All Chapters of Descendants Of The God: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
240 Chapters
Bab 130. Light Under The Sea
"Pull the screen!" shouted the captain.A crew member immediately pulled the sail when the ship began to lose direction due to strong winds that hit.The waves of sea water rocked ships using coal as fuel. Worries began to appear in the captain of the ship, on the crew and soldiers who had memorized the dangerous terrain they were on, especially during a storm like this. Strong winds and heavy rain made the ship experience strong shocks.Nathania came out of her cabin to check the situation outside after hearing a very loud thunder and the crew of the ship who were busy maintaining the balance of the ship they were traveling on."Your Majesty, you better stay in the cabin! there's a storm outside, don't come out!" asked Jia who started worrying about their safety."Storm? is it really bad?""The soldiers are asking us to stay in the cabin, because it is very dangerous if we get hit by the waves crashing into the ship!" Jia looks very restless. In
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Bab 131. Princes Of Green Gold
"Uhukk ... uhuk ..."Nathania coughed, from her mouth water came out of her throat. The bright sunlight disturbed her vision."Where is this?" she muttered. She remembered nothing but cold, dark water.After her throat was clear of seawater, she tried to take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Realizing that she was still alive.The beautiful face of the mysterious woman who brought her to the surface flashed through her mind. Her white skin, long white hair, pointed ears and glowing green eyes."She has a tail like a fish? what is that creature? is it human? impossible! I'm sure she doesn't have legs. But, ugh ... it hurts!" bouts of pain stung in her head. Spontaneously, Nathania immediately touched her head."Dazzled!" apart from the dazzling sunlight, the scene before her eyes was only a vast blue sea.After she tried to recall what had happened to her, Samuel's face popped up. She did not know what happened to Samuel when the ship moved a
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Bab 132. Symbol
Nathania might not have thought that she was stranded on an island which was also the territory of a small kingdom called Vasilenia.Vasilenia means 'Blessed Land' not without reason, the kingdom located on this southeastern island was very prosperous and peaceful. The soil is fertile, making agriculture very developed. Vasilenia was also led by a very wise and generous king.King Leonard and his wife, Queen Clara have 10 sons and one youngest daughter. The ten sons and one king's daughter were the result of the king's marriage to the queen, without a single concubine due to the king's loyalty to his wife."Are you back?" asked Queen Clara, welcoming her sons who had returned from the forest with tense faces. The queen had a feeling that her children had done something bad."We're home, Mother!" Prince Robin, the eldest who tried to be calm, so that his mother didn't have to feel restless."Agh ... I'm going to sleep!" said Prince Vincent who yawned wid
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Bab 133. Uninvited guest
All eyes were on her, making it difficult for Nathania to breathe. With a pale face, exhausted and not eating anything since she fell into the sea. Now, Nathania was forced to face King Leonard like a prisoner.The king, queen, ten princes and a princess and five nobles stood before her, waiting for an explanation from her as to why she came to this island."Tch, why don't you talk too? are you mute?" Prince Claude said sarcastically, starting to lose his temper.Not that she doesn't want to answer, Nathania doesn't know how to explain to them about her condition. If she claimed to be the crown prince of Lithonia, would they believe it right away?"What is your name?" asked Queen Clara gently. Patiently, the queen approached Nathania who looked restless."Nathan!" she replied briefly."Nathan?" hearing the answer, they looked at each other as if they suspected the same thing."Where do you come from?""Lithonia!""Lithonia? why d
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Bab 134. Allegation
"Not ordinary human eyes? what do you mean?" asked Richard."Perhaps, his eyes are so beautiful they fascinate women!" said Nicholas."Stop it, Nick! we're serious!" Randall, who didn't like to joke, immediately rebuked Nicholas."All right, burly man!""It's just my feeling, but he's from Lithonia, isn't he? a land blessed by a great God. Matthew, don't you think?""Yes, Lithonia is called a heavenly version of the earth for gods. As told in the book, a goddess came down to earth and met a human, they fell in love and married. Their relationship resulted in a son who would become the first king of Lithonia that to the power inherited through the mother. The village which was originally small and isolated, slowly turned into the largest dynasty that was built for 1000 years. But, finally Lithonia was divided because of the civil war 1000 years ago, forming two new kingdoms. Edafos and Fotia, the two kingdoms were actually did not inherit divine powers.
