All Chapters of Descendants Of The God: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
240 Chapters
Bab 110. Out Of Control
The tremors grew stronger, making it difficult for the soldiers to evacuate the people, both in the battle arena and also outside the arena who also felt the impact.Many buildings collapsed and fell on people so that casualties continued to fall. Not to mention the rainstorm and the wind that blew hard, making them try to save themselves. Seeing the uncontrollable Nathania, King Roderick stepped in to stop her, trying to suppress her immense power."Tch, what is this? why can he be this strong?" even King Roderick who was called the King of lightning, had a hard time stopping his crown son's rampage.Due to a very chaotic situation, King Roderick and King Jacob were forced to work together to stop Nathania and save many lives. Meanwhile, Aiden who protected himself with stones from the bowels of the earth protected him like a very strong shield. Aiden saw through the cracks of the rock, he smiled sarcastically because the plan to destroy Edafos and Lithonia wen
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Bab 111. The History Of The Traitors
Felix smiled sarcastically, he didn't know that this old man could be so smart at observing things. It even made Fotia who initially had the upper hand because he had successfully pitted Lithonia and Edafos, back into a corner."Your guess is not completely correct, Mister William De Jeger! first of all, you are correct regarding the condition of the Crown Prince of Fotia, Prince Aiden Val Hedros. He inherited the curse of Diavolos, but on the one hand, he also inherited the power of his ancestors who were bound by the devil's pact. We didn't want to cover it up, but something like that isn't something we can easily say either!""Wha ... what? so, Prince Aiden is the recipient of the diavolos curse?" everyone in this room who had just learned of that fact was shocked. It cannot be denied that it is a very dangerous thing."From the start, making a pact with the devil was very forbidden, because it was only natural that something like this would happen. What's mo
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Bab 112. Plan Of Revenge
"Damn! it turns out he really disappeared! where did that demon go?" Prince Keith tries to examine the black stone Aiden left behind before it mysteriously disappears.Keith was intimidated by Aiden's strength and now, he also saw how much Nathania's strength was far beyond his and his father's previous estimates. Who could have guessed that someone who had fallen unconscious after fighting without a fight would suddenly become so strong like that? now Keith actually felt that he was the weakest, even though he had not had time to fight with Aiden.The only person left for him to meet is Nathania, since that incident they have not met again and tomorrow the visiting royal entourage will return to their respective kingdoms, so today is the day left to find out what really happened in the middle of the field when it happened.Keith asked a servant to pick up Nathania and take her to the park, so he could more freely ask her what and why all this happened?At th
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Bab 113. Call Of Duty
Sapphire Palace, Lithonia Kingdom "It can't be tolerated! they blatantly blame us for all their plans. Your Majesty, I don't think there's any point in making peace with a traitorous nation like them. Everything we do is a waste of time!" said Count Clarke Larson, angrily at the shocking news that had occurred during visit to Edafos.The ministers and nobles who did not participate in the visit immediately wore angry faces after hearing Advisor William De Jeger's statement clearly saying that the peace proposal in the Edafos discourse was just a veiled plan to assassinate the Lithonia crown prince."Tch! I thought this was all nonsense. We've spent seven years discussing this nonsense. In fact, they're just playing with us!" said Count Edgar Vonsavior. Apparently, everyone in this room agreed with his statement. Moreover, Lithonia almost twice lost the crown prince because of a peace agreement that had not been realized.Meanwhile, Commander
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Bab 114. Change
After a meeting with the royal ministers as well as the soldier commander, King Roderick asked Nathania to appear before him. There were many questions he wanted to ask, since the incident happened, they had not spoken to each other.Talking to her unpredictable father worries Nathania. She knew what questions to ask her and what answers she had to give to make the revered King satisfied with her answer."I am coming, Your Majesty!" she said while paying homage to the king who sat on his throne."Can you predict the reason why I asked you to face me?" asked the king with a cold gaze.Inside his mind, he was relieved that the years of waiting had materialized as well. The powers that were passed down from generation to generation came under the control of the son of the crown.Nathania returned the gaze without hesitation, even though she wasn't sure of the answer, she had no choice but to keep her mouth shut because she hated the same question about how
