All Chapters of Descendants Of The God: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
240 Chapters
Bab 90. Tears Behind The Rain
"Nathan ... no way, this is just a dream ... this is just a dream ..."Nathania looked down limply, her legs trembled at the sound of her mother's cries. Her tears flowed freely, even though she wanted so badly to come into the room. However, somehow she was too scared to know.The door opened, showing Jia's face that was already wet with tears. Jia didn't say anything, she couldn't bear to say it. Nathania walked slowly into the room filled with the sound of her mother's crying. Diana, Helena, Doctor Franz cry silently. On the bed, Nathan lay with a pale face.Queen Alexandra stopped crying when she realized Nathania was standing by the bed. Staring at her brother who would never open his eyes again. All the memories entered into her memory, making her body instantly weak."Nathan, what happened? hey, why did you sleep on our birthday? Nathan, wake up! I haven't given your birthday present. Nathan, wake up ... I beg ... don't leave me ... don't leave me! I c
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Bab 91. Feel Empty
"Why didn't she come? didn't she promise? didn't she swear not to leave me alone?"His eyes stared at the place where he always saw the brown haired girl riding her horse while waving at him. Her smile, her always shining gaze and her gentle touch. He missed everything about her so much.In his hand, he held a small box which he wanted to give to the girl as a birthday present. However, if she didn't come, then this gift would be meaningless."Waiting for someone? looks like you're starting to go crazy, Aiden!" Sheera smirked at the top of the tree, trying to make fun of Aiden.Aiden didn't budge, he didn't want to reply to all the nonsense Sheera said, or even he never wanted to reply. For him, there were more important things for him to think about. Namely his sweetheart who never came. To be honest, it made Aiden feel very disappointed, despite the fact that the pain in his head would be much less if the girl wasn't with him."He's not coming! g
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Bab 92. Difficult Choice
"Nathania, what happened to you? why are you so stubborn?""Mother, I've always wanted to ask you. Why did you marry Father? what makes you want to accept someone who doesn't love you? do you want to tell me?" she asked and tried to be strong, even though the tears had easily filled her eyes and were ready to flow. However, once again she tried to strengthen her heart which was always weak in front of her mother.The queen was silent, hearing her daughter's question made her unable to hold back tears. The pain she endured from marrying a man who never loved her, forced her to take her hurt out on her daughter."Why are you silent, Mother? why did you marry Father? what made you decide to live with a man who never said he loves you? Mother, tell me! why?""Since I have no choice, it's the only way to make my parents smile and think I'm worthy," her voice trembled, enduring the pain alone. Nathania should have known that she shouldn't ask something she knew wou
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Bab 93. Regret
Sapphire PalaceQueen Alexandra bowed languidly, as if resigned to the trouble she was about to face. She should have expected that this would inevitably happen, the times when she had to face the harsh reality of losing her son and subsequent abandoned by her daughter.She must realize that she has failed, she is a failed mother. Seeing her daughter leave without even turning around made her realize that she deserved it all."Alexandra, where is Nathan?" asked the King, glaring intently at his wife who did not show the reaction he should have received."He's gone, he's gone ...""Go? what do you mean, Alexandra? where did Nathan go?" hearing the beloved granddaughter leave makes the Queen Mother panic."I don't know, I don't know ..." she said softly, still with a sad bowed face."You don't know? how come you don't know where your son went?" shouted the Queen Mother, as usual blaming her daughter-in-law for all
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Bab 94. The Love We Share
They arrived at the edge of a forest directly adjacent to Golgora, the capital of Fotia. According to her assumption, this city looks normal, not much different from cities in Lithonia.After Nathania got off his back, Aiden returned to being human. They wore winter coats to avoid the gaze of those who might know Aiden."Come on!" Aiden took her hand and led her into the city.Nathania was a little nervous because she had never entered any territory outside her kingdom. So, it could be said that this was the first time she had set foot in Fotia."May I take a walk in this town? will anyone notice?""Even though everyone here is the descendant of people who made a pact with the devil. But they don't have any special abilities, they are just humans. So, you don't have to worry!""Oh, I see?" instead of hearing Aiden's answer, Nathania felt much calmer because Aiden continued to hold her hand.They walked all the way to the shopping cent
