All Chapters of Descendants Of The God: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
240 Chapters
Bab 140. The True Freedom
They enjoyed dinner together and tonight for the first time Nathania to have dinner with the King, Queen and their eleven children in one dining table.They still couldn't believe it, even though near them, Nathania began to eat her food with gusto. Princess Mia even tried to steal a glance with a smile."How's the food? do you like it, Your Majesty?" asked Queen Clara."Yes, the food is very delicious!""Oi, how long are you going to be here?" Claude asked sarcastically. Even though he already knew the fact that Nathania was the crown prince, it didn't make his attitude change immediately."Claude, don't talk like that!" Queen Clara immediately rebuked her son."Until they find me!""Until they find you?""Yes!""What if they can't find you? asked Vincent."They can do it! I know my father very well!""What if they think you've drowned?""Will not!""Why are you so sure?""Why so? only my belief!"
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Bab 141. Brotherhood
"Are you okay?" asked Robin who was standing in front of her, wearing only his underwear.Nathania opened her eyes slowly, she was afraid to see something inappropriate. However, keeping their eyes closed like this would only make them feel suspicious."Yes .... yes?" after only two seconds she opened her eyes, Nathania closed her eyes again after seeing something sticking out of Robin's underwear."Why? you've never swam together, have you?""I ... I haven't ..." she said with a little lie, because as long as she lived in the forbidden forest with Aiden, she always bathed in the river with Aiden and it felt very pleasant.Seeing Nathania's nervous reaction made Robin chuckle. Rather than a shy young man, in his eyes Nathania was more like a very cute young girl."All right, you can join if you want!""Al ... alright ..."Robin joins his nine siblings who welcome him to the river with bright smiles. Just as Nathania was worried, they a
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Bab 142. Return Of Smiles
"Hahahaha ... you never take a shower together with a fellow man? why don't you just say it frankly?" Vincent burst out laughing. Recalling the excitement that was 15 minutes ago."Forgive me!" Nathania looked down, still feeling both ashamed and guilty.After finishing with the river and waterfall, they sat together on the grass by the river while enjoying a cup of black tea which the water was cooked directly with firewood. Because they often come to this place, they purposely leave cooking utensils, cooking spices, tents and sleeping mats hidden in the trunks of large trees."Why apologize? you're innocent!" said Robin."Hahaha ... apparently there is something more innocent than Alexy! wow ... I'm so shocked!" said Nicholas."You don't have a brother?" asked Matthew.Nathania was silent for a moment, even though she wanted to admit that honestly she had twin brothers, but it would be very suspicious if one day they knew more about her."
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Bab 143. Midnight Story
"Nathan, let's eat!" said Alexei when the meat they cooked was cooked.The view of the sky filled with stars, the bonfire that carried light and warmth and the delicious aroma of grilled meat smelled, made her drool.Tonight, they built three tents on the hill. Nathania did not know that they would spend the night in this place. While everyone was lining up to get the meat, Nathania was silent and didn't know what to do.Her eyes continued to glance at the medium-sized tent and he already had a bad feeling about what was going to happen."This is the meat! are you hungry?" Richard walked over to her and handed her a piece of hot roast beef. Nathania accepted it confusedly."Um ... that ... why don't we go back to the palace?""We'll spend the night here, tomorrow morning we'll be home!""Is ... is that so?""Why? are you afraid to spend the night in the forest?""Ah, no ... no! I'm not afraid! I'm just ...""I know!" Nichol
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Bab 144. The Demon Wind
Gorevmenos ForestThose tired faces as if there was no hope were starting to be on the verge of being torn apart. Even the Commander of the Combat Troops who was known to be brave, could not do anything when he faced the demon.From the very beginning the decision to join this mission was an indisputable fact that a task as heavy as this could not be carried out by an ordinary human, even the strongest soldier."How long have we been in this forest? don't you feel anything strange?" asked Thalia. She felt weakness all over her body, even her face was pale because she couldn't sleep for days."I don't know, it feels like time is so slow! It should be night now, but why is the sky still bright?" Cornelius looked at the sky that looked very far away because of the big and dense trees that seemed to cover the path of light."Looks like we are having hallucinations due to fatigue or there is something wrong with the condition of this forest. Don't the trees
