a little so she could moon but his torture was not ended. he increase the pace of his fingers and pulled her upper body back making her chest collides against his.    he was not letting her lips go while she was in desperate need of air. Her toes curled up feeling  something building up in her stomach. her eyes rolled back in pleasure.  She can't  be on Fire because of the force of his rubbing. underwear did well in running her sensitive skin. "Christian…Ahhhh '' She let out a huge Moan against his lips finally reaching her first orgasm. As soon as she came He finally broke the ferocious kiss releasing her lips from his killing torcher.
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Chapter 91
She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, relaxed her muscles and it worked. Taking his length in his hands, Christian  clearly positioned himself letting the tip of his hard rock push inside her. She guessed a little when he pushed a little further, hair nails stuck inside his flash making him groan at how tight she was.  He move his finger on her clit. "Baby you are so wet, wet for me."  He gently fist her hairs and asked her in a husky voice. "For whom you wet Roose."    He kissed on her belly button and she almost shiver under him. "Tell me baby."    "You, only you." She groan and kissed her on his shoulder. His college already numb her mind.   "Yes baby you are wet for me." He held her waist up a little, making her raise her hips. So he could go further. He cursed under his breath as his forehead scrunched up  desperation. F
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Chaptet 92
  He placed his lips on top of my lips and started kissing Roose.  She was trying to push him back but in front of that rocky body her courage was answered.  He grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her back.   He was kissing Her with such ruthlessness that even my breathing was getting difficult.  Roose was jerking like a fish without water because oxygen was not reaching her lungs.   Roose beat her nails badly in the flesh of his shoulders.  But he was such a fucking human that he still did not move. After some time his phone rang and his expression completely changed. He left her there and went somewhere.    ~~~~~   CHRISTIAN was in his car after an hour he reached a schedul
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Chapter 93
  "Because I will take her eggs." Lou said.   "WHAT! What do you take?" CHRISTIAN asked in shock. This time he can't understand what to say.     "Don't be shocked, I will take her egg and your sperm too and freeze them in the laboratory. After all she becomes your official wedded first wife. It's her duty to do that and when both of you give your part, so I do surrogacy whenever I want. So that if you never marry in future, at least I should have an heir to handle all my property." Mrs Lou said and sat in her chair again. "What the fuck is this Mrs. Lou This is bullshit. Are you listening to me? Or you become mad, you old women." Hardin said and laughed angrily. "Whatever you say Young Master I don't fucking care of your Thinking. If you are ready for this condition, then I am also ready for your every condition." Lou said and opened h
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Chapter 94
  ~~~At Villa~~~ Roose's pov Someone knoking on the door  I went towards the door with my forced steps and after opening the door, I saw  kathey was standing in front Me.     Ma'am sir has called you down to breakfast.  You go with me   I just followed her.   After reaching the dining hall he is already there.   He was sitting on one side of the big dining table and he asked me to sit on the other side with his gesture.  I sat there silently.  Tilting my head without saying anything.   He told me to eat food, I quietly ate food because I have to stay alive.  I want to keep my body alive for just my family.   He moving a mobile and an invitation card to me.   "There is an invitation card.  Read this card well, tonight is a very big
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Chapter 95
After some time we reached the party.  The party was very big.  Greater than my expectations! They seem completely from different worlds.  Everyone was looking at a very rich and comes from high society. Many socialites are there. Media, camera, light, spot lights, paperazzi everybody are there.     Everybody was wearing expensive and beautiful clothes.  They all were shining like stars. It seemed Media from all over the world was there. My eyes widened looking at all the glory.   I was already fighting so many things in my life and now one more thing!   This society demonds always show a smile in front of the glittering world, showing a face which is certainly broken from inside doesn't matter , but it is mandatory there should always be a smile on your face.  your eyes are crying, nobody cares, but your lips should always smile. This is the reality of this so called beautif
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Chapter 96
Christian's pov A lot was going on in my mind.  Things had become such when I got too much confused with each other.  stood from my chair and came in front of the big window of my office, from where more than half of the city was visible.    Just like always standing at this window, I felt as if I am standing on the top of this world and from here everything is in my hands.   Standing here and looking down at everything, how small it seems and how restless it seems.  The people walking downstairs are dancing at the behest of your fingers.  Even if you want, you will not be able to feel yourself being involved in the lives of those people.  When you stand so high you find yourself alone.  Like all the time I find myself alone.  But I have never felt
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Chapter 97
The child was so depressed as if he had lost all hope of living. One day he fell down while playing on the swing and got a serious injury in his leg. Immediately his bodyguards came to him.  He picked her up in her lap and immediately ran towards the hospital. For the treatment of that child, more than half the doctors of the city were standing there. But there was no one who really cares that even the parents didn't come there.  Seeing this the child's heart broke even more. "Young master you should take medicine now.  Madam has said that if you do not take medicine then you will not be able to recover and those people have just gone outside for an important meeting.  If you keep insisting in this way, then your health will get worse.  They also have no confidence that when will he return?" Caretaker said.  
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Chapter 98
one month later. "You have made all the preparations, haven't you?" He asked in excitement. His happiness was clearly visible on his face.  His blue eyes were gleaming with joy.  Just his eyes were on the clock and the whole house where the preparations for his birthday were going on in full swing. "Young master we will handle everything.  Your foot injury still hasn't healed very well.  You still have pain in your leg.  we feel.  You should sit in one place and relax.  You can say everything sitting there.  We will take care of all your wishes." A caretaker standing there bowing his head in front of him said. The way the child was jumping and jumping, the caretaker's life had come to his mouth.  He was afraid that the injury might turn green again and the pain would not increase.  If the pain gets worse, then his job will be in danger. "Oh don't you worry about me.  Today I am very happy
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Chapter 99
  As soon as Christian closed his eyes he came back out of memory.  His eyes were fixed in hearing.  He was just standing from such a height and getting the feeling of the bottom.  There were so many things in his heart that he wanted to open up to someone.  He wanted to tell, but his behavior and feeling was such that it did not allow him to do something like that, even if he wanted to do something, he could not get it out of himself. But the decision he had taken to move on was probably his determination. ****** ~~At Mansion~~ Both were sitting opposite each other at the dining table.  There were so many thoughts going on in the hearts of both of them, but there was a peace there.  Both were looking at each other stealing their eyes but could not dare to say anything.
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