All Chapters of Descendants Of The God: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
240 Chapters
Bab 120. Level One Mission
Selected humans? that question echoed in the heads of every soldier who was unsure of their existence as humans as well as the soldiers of choice, including Owen. His hands were shaking, his heart was beating fast. The heart continues to wonder, is he part of the great person chosen?All the memories and struggles he had to get here flashed through his mind. How his grandfather who was a soldier died and his disabled father could not realize his beautiful dream of becoming a brave soldier who was willing to die for his homeland."Do you think you are that great? stop chasing your dreams, think of your mother who worries so much for you!"The words that Joan uttered that were nothing more than humiliating nonsense made him irritated. If in the end, he was silent with trembling hands because he did not dare to face a dangerous mission, what Joan said was true, he was just an ordinary young man who did not deserve to be a soldier."Me!" spontaneously, Owen raise
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Bab 121. Impossible To Achieve
Owen trembled, he didn't think that he would actually do it. It felt like a dream when Commander-in-Chief, Nile Robinson allowed him to join the special forces that would be tasked with traversing the forbidden forest. Although the details of the mission they are going to do have not been explained, for Owen the mission is definitely a very dangerous mission, considering that they have to enter into a forest that is strictly forbidden to enter for years, after many people have never returned safe from that forest. Owen took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He had made up his mind to go ahead and now he couldn't back down from the choice he had made. "Are you scared? did you wet the bed last night?" said Harry, giggling with his two friends, Conny and Marcell. Owen turned to the trio who had always been disturbing the calm since he had stayed at the training base for the past seven months. Instead of being annoyed, this time Owen didn't think Harry's
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Bab 122. Special Force
"So, the purpose of this mission is to find the gates of hell?" asked Commander of the Combat Troops, Michael Koster after hearing the explanation from the Commander-in-Chief, Nile Robinson.That's right! that's what the king said, considering that the threats from Fotia seem obvious. Therefore, inevitably, we have to take the risk of finding the location of the gate, where the demons are trapped. We have to confirm whether the gate is still protected by the divine seal or not!""But, how do we find the location of the gate that not even anyone knows about. Is there a clue?" asked the Captain of the Combat Troops, Daz Rafles."The King is giving directions through this roll of paper!" he said as he unrolled the old paper and placed it on the table."Is this like a directions or a map?""No! more precisely the symbols you have to find for directions,"They immediately looked at the symbols painted on the paper. There are three symbols, the first is
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Bab 123. Memories
Sapphire Palace, Lithonia Kingdom"O ... Owen?" Nathania is shocked to see Owen joining a group of soldiers who are about to carry out a dangerous mission.Owen, who was worried, afraid to meet Nathania's sharp gaze, stopped looking at her since he and his companions stood before the king to ask for his blessing, as well as a small ceremony before tomorrow morning's departure."Your Majesty, allow us to carry out the task you have assigned!" said Commander Michael Koster, as the leader of the group, bowing his head to pay tribute to the king, while the seven soldiers behind him also paid their respects."May the gods protect you all, I hope you can carry out your mission well and return safely!""Thank you, Your Majesty!"Nathania was silent, she was speechless. She even just learned about this dangerous mission this morning. After all these years, there were finally people who had entered the forbidden forest other t
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Bab 124. Secret Plan
Soldier Headquarters, Litbonia Kingdom"I really hope this mission will be successful!" said the King's Advisor, William De Jeger after the King and Commander Robinson let go of the soldiers on duty.No one could guess how it would turn out, considering the opponents the soldiers faced were creatures of immense power."They have invaded the forest area which is part of our territory. The largest forest which reaches the Edafos forest area in the west. That means, Fotia has controlled the Gorevmenos forest from the east, right in the Fotia region, the southern part of Lithonia and the western part, Edafos.They played a cunning way to control the forest area that should still be part of our kingdom!" said Commander Robinson, pointing out points of the forest on a large map on the wall."They are using demonic power to attack anyone who dares to enter the forest area. If none of the soldiers are saved, we must declare war on Fotia as soon as possible!