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Bab 145. Sacrifice
Gavin didn't give an answer because he wasn't sure that they would survive either. They had been trapped in this forest for days and until now, there had not been the slightest progress on the mission.Commander Michael, who is relied upon on the battlefield, has absolutely no moves in the face of the demon. Now, all they can do is hold on until they can find the demon's gate.Ten minutes passed, the demon wind disappeared along with a deafening hum from the bowels of the earth. Even though they realized that they were still alive, they had already lost a lot of energy to face this terrible terror."Looks like it's safe! are you all okay?" said Commander Michael after confirming that the demon wind was gone."We're okay, Commander!""We must continue our journey!""Wait, Commander!""What's the matter, Gavin?""Jonathan is injured, his hand was cut by the demon wind!""Jo ... Jonathan?" Cornelius immediately approached his friend
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Bab 146. Covert
"Ah ..." Keith let out a strong sigh, as he reached his satisfaction. His body was drenched in sweat, even though he was tired, he felt very satisfied.He embraced the woman lying in front of him while crushing his lips with a hot kiss. Keith smiled, he was happy."Did you enjoy it?" asked Keith, his hand gently touching her face with great love."As long as you enjoy it too,""What does it mean?""It is okay!" she said while raising her head and taking a sitting position which was automatically done by Keith who was in front of her."You're so beautiful, don't you still want to tell your name?""You already know, don't you?""What do you mean? I don't know!""Then, forget it!""Why is that? so, what should I call you?""You can call me anything!" the woman smiled sadly. Keith doesn't understand, why is this woman showing this reaction to him?In fact, she was the one who asked him to have sex. However, it was s
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Bab 147. Bad Feeling
Vasilenia KingdomNathania felt very restless, even though she knew that this would be like this, it was still not easy to adapt and acted as if there was nothing to worry about.It had been four hours since she had maintained this position, lying in the midst of the three young men who were fast asleep beside her. It's totally messed up, Vincent who sleeps on the right and Richard on the left is literally driving her crazy. They hugged her like a pillow and muttered indistinctly the whole night."Ho ... how long am I here? can't sleep! what if when I sleep and they even wake up first, realizing that I am a girl?" she thought. Cold sweat ran down her forehead, she couldn't stay in this place any longer and in the end fell asleep.Nathania lifted her head slowly, removed Vincent's hand that was hugging her and got up slowly to get out of this tent. If it's sneaking around, then Nathania is the master. She was used to sneaking out of her room and carrying h
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Bab 148. Haunted Feelings
Fotia Kingdom"What's the matter, Felix? It seem like you have something important to say!" asked King Ellios, staring coldly at Felix who was smiling meaningfully.Even though he had known Felix for a very long time, somehow he could never really trust him 100 percent. There was always suspicion after suspicion that arose in his heart and it was all due to Felix's reckless attitude and his close relationship with the magician Garrison who even had meetings behind him without telling him first."Stop suspecting me, Your Majesty! Didn't I swear that I would serve with all my heart to you and Fotia? So, why are you still suspicious?""If I could erase this suspicious voice, I would, Felix! without you having to tell me and try your best to convince me!""Hahahaha ... well, Your Majesty! I thought from the start it was indeed my fault for not being quick to tell you about Aiden's insane decision. For that one, I apologize profusely! and one thing I ha
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Bab 149. Family
Vasilenia KingdomNathania looked at the night sky from behind the palace window. While everyone was having fun as the dance was about to start, only Nathania was not that excited.She had been feeling restless since that bad feeling she started to feel two days ago and now, that feeling is getting stronger. Now, she just wanted to go home to make sure all was well.Behind her, Prince Vincent, David and Richard watched him as he thought of a clever plan to make him laugh like he did at a waterfall. Somehow, they really liked his expression and laugh.Vincent, who did not like to wait, immediately approached him without warning, seeing his behavior made David and Richard cursed."Hi, Nathan? What are you doing here alone?" asked him casually while embracing Nathania's shoulder."Tch, that idiot! Why does he always act arbitrarily?" complained Richard who was ready to beat him up.Meanwhile, Nathania is stunned to see Vincent's cheerful and co
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