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Bab 95. Tears In The Snow
"Forgive me! forgive me, Your Majesty!" Queen Alexandra wept hysterically as the King decided on the appropriate punishment for her after courageously tricking the king and everyone else.The king stared coldly, his sapphire eyes shining, showing unstoppable anger. The decision was unanimous, Queen Alexandra and her loyal servants must accept the hanging that will be carried out in the middle of the city."Forgive me, Your Majesty ... forgive me ...!" the Queen was hysterical, cried and prostrated before the King who did not even turn his head, let alone accept his apology.Lithonia was in an uproar, knowing that the crown prince they had known was Princess Nathania in disguise, while Prince Nathan had died due to illness. It was not only the King and Queen Mother who were disappointed by the Queen's lies. However, all the people of Lithonia felt the same anger and now, they couldn't wait to see first-hand 'the greatest con man' in the hanging in the middle of city
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Bab 96. Reflection
Nathania looked at herself in the mirror. She felt very empty, after realizing that she finally decided to return to the palace and leave Aiden.She touched the alexandrite stone coiled around her neck. After she chooses to return to being Nathan and continues to pretend until the end, all their lies are exposed and her life will end on the gallows.Nathania opened the bedroom door and walked through the palace corridor. The servants who saw her in the palace, were shocked and hysterical after realizing that the crown prince had returned after missing for two weeks."Prince Nathan has returned ... Prince Nathan has returned ...!" exclaimed a soldier who announced very important news that it could be heard in the ears of the King, Queen and Queen Mother who were in the palace dining room."The crown prince has returned?" asked the king when a soldier reported the news of Nathania's return to him."Yes, Your Majesty! Prince Nathan has returned. We sa
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Bab 97. Bitter Smile
"Nathan, I'm home! are you waiting for me? Nathan, I'm sorry I just left without telling you!" she said in front of her twin brother's gravestone covered in snow.Nathania knew that what Nathan wanted was her happiness in being herself. However, to achieve that happiness is not something easy.After convincing herself that only with Aiden would she get that true happiness. But, she easily let go because she was not ready to bear the guilt for leaving her mother."Prince Nathan?" behind her, Judy stood, staring at her with a sad face and wet eyes.Nathania turned her head, trying to give Judy the smile she always gave every time they met. However, only a sad look and a bitter smile could be given and it made Judy feel very sad.Judy walked over to her, trying hard to hold back the tears of longing because she was overshadowed by worries at the figure she thought she would never see again forever."I'm glad Your Majesty is back home," her voic
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Bab 98. Outside The Palace
"Haven't we gone too far, Your Majesty? we can't go back today if we don't go home now!" said Joan. Rupert who was riding beside him, agreed silently.They have been gone for three days, they should return to the capital today according to the king's orders. However, the stubborn Nathania wouldn't stop before she explored any further.They were only 30 miles outside the capital Safir, meaning they were far from what she expected. Nathania who led the way was silent and stared at the steep road. Seeing her not giving a response, made Joan and Rupert have no other choice but to keep up with her.Five minutes of silence and the only sound heard was the footsteps of the horses they were riding. The sky which had been very bright since morning, was slowly clouding. Joan began to worry because they had traveled quite a distance without the escort of experienced palace soldiers.Even though the 'crown prince' who was in front of them was doing a disguise wearing the
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Bab 99. The Story Of An Old Woman
"Thank you for the food! very delicious!""Thank God if you like it, I'm very happy!" Grandma Lori smiled when she saw Nathania and her friends finish the food she was serving.Both Nathania, Joan and Rupert thought the same thing. Although the only food served was toast, mashed potatoes and mushroom soup, it was very delicious."Grandmother!" she said calling. Even though she was a little hesitant about the question she wanted to ask, Nathania would be very sorry if she left this place without knowing why an old woman lived alone and separated from the other residents? it was very lumpy in her mind."Yes? do you need something?""No! that's not it, I want to ask something. Do you mind, Grandma?""No! you can ask anything, no problem!" she said with a smile. Even though she allowed to ask, somehow Nathania was suddenly unsure of her question."Do you really live alone? aren't there your children or grandchildren, Grandma?" she asked.
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