All Chapters of It's lust?: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
249 Chapters
Chapter 70
Whole Room submerged in a dark light and an angel was lying on the bed. "Mr. CHRISTIAN now miss Roose is okay. I have completely bandaged her wounds. They have not been physically assaulted in any way.  Yes, there are some death wounds for which I have prescribed medication. We have given them injections of medicine sleep due to which she gets complete sleep.  Don't worry, it's perfectly fine." The doctor told Christian and exited the room. He was so cold like ice. His face became stone and eyes like a burning fire. Nobody's dare to come close to him. The entire place was capped peacefully. Christian was standing from a distance and looking at Roose. Lots of emotions, thoughts are there. The wounds of her face were slowly gripping Christian's heart. She was calm all the way now, but the wounds of her body were speaking or we can say screaming. For a long time, Christian stared at her in this manner. There was a long distance between the two,
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Chapter 71
The peace between the two was very deep, but more than that there was an influx of feelings and emotions. Is Christian then asked in a low voice, he immediately stood up from his couch. "Roose are you okay What happened. If you are not feeling well I will call the doctor go, go to your bed. What are you doing here? You should have been in the room.  Your health is not well now." The CHRISTIAN was completely nervous. His unstable eyes moving her terrible face He could not understand what he would say by looking at her. Roose,  kept looking at him for some time only. After a long peace she said in her voice. Christian, a silence spread there "yes Roose" Christian said and fixed his blue sharp eyes on her face which became pale. "can I lie with you tonight?" She asked There was pain and fear in Roose's voice. And Christian looked at her in shock. He could not believe in his ear what she was saying. This was the first time Rose was saying someth
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Chapter 72
ROOSE POV'SA beautiful ray of sun rips the door of the window and comes to Roose's bed and kisses her eyes. The entire room was filled with sunlight. She slowly  wakes up gently rubbing her eyes. Her bare steps lie on the cold floor under her couch. After sitting there for a while, she started remembering everything that had happened at night. Thinking about all this, her mind was being completely seated. Still she woke up with a heavy heart and went to take a bath and after bathing she put on her clothes. She wearing a off white shirt and gray knee length pencil skirt pair with black pencil heel. Already, she had been leave from office for a long time, so today she had to go to the office so that she could come out of all the things that had happened to her the previous day.
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Chapter 73
Thanks Marcas Thank you so very much for these beautiful flowers, you still remember how much I like this flower.  I was very happy to see that.  After a long time, I have received such a beautiful gift in the morning. Thanks buddy I really like it." Roose said to Marcas and the softness and sweetness seen in her words she looked at Marcas with her puppy eyes and a beautiful glowing smile appeared on her innocent face. Sun Ray turns her face pink and her smile creates a warmness but this warmness is not for CHRISTIAN and its shirts. He couldn't tolerate all this. "And I am really sorry for that day. I was not feeling good. That's why I left the party and after that  I had my personal reasons to take a break. I hope you understand that." Roose gave her explanation to Marcas. She didn't want anybody to know what exactly happened that night. She doesn't want to make herself a gossip topic. She put her han
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Chapter 74
The next few days were spent just like this and I feel a little gud and try to overcome my pain.    One day I was just sitting in my room when suddenly a call came to my phone from an unknown number.     I immediately picked up the phone in the hope that there is any information about Bella, my family or else?   But the very next moment, my hopes receded when that person made a statement about himself, hello is this Roose I'm Theo.     "Theo! I was surprised and stunned, because it's completely out of my expectations firstly I could not understand where he got my number. So I just talked to him yeah I'm roose  yes Theo!  What happened, why do you call me in such a hurry, everything is fine, you sound nervous?     "Sorry Roose, I'm calling you in this way.  Can you come to help me? My Daughter's health is very bad
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Chapter 75
"Why do you always behave in a way that makes me feel nothing but fear.  How many times have I explained to you that there is nothing like you think.  I always try to explain to you that either make everything right for us or set me free.  I can't keep choking like this.  I too have a life that I used to live earlier.  Some people were related to me.  I can't just leave everything all of a sudden.  When someone needs me, I have to reach there even if I don't want to.  Those people want to be mean to me and I want to be mean to them too.  I am a common man.  I need people.  I am not great like you who can live his life even after isolating himself from people.  I am a very simple girl.  Don't know how many people wanted to be friends with me, but I always kept myself in a circle and I am doing this to you even today.  You have imprisoned me in this way, so what do you think you will not make my life a puppet in you
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Chapter 76
"There is no need to fear you.  You know I didn't harm you.  Will take until I recover my debt completely from you." Christian said and anger clearly visible in his deep voice. His eyes become more stone and voice becomes Harsh.     "What kind of person you are? Huh, sometimes you do Behave in such a way that you are the best in the world and sometimes behave in this way like there is no one more dangerous than you.  What do you want, why have you kept me with you?  Please, why don't you leave me? You will meet even more beautiful people in this world.  I am only a simple employee who wants to live her life only in a relaxed manner.  You took everything away from me and what do you want from me? Return me to my family and let me go from here. Please CHRISTIAN." Roose continuously cried and pleaded with her with her hazel eyes. Her expression created more anger in CHRISTIAN'S heart. He felt so uncomfortable. 
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Chapter 77
In the first photo, Roose hugs Marcus.  In the second photo, Roose cupped Marcus's face with her hands and wiped his tears.  In the third photo, Roose held Marcus's hand.  In the fourth photo, Roose gave side hugged to Marcas. All the photos were taken in a manner in which the two seemed quite close and little intimate. In one picture, the Roose shook their forehead against Marcas's forehead, and the distance between the two was almost impossible. Her mind become blanked.  "What the hell is this, what you understand is nothing.  Me and Marcus" Roose said this and tried to explain to him but in between CHRISTIAN blocked her mouth with his lips he bit her soft pink lips and forcefully kissed her. This kiss is more than a punishment. He licks her lower lips for a second and then he licks upper lips. Roose tries to escape him but she fails in front of this beast. Christian's mind was hurt by the tears flowing from Rose's eyes.  He s
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Chapter 78
  He placed his lips on top of my lips and started kissing Roose.  She was trying to push him back but in front of that rocky body her courage was answered.  He grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her back.   He was kissing Her with such ruthlessness that even my breathing was getting difficult.  Roose was jerking like a fish without water because oxygen was not reaching her lungs.   Roose beat her nails badly in the flesh of his shoulders.  But he was such a fucking human that he still did not move. After some time his phone rang and his expression completely changed. He left her there and went somewhere.    ~~~~~   CHRISTIAN was in his car after an hour he reached a scheduled area. Where John was waiting for him at the entrance.   "Sir," John said.   "What happened" CHRISTIAN said and glared at him.  
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Chapter 79
  "Because I will take her eggs." Lou said.   "WHAT! What do you take?" CHRISTIAN asked in shock. This time he can't understand what to say.     "Don't be shocked, I will take her egg and your sperm too and freeze them in the laboratory. After all she becomes your official wedded first wife. It's her duty to do that and when both of you give your part, so I do surrogacy whenever I want. So that if you never marry in future, at least I should have an heir to handle all my property." Mrs Lou said and sat in her chair again. "What the fuck is this Mrs. Lou This is bullshit. Are you listening to me? Or you become mad, you old women." Hardin said and laughed angrily. "Whatever you say Young Master I don't fucking care of your Thinking. If you are ready for this condition, then I am also ready for your every condition." Lou said and opened h
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