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Bab 115. Sorrow
Judy froze, tears pouring down her eyes. She didn't know why she could feel this pain in the face of something she should have guessed that she could not possibly be side by side with a future king in this country.Judy looked down, her hands trembling. In front of her, Nathania who feels guilty doesn't know what to say to make Judy feel a little better and she can't even give Judy hope which will only hurt her even more."How can I stop loving you when all my goals are you, Your Majesty?""Judy, I ...""Forgive me, Your Majesty! I have been selfish and I shouldn't have felt like this, I'm really stupid ..." Judy walked quickly leaving Nathania who could only be silent seeing Judy crying because of her hurtful words.She knew this was cruel, but she didn't want to promise anyone anymore. Nathania can only hope that Judy will find new love and forget about it.Judy who was walking hastily unconsciously bumped into Kenneth who was walking in the opp
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Bab 116. Sincere Love
Grief and sorrow, Judy saw it all from the loveliest eyes she had ever seen in her life. Even though she had realized it, Judy didn't really understand why the sadness seemed so deep in her eyes."Yes, I see...""This morning I bumped into Jia, she looked so gloomy, I could even see the remnants of tears in her eyes. Jia told me that she missed someone she had raised for 15 years like her own son. I asked her why she missed someone she met almost every day? Jia told me, that figure does exist, but his soul has gone and may not be whole again,""Wha ... what does that mean?""Jia has raised Prince Nathan with love and compassion that is very sincere and selfless. Jia is always with him, following his growth every day, seeing his smiles and laughter every day. But now, she is forced to accept the fact that the child she loves so much becomes that way cold and foreign. Isn't that very painful? Jia even promised that she would do anything as long as she could
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Bab 117. Hidden Purpose
Granitis Palace, Fotia KingdomFelix walked quickly with a sour face. Since returning to Fotia, he has yet to receive an explanation about himself being apparently not involved in the covert sheepfighting plans carried out by King Ellios and Aiden. What else did he know, the father and son had hardly spoken to each other for more than 10 years. However, why did Aiden suddenly want to just follow his father's plan?"Shit! how dare they plan something without involving me!" he cursed irritably with a terrifying face, even though he had already arrived at the door of the room where King Ellios was sitting on his throne."I am coming, Your Majesty!" he said as he walked towards King Ellios who was staring at him with a cold gaze."Looks like you can't wait to push me again, Felix!""I'm glad you already know what I want to ask, Your Majesty! so better explain it to me, so I don't have to ask any more!""I have no obligation to tell you everything I do
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Bab 118. Berserk
Gorevmenos Forest"Ugh ..." Aiden grimaced, enduring the burning pain in his head. Even at the full moon this time, he was forced to endure a very strong pain.Since Nathania left him, the pain had come more and more often as if it was eating away at his body from the inside, so that he often lost consciousness and felt that his body was controlled by the demon king.The shining full moon made him feel an enormous rush of anger. Little by little, his body turned into a monstrous gigantic monster. Go berserk and destroy whatever is near it."Graaaoooor ..."  his loud scream reached Lithonia. Make people who were sleeping, immediately wake up and find out what happened.The capital of Sapphire which lies on the border between Lithonia and Fotia is the most affected. The residents ran out of the house in terror, thinking that a monster had attacked the city.At the Palace of Safir, the King was forced to wake up from his sleep to give orders to
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Bab 119. The Chosen Soldiers
Central Soldier Headquarters, Capital of SapphiresCommander Robinson stepped through the corridor accompanied by Captain Gavin of the 'Royal Guards Division' and Captain Lyra Everett of the 'Intelligence Forces Division'. Neither Gavin and Lyra, no one knows why the soldiers were gathered in the middle of the night like this.They thought maybe the soldiers who were assigned to secure the citizens, given the extremely fierce demonic rampage of the forbidden forest."Commander!""What's the matter, Lyra? anything you want to ask?" he asked calmly. This attitude would make it impossible for the soldiers to expect that they would be given such a dangerous task.Unlike Lyra who feels uneasy because of a bad feeling, Gavin who is ready for any mission will always be calm because from the start, their duties as soldiers were indeed to do dangerous tasks for Lithonia's sake."Does the gathering of all the soldiers in the capital tonight have
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