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Bab 125. Complicated Feelings
Sapphire Palace, Lithonia Kingdom Queen Alexandra hastily walked around looking for Nathania's whereabouts. Unlike before, she now spends more of her time in the library after practicing swordsmanship and studying in her class.The queen entered the lonely library, in the rows of bookshelves, she could see Nathania was busy looking for books on the history of the previous Lithonia before the civil war which left Nathania divided."This is it!" she muttered as her hand tugged at the brown-bound book with a very thick page in the center of the bookshelf."Here you are!" Queen said, approaching her daughter who immediately turned around when she heard her mother's voice."You were looking for me, Mother? what's wrong?""There are important things I want to tell you! come on to your room!" she said while pulling Nathania's hand forcefully to follow her."What's the matter? why are you in such a hurry? is there a problem?" Na
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Bab 126. The Journey
This morning, Nathania, Samuel, Jia, Kenneth and the 20 soldiers assigned to guard her will sail to the Arthes island. Supplies, food supplies were put on board. They would have to stay on the small island for three months or until things were safe in Lithonia to bring her back.Nathania was silent, looking at the large ship that would take her away through the high seas for five days. Kenneth who saw her pensive immediately approached him."Are you ready for a long journey, Your Majesty?" Kenneth smiled, trying to bring about a fun atmosphere that could make Nathnia happy."What will happen if we leave?""We'll be fine, believe me! we are all doing this for your safety, Your Majesty!""My safety?""Yes, of course! are you worried about something?""No!""Is that so?""Yes!""Yo ... Your Majesty?" Judy who was standing two meters behind her shyly and nervously tried to call out to her.Nathania and Kenneth turned, the
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Bab 127. In The Dream
"Ugh ..." Prince Keith grimaced in pain, his head hurt after being hit and now he doesn't know what happened to him."Are you awake? are you all right?" asked a woman with long brown hair who sat beside him.Prince Keith was stunned, he didn't know since when there was a woman beside him. His eyes glanced at the figure of a beautiful woman with very beautiful sapphire blue eyes, wearing a pink dress and showing her cleavage. There was a strange mark on her chest, he didn't know what it was.Because he accidentally saw that beautiful sight, Keith immediately looked away with a flushed face in shame."Who are you?" he asked as he lifted his head lying on top of the pile of cloth."You don't remember me?" the girl smiled gently, making Prince Keith stunned with a racing heart."Yo ... you, do I know you?""Of course! we're traveling companions. Thank you for helping me, if you weren't there, I'd be dead!""Who are you? traveling c
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Bab 128. Roar
Gorevmenos Forest "Gruuuunggg ...""Did you hear that? was there a buzzing sound? did you hear it?" exclaimed Jonathan who started to panic after hearing a mysterious hum."Commander, how? can we get out now?" Cornelius was getting tired of hiding even in a giant tree trunk.Since they entered the forbidden forest, mysterious voices have been heard dozens of times. Like a strange hum, the wind and from the bowels of the earth. Not to mention the strong feeling that made them feel watched over by the trees all around them."Stay put! don't come out until ordered!""Yes, Sir!"It's been three hours in hiding, even the horses are probably very tired of waiting. Despite being annoyed by this strange order, they had no other choice but to follow it.While everyone was feeling anxious, Gavin just looked calm as if nothing bothered him. From the start, Gavin had predicted something like this would happen. Coming to a pla
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Bab 129. Fake
Ship TheosAs a teacher who had educated Nathania for seven years, there were times when Kenneth had difficulty understanding Nathania's thoughts. Just like Jia, Judy or the inhabitants of the Sapphire Palace who have known her since she was a child. Kenneth missed the cheerful figure of Nathania who always carried a striking and colorful atmosphere in the strict and rule-filled palace.For some time, Kenneth still had to reprimand and advise stubborn Nathania if she skipped studying or didn't do her job properly. But now, Nathania studied without prompting her and she was no longer doing naughtiness."Your Majesty, may I see the results of the painting?" Kenneth asked, approaching Nathania who was sitting on the deck of the ship, drawing a scene before her eyes."Not good! I only use a pencil!""How about a picture of an object that is clearer than the ocean? for example, depicting the face of someone who is on this ship!""All right, I'll draw y
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