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Bab 135. Crisis Of Confidence
"How can I believe?""You just have to believe because it's the only choice you have!" Prince Robin smiled softly. If it was his old self, Nathania would have trusted someone who had a smile so gentle and sincere like this. However, the current self couldn't do it that easily.There were many things that happened in her life, especially after Nathan left and gave her a necklace with this mysterious, discolored gem. She didn't know what would have happened if she didn't wear this necklace. Will everything still happen or vice versa."I don't know what happened to you and why you came to this island. You know? our kingdom is on a small island, there are only two palaces and not many inhabitants. When compared to Lithonia, Vasilenia is very small. That means, there is nothing interesting on this small island. There are many beautiful hills and valleys, two mountains and there are many waterfalls that flow along with rivers whose water is very clear. I'm sure in Lit
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Bab 136. Soulmate
The sun was shining brightly, making the air feel warm and comfortable, the scent of flowers carried by the breeze. This was her favorite season, when the sun was not so fierce and the wind was blowing to make the air cool.In the past, when everything was fine. Nathania is sure to spend her free time lying on the grass, looking at the clouds walking above the sky or painting flowers on the canvas or drawing Judy's face on paper. Fun, that's how she felt. As if there is no burden to think about.Now, here on this island, Nathania is back feeling the peaceful atmosphere she used to feel. She has lived in this palace for four days, but until now no meaningful explanation has come out of her mouth. She was just silent and wanted to enjoy this peace even for a moment.On the green grass, in a bed of beautiful white daisies. A young man with dark brown hair was sitting alone, drawing something in his drawing book. His back somehow reminded Nathania of herself.Hes
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Bab 137. Curious
"To keep stalling for time to get him to speak is just ridiculous!""So Claudy, what kind of thing do you think is ridiculous? can you explain to us?" asked Nicholas who continued to sit back and enjoy his tea."It's useless asking someone who always feels right!" Vincent immediately teased Claude who always complained about their actions.Queen Clara sighed, she did not know that accommodating strangers in their palace would cause a heated argument between her sons who had different opinions. Unlike Robin, Matthew and Alexei who can be calm or Nicholas who is too relaxed. Randall, Claude, Vincent and Richard are in a camp that if they don't agree, then they don't hesitate to fight. Although Claude did not use violence like Randall and Vincent, his harsh words always ignited the anger of three violent young men like Randall, Vincent and Richard.Raising 11 children is not easy. Even though in truth, they were very close to each other, it still did not guarant
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Bab 138. Figure
"Is it true?""Yes!""Why? isn't all the attention and affection of everyone on you?"Nathania was thoughtful, thinking back to the attention she had received since she became Nathan. Everything felt fake because he was just a stunt double who was considered dead by everyone."What is all the care and affection for when it is not yours?""What does it mean?""No, nothing! it's just that I think having siblings is better than being alone!""That's right! hahahaha ... I also sometimes want to be the only child in this family. That way, I don't have to see siblings fighting and arguing with each other. I can also enjoy all this comfort alone. But, after I think again, having a lot of siblings is not bad either. I can share many things with them, joys, sorrows and everything,""Is that so?""Yes! since childhood, we are all very close, we grew up together with a father who likes to laugh, but is very sensitive and caring. Mother is p
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Bab 139. Chance
"How can Jerry tell about us to him, behind our back!" said Nicholas."Who is Jerry?" asked David."Yes, Jerry! who else? how many Jerry are there in this palace?""But, I never thought he could be that open to Jerome!" Richard peeked intently from behind a pillar of the garden so that the whereabouts of those who were eavesdropping could not be identified."Jerome has something that allows him to earn someone's trust," said Robin. At least, he felt relieved because finally one of them could approach the guest well.Even though Claude always said that he didn't care, he still took part in the plans of his brothers. With a calm and ever-cynical expression, Claude leaned against the wall while observing the plants in front of him."Bu ... but, Jerome hasn't told me about me, Richard and Mia!" Alexei who has been waiting for his turn, gets impatient. His innocent behavior made him always get special attention from his brothers."How much do you
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